You must meet the requirements … | in this section: |
Make sure abrasive wheels and tools are properly designed and constructed | WAC 296-807-18005 |
Make sure machines have safety guards | WAC 296-807-18010 |
Keep safety guards in good functional condition | WAC 296-807-18015 |
Use specific safety guards for machines using Type 1 grinding wheels, cutting-off wheels, and tuck pointing wheels | WAC 296-807-18020 |
Use specific safety guards for vertical and angle grinders using Type 6 or Type 11 wheels | WAC 296-807-18025 |
Use specific safety guards for vertical and angle grinders using Type 27, 28 and 29 wheels | WAC 296-807-18030 |
Use side handles on vertical and angle grinders | WAC 296-807-18035 |
Make sure abrasive wheels are safe to use | WAC 296-807-18040 |
Mount wheels properly | WAC 296-807-18045 |
Use proper flanges | WAC 296-807-18050 |
Make sure flanges are in good condition | WAC 296-807-18055 |
Use specific flanges for Type 1 cutting-off wheels | WAC 296-807-18060 |
Use specific flanges for Type 27A cutting-off wheels | WAC 296-807-18065 |
Use specific flanges for threaded hole wheels | WAC 296-807-18070 |
Use specific flanges for cup, cone or plug wheels with threaded inserts or projecting studs | WAC 296-807-18075 |
Use blotters when required | WAC 296-807-18080 |
Meet specific blotter requirements when using modified Types 6 and 11 wheels (terrazzo) | WAC 296-807-18085 |