PDFWAC 173-219-110

Public notice.

(1) Public notice of permit application when ecology is the lead agency. Ecology will provide notice of a complete reclaimed water permit application via electronic mail, posting on ecology's website, press release, or other appropriate means.
(2) Public notice of draft permitting decision when ecology is the lead agency. Ecology will publish via electronic mail, posting to ecology's website, press release, or other appropriate means, any draft decision to issue a permit, including ecology's findings on compliance with RCW 90.46.130. This public notice must state that a draft reclaimed water permit is available for review and comment and at a minimum, include the following:
(a) The name, address, email, and phone number of the lead agency.
(b) The procedure for obtaining a copy of the fact sheet and the draft permit(s).
(c) The type and location of the reclaimed water facility.
(d) The procedures for finalizing the draft reclaimed water permit and the means by which interested persons may comment on the draft reclaimed water permit, including:
(i) The length of the public comment period.
(ii) How and by when to request a public hearing.
(3) Public notice when health is the lead agency. Health must require the applicant to provide the public notice details described in this section consistent with the requirements of WAC 246-272B-02200, 246-272B-02300, and 246-272B-02250, regardless of the size of the reclaimed water and on-site sewage system(s).
(4) Public notice of final permitting decision. The lead agency will publicize, at least as broadly as required for the draft permitting decision under subsections (2) and (3) of this section, their final reclaimed water permitting decision per RCW 90.46.220. This notice must include:
(a) If issued, the lead agency must provide:
(i) The procedure for obtaining a copy of the final reclaimed water permit and fact sheet.
(ii) Effective date of the reclaimed water permit.
(iii) Expiration date of the reclaimed water permit.
(iv) Appeal procedures under WAC 173-219-160.
(b) If denied, the lead agency must provide:
(i) Basis for permit issuance denial.
(ii) Appeal procedures under WAC 173-219-160.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 90.46.015. WSR 18-03-166 (Order 06-12), ยง 173-219-110, filed 1/23/18, effective 2/23/18.]