PDFWAC 296-125-0750

What are the criteria used by a school to evaluate special variance requests?

In evaluating requests for special variances, a school must consider at least the following factors:
(1) Does the employer hold a current valid minor work permit endorsement?
(2) What is the student's attendance pattern?
(3) Is the student making satisfactory academic progress?
(4) Will the student still have opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities?
(5) How many school nights will the student work?
(6) How late in the evening will the student work?
(7) How long a shift will the student work?
(8) How sound is the student's rationale for requesting a variance from the work hour restrictions illustrated in the table in WAC 296-125-0700(4)?
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.12.121. WSR 99-02-041, ยง 296-125-0750, filed 12/31/98, effective 1/31/99.]