The cemetery authority or trustee shall calculate the average fair market value of the fund at the beginning of each fiscal year. Appraisal methods and/or sources utilized to determine fair market value to establish the initial value must remain the same in each reporting year.
(1) When calculating the average fair market value, if assets have been added to the fund during the years used to determine the average, the amount of each addition is added to all years in which such addition was not included. If extraordinary distributions were taken during any of the years used to determine the average, the amount of each distribution is subtracted from all years in which the distribution was not included.
(2) The cemetery authority or trustee shall exclude from the fair market value calculations any asset for which the fair market value cannot be established.
(3) The cemetery authority or trustee shall use the fair market value to calculate the average fair market value.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
68.05.105 and
18.39.175. WSR 20-09-031, ยง 308-50B-030, filed 4/6/20, effective 5/7/20.]