abbreviation | translation | description |
cab | taxi cab | Motor vehicle used for carrying passengers between two points for compensation for an on-demand trip rather than a scheduled route. A vehicle with this use class may not carry any luggage or commodities that do not belong to a passenger being carried at the same time. In other words, the vehicle cannot just carry cargo between two points. |
c/g | converter gear | Vehicle is an axle that is used to convert a semi-trailer to a full trailer. Converter gear is titled but not licensed. |
cmb | combination | Vehicle is either (1) a power unit with a declared gross weight of 42,000 pounds or more and tows a trailer; or (2) a trailing unit with permanent plates. The trailer may be towed only by a power unit with a CMB, or FCB use class. |
cmp | camper | Is a slide-in pickup camper (not a canopy) as defined in RCW 46.04.085. Even if the owner has chosen to permanently attach the camper to the pickup, the units need to be titled and licensed separately. |
com | commercial | Motor vehicle either (1) a power unit that does not pull a trailer or that pulls a trailer but the declared gross weight for the truck and trailer does not exceed 40,000 pounds; or (2) a trailing unit that is titled in a business name (including the name of a farm). A commercial trailer may be towed by a vehicle with PAS, TRK, COM, CMB, FAR or FCB use classes. If the trailer is being towed by a vehicle with FAR or FCB use class, the use of the trailer (items carried, etc.,) must meet the farm use class requirements. |
cyc | motorcycle | |
ex | exempt | Can be any type of vehicle, which is owned by a city, county or state government agency or federally recognized Indian tribe located in the state of Washington. This includes school buses, which are owned or leased by school districts. If the school district contracts a company to provide total bus service, such as the bus, the driver and the maintenance, and the vehicle is registered in the name of the school district as registered owner, the vehicle qualifies for exempt license plates. |
far | farm | Motor vehicle is a truck (or tractor) used to transport the farmer's own farm, orchard or dairy products as defined in RCW 46.16.090, or aquatic products as defined in RCW 15.85.020, from point of production to market or warehouse. The vehicle may also be used to transport the farmer's own farm supplies. |
fcb | farm combination | Motor vehicle is (1) a power unit (not a trailer) with a declared gross weight of 42,000 pounds or more and towing a trailer; and (2) meets the criteria of FAR use class above. |
fed | federal | Vehicle is owned by the federal government of the United States. Like exempt vehicles, this could be any type of vehicle. This does not include vehicles displaying license plates issued by the federal government. |
fex | farm exempt | |
fix | fixed load | Motor vehicle as defined in RCW 46.16.070(1). These vehicles have a unique use class because they are exempt from the law requiring vehicles with a scale weight of more than six thousand pounds to have a declared gross weight of at least 150 percent of the scale weight. The basic license fee is based on the declared gross weight for these vehicles and should be equal to the scale weight, or the next higher gross weight increment. If the scale weight exceeds the maximum legal limit for that vehicle, the declared gross weight needs to be equal to or just lower than the legal limit. Fixed load vehicles' maximum legal limit may actually be less than their scale weight. An oversize permit is required in addition to the registration in these cases. |
f/h | for hire | Motor vehicle is used to transport people and/or commodities for compensation as defined in RCW 46.72.010. A for hire permit from business and professions division (BPD) is required. |
h/c | horseless carriage | Motor vehicle 40 years old or older licensed with restricted use as defined in RCW 46.16.307. |
h/d | house dolly | Vehicle constructed and used exclusively to move buildings or homes. |
log | logging | Vehicle is a truck or trailer used exclusively for hauling logs. |
mep | medium speed electric passenger vehicle | Medium speed electric vehicle as defined in RCW 46.04.295. |
met | medium speed electric truck-type vehicle | Medium speed electric vehicle as defined in RCW 46.04.295 and 46.04 653. These vehicles are equipped with a truck-type bed. |
mh | motor home | Motorized vehicle designed for human habitation and defined in RCW 46.04.305 |
mob | mobile home | A mobile or manufactured home as defined in RCW 46.04.302 is titled but generally not registered. This use class does not include park model trailers. |
nep | neighborhood electric passenger vehicle | Neighborhood electric vehicle as defined in RCW 46.04.357. |
net | neighborhood electric truck-type vehicle | |
orv | off-road vehicle | |
pas | passenger | Motor vehicle used to transport passengers as defined in RCW 46.04.382. Typically passenger cars, utility or multipurpose vehicles, passenger vans, and private buses are licensed as passenger vehicles. |
ped | moped | |
res | restored | Motor vehicles over 30 years old licensed with restricted use as defined in RCW 46.16.307. Vehicles with this use class may display license plates described in WAC 308-96A-074. |
sch | school | Motor vehicle owned and operated by a private school meeting the accreditation requirements of RCW 28A.195.010. The vehicle is used to transport children to and from school or in connection with school activities. |
sno | snowmobile | Vehicle is a snowmobile as defined in RCW 46.10.010(2). |
snx | exempt snowmobile | Vehicle is a snowmobile as defined in RCW 46.10.010(2) and owned by a city, county or state agency. |
sta | stage | Motor vehicle used as an auto stage as defined in RCW 46.04.050. |
tlr | trailer | Vehicle is a personal use trailer as defined in RCW 46.04.620. Trailers used by businesses or others for commercial purposes do not qualify for this use class. |
tow | tow | |
trk | truck | Motor vehicle is a personal use truck, with a declared gross weight of twelve thousand pounds or less. Trucks used for business or commercial purposes do not qualify for the TRK use class. |
tvl | travel trailer | Vehicle is a travel trailer as defined in RCW 46.04.623, which includes park models and camp/tent trailers. |