This section: | Applies to: |
110 Switches (controls) | Hand-held portable power tools. |
120 Portable circular saws | Hand-held portable circular saws. |
130 Portable belt sanding machines | Hand-held portable belt sanding machines. |
140 Compressed air tools | Hand-held portable compressed air powered tools. It also applies to airhose and plastic pipe used to supply compressed air to these tools. |
150 Powder actuating fastening systems | Powder actuated fastening systems designed to use the expanding gases from a powder load to propel a stud, pin, fastener, or other object into hard structural material. |
160 Power lawnmowers | Consumer and commercial power lawnmowers. |
170 Jacks | Portable hand- or power-operated: • Hydraulic jacks • Mechanical ratchet jacks • Mechanical screw jacks. |
180 Portable tools using abrasive wheels | Portable tools using abrasive wheels. |