(1) Local governments desiring participation in the regional transportation planning program must submit an RTPO designation package to WSDOT. This information is necessary for WSDOT to verify that the RTPO meets the requirements of RCW
47.80.020. This package shall contain the following items:
(a) A description of the region;
(b) A formal designation of the RTPO, in the form of a resolution or other legal declaration;
(c) A list of all RTPO member local governments;
(d) A copy of the interlocal agreement that will govern RTPO operations;
(e) A formal designation by the RTPO of the lead planning agency; and
(f) A description of the RTPO's transportation policy board.
(2) WSDOT has the responsibility of verifying that RTPOs designated by local governments meet the state requirements. The most recent annual OFM population data will be used to verify population figures. WSDOT will review the RTPO designation package, make a finding of verification, and concur with or deny the local designation. Once verified, the RTPO may proceed in carrying out its duties and may receive regional transportation planning formula grants. If significant changes are made in the structure of the RTPO, WSDOT may request that another designation package be submitted for verification review.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
47.80.070 and SHB 1928, Section 5. WSR 97-09-046 (Order 169), ยง 468-86-070, filed 4/15/97, effective 5/16/97.]