Barrier. A fence, wall, or structure placed between a single-piece rim wheel and an employee during tire inflation, to contain the rim wheel components in the event of the sudden release of the contained air of the single-piece rim wheel.
Charts. The United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) publications entitled "Demounting and Mounting Procedures for Truck/Bus Tires" and "Multi-Piece Rim Matching Chart," the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) publications entitled "Demounting and Mounting Procedures for Truck/Bus Tires" and "Multi-Piece Rim Matching Chart," or any other poster that contains at least the same instructions, safety precautions and other information contained in the charts that is applicable to the types of wheels being serviced.
Demounting. The opposite of mounting.
Installing a rim wheel. The transfer and attachment of an assembled rim wheel onto a vehicle axle hub.
Mounting a tire. The assembly or putting together of the wheel and tire components to form a rim wheel, including inflation.
Multipiece rim wheel. The assembly of a multipiece wheel with the tire tube and other components.
Multipiece wheel. A vehicle wheel consisting of two or more parts, one of which is a side or locking ring designed to hold the tire on the wheel by interlocking components, when the tire is inflated.
Removing. The opposite of installing.
Restraining device. A cage, rack, assembly of bars, or other components that will constrain all rim wheel components during an explosive separation of a multipiece rim wheel, or during the sudden release of the contained air of a single-piece rim wheel.
Rim manual. A publication containing instructions from the manufacturer or other qualified organization for correct mounting, demounting, maintenance, and safety precautions peculiar to the type of wheel being serviced.
Rim wheel. An assembly of tire, tube and liner (where appropriate), and wheel components.
Service or servicing. The mounting and demounting of rim wheels, and related activities such as inflating, deflating, installing, removing, and handling.
Service area. That part of an employer's premises used for the servicing of rim wheels, or any other place where an employee services rim wheels.
Single-piece rim wheel. The assembly of single-piece rim wheel with the tire and other components.
Single-piece wheel. A vehicle wheel consisting of one part, designed to hold the tire on the wheel when the tire is inflated.
(a) Any potential path that a rim wheel component may travel during an explosive separation, or the sudden release of the pressurized air; or
(b) An area at which an air blast from a single-piece rim wheel may be released.
The trajectory may deviate from paths that are perpendicular to the assembled position of the rim wheel. (See Figure for examples of trajectories.)
Wheel. The part of a rim wheel that provides the method of attachment of the assembly to the axle of a vehicle and also provides the means to contain the inflated portion of the assembly (i.e., the tire and/or tube).
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.050, and
49.17.060. WSR 20-21-091, § 296-307-53003, filed 10/20/20, effective 11/20/20. WSR 97-09-013, recodified as § 296-307-53003, filed 4/7/97, effective 4/7/97. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.040, [49.17.]050 and [49.17.]060. WSR 96-22-048, § 296-306A-53003, filed 10/31/96, effective 12/1/96.]