(1) No grant of state funds shall be made to any grantee for a period in excess of twelve months.
(2) Any state financial aid granted shall be used solely for carrying out the program outlined in the approved application or approved amendment as provided in WAC
173-450-040 and
(3) The grantee shall provide for and maintain such accounting, budgetary, and other fiscal procedures so as to assure the proper and efficient administration of funds. The fiscal records shall be such as to reflect currently the receipt and disposition of all funds including state financial aid. Such records and documents pertinent to the receipt and disposition of funds shall be kept available for review and audit.
(4) As a minimum the grantee shall submit quarterly financial and progress reports to the department.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
70.94 RCW. WSR 87-19-077 (Order 87-16), ยง 173-450-060, filed 9/16/87.]