The applicant shall provide sufficient information to show that its workable program is designed to provide for effective prevention and control of air pollution through an orderly progression of development, establishment, and improvement of air pollution control programs.
(1) The initial activity of an applicant shall be the development of a plan designed to provide an evaluation of existing and potential air pollution within the jurisdiction of the applicant, including a general inventory of the types of air contaminant sources and their relative contribution to the air pollution problem; to provide for the initiation of air quality surveillance appropriate to the air contaminant sources over which the applicant will have jurisdiction; and to provide for the development of regulations appropriate to the existing air contaminant sources or those which may be reasonably anticipated.
(2) The establishment and improvement of air pollution control programs which constitute the operating control activity of an applicant, shall be oriented to attaining compliance with requirements and regulations of the applicant with respect to air contaminant sources under its jurisdiction.
(3) Sampling and monitoring programs shall be oriented to surveillance for control purposes with respect to those air contaminant sources under the applicant's jurisdiction, except as may be requested by the department to supplement the statewide monitoring program.
(4) Budget for personnel, equipment and other operating expenses must be adequate to carry out the program during the grant period for which state financial aid is requested. Total funding from all sources shall provide, as a minimum, for the equivalent of one full time person: Provided, That the department may approve the sharing of personnel with another agency, the utilization of part-time staff, or persons under contract when these methods can be demonstrated as an effective means of carrying out the program and the purposes of the Washington Clean Air Act.
(5) The locally funded portion of the annual operating cost, budgeted and expended in any grant period for which application is made for state financial aid, shall not be less than the locally funded annual expenditure for air pollution control during the twelve-months' period immediately preceding the proposed grant period, unless it can be demonstrated by the applicant that there were necessary nonrecurring expenditures in the previous period or that the program objectives and the purposes of the Washington Clean Air Act can reasonably be met with a reduced expenditure.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
70.94 RCW. WSR 87-19-077 (Order 87-16), ยง 173-450-050, filed 9/16/87.]