PDFWAC 392-600-040

Skill center facilities and capital funding.

(1) A skill center administrative council, as defined in WAC 392-600-010, in need of core or branch facility investments may request state capital funding through the state capital budget process.
(a) Existing skill center core and branch campuses requesting major capital project funding within the ten year capital budget planning cycle shall submit a capital plan to the superintendent of public instruction, school facilities and organization, for their skill center facilities by December 1st of each odd-numbered year.
(b) Emerging skill center core or branch campuses in need of new or remodeled permanent housing as identified in the feasibility study or feasibility study waiver request, may initiate through their administrative council and host district a request to the superintendent of public instruction, school facilities and organization, for a capital plan for predesign, design and subsequently for capital construction by May 1st of each year.
(c) The capital budget plan must identify a local contribution as provided in RCW 28A.245.030(3). The local contribution may be determined based on the total expected value of the project cost to include all phases of construction as proposed in the ten year plan. The local contribution must receive prior approval from the superintendent of public instruction, school facilities and organization, and may include the following:
(i) Local project funding from cooperating districts;
(ii) Fair market value of land as determined by a state certified general appraiser;
(iii) In-kind labor for capital planning, design, construction or capital project management; and
(iv) Other capital services provided by the cooperating districts.
(d) All capital plan submissions shall conform to the office of financial management's capital budget guidelines. Activities surrounding program development and operational oversight are not allowable capital expenditures.
(2) Minor works. A skill center administrative council may request state funding for core, branch or satellite facility minor works projects through the biennial capital budget.
Project requests shall be received by the superintendent of public instruction, school facilities and organization, by May 1st of each even-numbered year.
(3) All projects must conform to the office of financial management's capital budget guidelines.
(4) Ten year plan. The state superintendent or designee, in cooperation with the skill center directors and a representative of each emerging skill center, shall prepare a prioritized list of skill center capital projects to include major construction and minor works funding levels for the ten year plan required by RCW 28A.245.030(3).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.245.030. WSR 10-04-010, ยง 392-600-040, filed 1/22/10, effective 2/22/10.]