(1) After we receive your approved design plans and information, we will check the design plans and information to reasonably assure they contain the documents and plan information outlined in our written guidelines for plan reviews as provided to approved licensed professionals. Once accepted we will assign a plan approval number and send a copy of the design plan with the plan approval number to the manufacturer.
(2) If our check of the design plans and information finds that they are not acceptable we will notify you in writing of the reasons why. Unless being audited in accordance with subsection (3) of this section, design plans and information may be corrected and resubmitted for acceptance within 90 days of our notification. We may charge the applicant an additional hourly fee to process revised submittals (see WAC
(3) We may audit design plans approved by a professional engineer, architect, or firm to ensure compliance with this chapter and our written guidelines for plan reviews. Audits may be either random audits or they may be audits of plans that were not accepted in accordance with subsection (2) of this section. The department's audit should not be construed as certifying that the plans are safe.
(4) If the audit finds that the design plans approved by the professionals and firms do not comply with this chapter and our written guidelines for plan reviews, the applicant will be notified and may be required to pay our fees for review and approval of the design plans. (See WAC
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
43.22 RCW. WSR 23-09-024, ยง 296-150R-0570, filed 4/11/23, effective 4/11/23.]