PDFWAC 314-03-510

Endorsement for sale of growlers through takeout or delivery service.

(1) An endorsement is available for the sale of growlers through takeout and delivery service as set forth in section 1(4), chapter 279, Laws of 2023. There is no fee for a licensee to apply for and obtain this endorsement.
(2) As set forth in section 1(4), chapter 279, Laws of 2023, an endorsement to sell growlers for off-premises consumption through takeout or delivery service is available to licensees that were authorized by statute or rule before January 1, 2020, to sell growlers.
(a) Licensees eligible for this endorsement include: Taverns; beer and wine restaurants; spirits, beer, and wine restaurants; grocery stores; beer and wine specialty shops; breweries; microbreweries; wineries; combination spirits, beer, and wine licensees; and hotel licensees.
(b) For a beer and wine specialty shop to be eligible for the endorsement described in this section, the beer and wine specialty shop must meet the requirement in RCW 66.24.371(3), as it existed on December 31, 2019, that the licensee's beer and/or wine sales must be more than 50 percent of the licensee's total sales.
(3) In order to obtain and maintain this endorsement, licensees must meet the following requirements:
(a) Sale of growlers must meet federal alcohol and tobacco tax and trade bureau requirements.
(b)(i) Growlers must be filled at the tap by the licensee at the time of sale, except that beer and wine specialty shops licensed under RCW 66.24.371 and domestic breweries and microbreweries with this endorsement may sell prefilled growlers as set forth in section 1(4), chapter 279, Laws of 2023. Prefilled growlers must be sold the same day they are prepared for sale and not stored overnight for sale on future days.
(ii) Brewery and microbrewery products that meet federal alcohol and tobacco tax and trade bureau labeling requirements are not considered prefilled growlers and are not subject to the overnight storage prohibition.
(c) Growlers must be filled with alcohol products, such as beer, wine, or cider, that the licensee was authorized by statute or rule before January 1, 2020, to sell in growlers.
(d) If the growlers authorized for sale under this endorsement are sold through delivery service:
(i) Licensees must comply with the requirements in the consumer orders, internet sales, and delivery rules in this title, except to the extent that those rules allow delivery by third-party service providers and prohibit the delivery of growlers. For these requirements, see WAC 314-03-020 through 314-03-040.
(ii) Delivery must be made by an employee of the licensed business who is at least 21 years of age. Delivery may not be made by third-party service providers.
(iii) At the time of delivery, the employee making the delivery must verify that the person receiving the delivery is at least 21 years of age using an acceptable form of identification in WAC 314-11-025. See RCW 66.44.270.
(iv) As set forth in section 1(8), chapter 279, Laws of 2023, upon delivery of the alcohol product, the signature of the person age 21 or over receiving the delivery must be obtained. Delivery sales records must meet the requirements in the consumer orders, internet sales, and delivery rules. For general record retention requirements, see WAC 314-11-095.
(v) If no person age 21 or over is present to accept the alcohol product at the time of delivery, the alcohol product must be returned. An alcohol product may not be left unattended at a delivery location.
(vi) Delivery of an alcohol product may not be made to any person who shows signs of intoxication. See RCW 66.44.200.
(e)(i) In addition to the signs required by WAC 314-11-060, signs provided electronically by the board regarding public consumption and transportation of any alcohol products sold through takeout or delivery service must be posted in plain view at:
(A) The main entrance to the area of the premises where alcohol products are sold; and
(B) The areas of the premises where alcohol products are picked up for takeout or delivery service.
(ii) The signs will be designed to remind customers purchasing alcohol products through takeout or delivery service that they must comply with applicable laws and rules including, but not limited to, restrictions on consuming alcohol in public in RCW 66.44.100 and restrictions on drinking or having an open container in a vehicle in RCW 46.61.519.
(4) In addition to the requirements listed in this section, licensees must comply with all applicable requirements in Title 66 RCW, Title 314 WAC, and any other applicable laws and rules including, but not limited to, restrictions on sales to minors and intoxicated persons in chapter 66.44 RCW and WAC 314-16-150.
(5) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "Alcohol product" means liquor as defined in RCW 66.04.010.
(b) "Beer" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 66.04.010.
(c) "Cider" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 66.24.210.
(d) "Growlers" has the same meaning as defined in section 2(10), chapter 48, Laws of 2021: Sanitary containers brought to the premises by the purchaser or furnished by the licensee and filled by the retailer at the time of sale.
(e) "Wine" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 66.04.010.
(6) The delivery service endorsement described in this section expires July 1, 2025, as set forth in section 1(4), chapter 279, Laws of 2023.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 279, RCW 66.08.071, and 66.08.030. WSR 23-14-119, § 314-03-510, filed 7/5/23, effective 7/5/23. Statutory Authority: 2021 c 48 § 2, RCW 66.08.071, 66.08.030 and 2021 c 48. WSR 22-01-052, § 314-03-510, filed 12/8/21, effective 1/8/22.]