(1) This chapter recognizes that:
(a) The state contains thousands of hazardous waste sites that present serious threats to human health and the environment, including the state's water resources;
(b) Many of these hazardous waste sites, such as landfills and port facilities, are owned or operated by local governments;
(c) Many of the properties affected by these hazardous waste sites are brownfield properties, where economic development and other community reuse objectives are hindered by the presence of contamination; and
(d) The cost of cleaning up these hazardous waste sites in many cases is beyond the financial means of local governments and ratepayers.
(2) This chapter establishes requirements for a program of grants and loans to local governments for remedial action pursuant to RCW
70.105D.070 (4) and (8).
(3) The purpose of the remedial action grants and loans program established by this chapter is to expedite the cleanup and redevelopment of hazardous waste sites and to lessen the impact of the cleanup on ratepayers and taxpayers. The remedial action grants and loans shall be used to supplement local government funding and funding from other sources to carry out remedial actions.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
70.105D RCW. WSR 14-18-060 (Order 13-09), ยง 173-322A-010, filed 8/29/14, effective 9/29/14.]