Exemption: | Periodic employee exposure monitoring is not required if exposure monitoring results conducted to fulfill requirements in Exposure evaluation, WAC 296-855-20050, are below the action level (AL). |
Note: | • If you documented that one work shift consistently has higher exposure monitoring results than another for a particular operation, then you may limit sample collection to the work shift with higher exposures and use those results to represent all employees performing the operation on other shifts. |
If employee exposure monitoring results: | Then: |
Are between the: | Conduct additional exposure monitoring at least every 6 months. |
• Action level (AL) of 0.5 parts per million (ppm); | |
AND | |
•TWA8 of 1 ppm | |
Are above the TWA8; | Conduct additional exposure monitoring at least every 3 months. |
OR | |
Above the STEL | |
Have been obtained at least every 3 months; | You may decrease your evaluation frequency for the TWA8 to every 6 months. |
AND | |
Have 2 consecutive monitoring results, taken at least 7 days apart, showing 8-hour employee exposure monitoring results that have dropped below the TWA8, but remain at or above the AL | |
Have 2 consecutive evaluations, taken at least 7 days apart, showing 8-hour employee exposure monitoring results that have dropped below the AL and STEL | You may stop periodic exposure evaluations. |