PDFWAC 332-160-080

Committee membership.

Who serves on the committee on geographic names? The Washington state committee on geographic names is comprised of a seven member committee.
(1) Membership: In compliance with RCW 43.30.292, the Washington state committee on geographic names shall consist of:
(a) The Washington state commissioner of public lands or representative. The commissioner or the commissioner's representative shall serve as chair of the committee.
(b) The Washington state librarian or the librarian's designee.
(c) The director of the Washington state department of archaeology and historic preservation or the director's designee.
(d) A representative of the Washington state tribes, to be appointed by the commissioner from nominations made by Washington's recognized tribal governments.
(e) Three members from the public to be appointed by the commissioner.
(2) Delegation: No member may delegate their position to another, except as authorized by RCW 43.30.292 to provide a representative or designee, or as otherwise authorized by law.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.293. WSR 16-15-074, ยง 332-160-080, filed 7/19/16, effective 8/19/16.]