(1) The department may accept serviceable equivalents to any of the requirements in WAC
332-24-405. Such substitutions must be made in writing by the department.
(2) The department may, by written permission, reduce the requirements set forth in WAC
332-24-405 whenever, in the opinion of the department, the operation is of such type or location and/or weather is such that all the requirements are not needed for the protection of life and property.
(3) The department may, in writing, require additional equipment, above the requirements of WAC
332-24-405 for fire protection in those areas known to have had rapid fluctuations of extreme fire weather and/or concentrations of additional hazards.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
76.04.015. WSR 87-11-005 (Order 504), ยง 332-24-411, filed 5/8/87.]