PDFWAC 392-348-255

Interdistrict relationships.

Prior to application to the superintendent of public instruction for the establishment of a new secondary school, the district or districts presently serving students living in the nonhigh school district shall have been given adequate notice of the intent of the nonhigh school district subsequently to withdraw students.
The board of directors of the nonhigh school district seeking approval of the establishment of a new secondary school shall submit evidence that students living in the nonhigh school district cannot be economically and reasonably served in an existing high school or high schools.
There must be adequate proof that the proposed secondary facilities will not duplicate facilities already constructed with state and/or recommended federal assistance when such assistance was predicated on educational service to the nonhigh school district or districts: Provided, That the nonhigh school district may petition the superintendent of public instruction for a feasibility study of the establishment of a high school when the existing high school district facilities reach designated maximum utilization and new construction is needed.
Evidence shall be submitted that unreasonable duplication of transportation routes and/or facilities will not result from the establishment of the new secondary school.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 (5), (10), 28A.315.015 (2)(e), 28A.315.175, 28A.315.195(4), 28A.315.205(3). WSR 06-17-038, amended and recodified as ยง 392-348-255, filed 8/8/06, effective 9/8/06. SBE 56-8-535, filed 3/29/65, effective 4/29/65; Emergency and Permanent Rule, filed 6/21/63.]