(1) Inclined conveyance elevator frames and platforms shall:
(a) Be built of metal, a combination of metal and wood or other materials of equal strength;
(b) Have a safety factor of at least 5; and
(c) Be suitably prepared and/or protected from exposure to weather.
(2) Inclined conveyance chassis shall:
(a) Be built of metal, except for the guiding members;
(b) Have a safety factor of at least 5, based upon the conveyance's rated load; and
(c) Have the chassis guiding members retained and/or enclosed in guides so that the chassis cannot be derailed.
(3) Cast iron may not be used in the construction of the conveyance frame or chassis.
(4) A car shall have only one compartment.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
70.87 RCW. WSR 18-18-070, ยง 296-96-24234, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18.]