(1) You must guard live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more against accidental contact by any of the following means:
(a) By approved cabinets or other forms of approved enclosures.
(b) By location in a room, vault, or similar enclosure that is accessible only to employees qualified to work on the equipment. Entrances to rooms and other guarded locations containing exposed live parts must be marked with conspicuous warning signs forbidding unqualified persons to enter.
(c) By permanent, substantial partitions or screens so that only employees qualified to work on the equipment will have access within reach of the live parts. Any openings must prevent accidental contact with live parts by employees or objects employees carry.
(d) By location on a balcony, gallery, or platform that will exclude unqualified persons.
(e) By being located eight feet or more above the floor or other working surface.
(2) You must make sure all electrical appliances, fixtures, lampholders, lamps, rosettes, and receptacles do not have live parts normally exposed to employee contact.
Rosettes and cleat type lampholders at least 8 feet above the ground may have exposed parts.
(3) In locations where electric equipment would be exposed to physical damage, enclosures or guards must be so arranged and of such strength as to prevent such damage.
Live Parts Guarded by Distance
(4) You must mark entrances to rooms and other guarded locations containing exposed live parts with conspicuous warning signs forbidding unqualified persons to enter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.050, and
49.17.060. WSR 18-22-116, § 296-800-28035, filed 11/6/18, effective 12/7/18. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060, and chapter
49.17 RCW. WSR 12-16-064, § 296-800-28035, filed 7/31/12, effective 9/1/12. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050. WSR 01-11-038, § 296-800-28035, filed 5/9/01, effective 9/1/01.]