Note: | If the powered platform equipment meets the requirements of the edition of American National Standard Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers ANSI/ASME A120.1, Safety Requirements for Powered Platforms for Building Maintenance, that was in effect when the powered platform installation was completed, it will be considered to meet the requirements of this section. |
You must meet the requirements … | in this section: |
Design and construction | WAC 296-870-70005 |
Carriages | WAC 296-870-70010 |
Carriage strength and stability | WAC 296-870-70015 |
Carriage traversing | WAC 296-870-70020 |
Transportable outriggers | WAC 296-870-70025 |
Davits | WAC 296-870-70030 |
Hoisting machines | WAC 296-870-70035 |
Suspended equipment strength and stability | WAC 296-870-70040 |
Suspended equipment guardrail system | WAC 296-870-70045 |
Suspended working platforms and manned platforms used on supported equipment | WAC 296-870-70050 |
Working platform fall protection | WAC 296-870-70055 |
Two- and four-point suspended working platforms | WAC 296-870-70060 |
Ground-rigged working platforms | WAC 296-870-70065 |
Intermittently stabilized working platforms | WAC 296-870-70070 |
Button guide stabilized working platforms | WAC 296-870-70075 |
Supported equipment | WAC 296-870-70080 |
Suspension wire ropes and rope connections | WAC 296-870-70085 |
Control circuits, power circuits and electrical protective devices | WAC 296-870-70090 |