You must not use structural members with studs, dowels, or shear connectors installed on the top side as a walkway and/or means of access unless such studs, dowels, or shear connectors are covered with suitable material and in such a manner as to provide a walking surface at least as stable and free of hazards as the top surface of the member would provide without attachments installed.
Note: | For the purpose of this section, "stud" means all protruding metal attachments to structural members. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060. WSR 16-09-085, § 296-155-681, filed 4/19/16, effective 5/20/16. Statutory Authority: Chapter
49.17 RCW. WSR 89-11-035 (Order 89-03), § 296-155-681, filed 5/15/89, effective 6/30/89.]