(1) The title page of every tariff or supplement must show not less than thirty days' notice, or bear plain notation to the number and date of the permission or rule or decision of the commission under which it is effective on less than such statutory notice. The title page of every tariff, and the title page of every supplement shall show at least the following:
(a) Name of company issuing tariff and the number of its certificate, permit or license, if any, as the case may be; or name of bureau or agency filing tariff under powers of attorney.
(b) An identifying tariff number; also supplement number if the filing is a supplement. If tariffs or supplements are canceled thereby the numbers of such tariffs or supplements shall be named. If the number of canceled publications is so large as to render it impracticable to thus enter them on the title page they must be shown immediately following the table of contents provided specific reference thereto is entered on title page directly under the tariff or supplement number.
(c) Type of service covered by the tariff.
(d) The territory from and to which the tariff or supplement applies or location of dock or warehouse.
(e) On tariffs which have interstate application, a clear statement indicating the Washington intrastate application or nonapplication of the tariff, or reference to a page or item where such statement will be found.
(f) Reference by name and number to the classification, exceptions thereto and rules circulars, if any, governing the tariff or supplement. In the alternative reference may be shown on the title page to an item or page of the tariff where governing publications are named. A tariff is not governed by a classification, classification exceptions or rules circular except when and to what extent stated on or in the tariff.
(g) Date of issue and date effective. When a tariff or supplement is made to expire on a given date the term "Expires on (date) unless sooner canceled, changed or extended," must be used.
(h) On every tariff or supplement in which the rates, fares, charges, rules or regulations are made effective on less than statutory notice the notation "Issued on less than statutory notice under authority of (show authority) " must be shown.
(i) Name, title and street address of tariff publishing officer by whom the tariff or supplement is issued.
[Order R-16, ยง 480-149-030, filed 2/3/70; Public Service Commission Cause No. T-9494, filed 4/5/61.]