PDFWAC 374-100-070

Timing of the SEPA process.

(1) As provided by WAC 197-11-055, the SEPA process shall be completed before the pollution liability insurance agency is irrevocably committed to a particular course of action. At the same time, the SEPA process should not be undertaken until a proposal is sufficiently definite to permit meaningful environmental analysis.
(2) When PLIA receives an application or proposal, the agency shall determine whether PLIA's SEPA action is "categorically exempt" or statutorily exempt from SEPA. If exempt, and WAC 197-11-305 does not remove categorical exempt status, PLIA has no further obligation under SEPA.
(3) The threshold determination and any required environmental impact statement (EIS) for PLIA nonproject actions shall be completed prior to official adoption of the action in question.
(4) The threshold determination and any required EIS for issuance of a loan or grant under PLIA's underground storage tank loan and grant program shall be completed prior to issuance of the loan or grant in question. Applicants shall provide all environmental and design information necessary to prepare the appropriate environmental document.
(5) The threshold determination and any required EIS for PLIA actions of a project nature shall in all cases be completed prior to the approval of the location or design of the project in question. Where the project involves remedial actions under the Model Toxics Control Act conducted a potentially liable person under an order or consent decree, the timing and review requirements of WAC 197-11-250 through 197-11-268 will govern as appropriate.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21C.120. WSR 20-02-007, ยง 374-100-070, filed 12/18/19, effective 1/18/20.]