PDFWAC 456-10-230

Ex parte communication.

Neither the board nor any person will make or attempt to make any ex parte communications with a member of the board, presiding officer, or tax referee which are prohibited by the Administrative Procedure Act in RCW 34.05.455. Attempts to make such communications will be subject to the sanctions in WAC 456-10-220 and 456-10-555. Communication with the board's administrative staff or executive director are not considered ex parte communication.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. WSR 25-02-077, s 456-10-230, filed 12/24/24, effective 1/24/25; WSR 22-13-111, § 456-10-230, filed 6/15/22, effective 7/16/22; WSR 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-230, filed 5/2/89.]