(1) If there are no changes in the original school or school administrator approval application for a previously approved school or school administrator, the school or school administrator will be approved upon receipt of a school or school administrator renewal application and payment of the required fee.
(2) If there are changes in the original school or school administrator approval application for previously approved schools or school administrators, the application will not be processed as a renewal, and will require completion of a school or school administrator approval application and payment of required fees.
(3) If a school or school administrator renewal application or a school or school administrator approval application is submitted at least thirty days prior to the current school expiration date, the previous school or school administrator approval shall remain in effect until action to approve or disapprove the application is taken by the director.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
18.85.040 and
18.85.041. WSR 10-06-078, ยง 308-124H-885, filed 3/1/10, effective 7/1/10.]