PDFWAC 392-145-050

Driving requirements.

In addition to the following school bus operating requirements, school bus drivers shall observe all driving regulations set forth in the laws of the state of Washington relating to the operation of motor vehicles (chapter 46.61 RCW, Rules of the road).
(1) School bus drivers shall not manually change gears while proceeding downhill. Necessary gear changes shall be made before starting down a hill.
(2) No school bus driver shall disengage the clutch or place the transmission into neutral and allow the school bus to coast.
(3) Backing a school bus is prohibited unless an adult flagman assists or an emergency exists. Any deviation from this regulation shall require prior approval by an authorized school district administrator. In all cases, the school bus driver will minimize the extent of such backing. In the event of an emergency, backing of a school bus shall be permitted only when there is no danger to pedestrians or passengers.
(4) School bus drivers shall yield the right of way to emergency vehicles.
(5) The speed of a school bus shall not be allowed to exceed the legal truck speed or any other applicable posted speed limit.
(6) When it is necessary to overtake and pass a slow moving vehicle, school bus drivers shall take reasonable action to assure that no third vehicle is drawing near. There shall be a visual road clearance of at least eight hundred feet on the road surface.
(7) All school buses shall slow down to ten miles an hour or less before making a ninety degree right or left turn.
(8) All school buses shall be operated with the headlights on when carrying passengers or traveling on a public roadway.
(9) All school buses shall be operated with the doors closed when carrying passengers or traveling on a public roadway.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.61.380. WSR 07-05-058, ยง 392-145-050, filed 2/20/07, effective 11/1/07.]