An application shall be considered complete when the applicant has submitted to the department an application on a form approved by the department together with:
(1) Income verification such as pay stubs, tax statements, documentation from a local, state or federal agency such as department of social and health services, employment security, Social Security, or any other documentation of income as determined by the department;
(2) A copy of the notice from the park owner, or other adequate proof, that the tenancy is terminated due to closure of the park or its conversion to another use;
(3) A copy of the rental agreement then in force or other proof that the applicant was a tenant at the time of notice of closure;
(4) A copy of the contract for relocating the home or other proof of actual relocation expenses. Documentation must include either the date of relocation or actual dates expenses were incurred;
(5) A statement of any other assistance received;
(6) For a home that cannot be relocated, applicants must provide:
(a) Adequate proof that the home cannot be relocated pursuant to WAC
365-212-070; and
(b) For applicants seeking reimbursement for a down payment on a new home, documentation of the purchase pursuant to WAC
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
59.21 RCW, RCW
43.330.040. WSR 03-07-036, ยง 365-212-040, filed 3/13/03, effective 4/13/03.]