(1) Where the current PM2.5 is 20.5 µg/m3 (AQI 69) or more, the employer is encouraged to implement exposure controls.
(2) Where the current PM2.5 is 35.5 µg/m3 (AQI 101) or more, the employer must implement effective exposure controls whenever feasible.
(3) Such controls include, but are not limited to:
(a) Providing enclosed buildings, structures, or vehicles where the air is adequately filtered;
(b) Providing portable HEPA filters in enclosed areas;
(c) Relocating work to a location with a lower ambient air concentration of PM2.5;
(d) Changing work schedules to a time with a lower ambient air concentration of PM2.5;
(e) Avoiding or reducing work that creates additional exposures to dust, fumes, or smoke;
(f) Reducing work intensity; and
(g) Providing additional rest periods.
(4) WAC 296-307-09835 is not required during emergency response.
Note: | Exposure controls may be implemented to the extent that the work is no longer covered by the scope of this rule as listed in WAC 296-307-09805 (1) or (2). |