PDFWAC 484-50-030

If a public record identifies or pertains to an individual or organization, other than the requestor, is that individual or organization notified?

(1) If records responsive to a public records request identify or pertain directly to an individual or organization other than the requestor, WDVA may notify the named individual or organization about the request.
(2) WDVA's third-party notice may include:
(a) A copy of the original request;
(b) If appropriate, the records that identify or pertain to the third party;
(c) The date WDVA intends to release the record; and
(d) A statement that the third party may prevent release of the record by agreement or by bringing a lawsuit and getting an injunction against WDVA and the requestor under RCW 42.56.540 prior to the intended release date.
(3) WDVA may inform the requestor that:
(a) A third party has been notified of the request;
(b) WDVA provided the third party with a due date for objecting to disclosure; and
(c) In the absence of an agreement with the requestor, the third party may bring a lawsuit against the requestor and WDVA under RCW 42.56.540 to stop disclosure.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 42.56.040, 42.56.070, 42.56.090, and 42.56.120. WSR 20-15-006, ยง 484-50-030, filed 7/2/20, effective 8/2/20.]