When in the judgment of the superintendent of public instruction information is not readily available to complete the state study and survey or the superintendent of public instruction determines that an existing study and survey, although completed within the previous six years, is out of date, the superintendent of public instruction shall approve a district's request for a state planning grant to offset all or a portion of the cost of acquiring such information unless it is determined that there is no possibility that the district will be eligible for state funding assistance within the next seventy-two months. The state planning grant shall be based on a minimum flat amount for each enrollment category plus a variable allocation based on the district's estimated gross square footage of existing school facilities and in accordance with the following schedule:
Headcount Enrollment Categories |
Enrollment of 1 to 500—Minimum state planning grant plus square footage allocation |
Enrollment of 501 to 3,000—Minimum state planning grant plus square footage allocation |
Enrollment of 3,001 to 10,000—Minimum state planning grant plus square footage allocation |
Enrollment of above 10,000—Minimum state planning grant plus square footage allocation |
The dollar amount for the minimum grants and the square footage allocations for these categories shall be established annually by the superintendent of public instruction.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28A.525.020. WSR 10-09-008, § 392-341-030, filed 4/8/10, effective 5/9/10; WSR 06-16-032, amended and recodified as § 392-341-030, filed 7/25/06, effective 8/25/06. Statutory Authority: RCW
28A.525.020 and 1992 c 233 § 24(8). WSR 92-16-058, § 180-25-030, filed 8/3/92, effective 9/3/92. Statutory Authority: RCW
28A.47.830. WSR 85-24-047 (Order 24-85), § 180-25-030, filed 11/27/85; WSR 83-21-064 (Order 9-83), § 180-25-030, filed 10/17/83.]