(1) Grievances should be filed as soon as possible and no more than 30 days after the incident occurs. For matters relating to Title IX violations, the college shall follow the process previously outlined in this chapter.
(a) Step one. The student shall first schedule an informal meeting with the instructor or staff member to resolve the concern(s).
If an informal meeting does not resolve the concern(s), within 10 working days from the time of the informal meeting, the student may present the grievance in writing to the instructor or staff member involved with a copy sent to the area administrator of student services. Within 10 working days after receiving the grievance, the instructor or staff member shall respond to the grievance in writing.
(b) Step two. If the grievance is not resolved at step one, the student may within 10 working days of the receipt of the written response, appeal to the area administrator by submitting the appropriate copy of the grievance form and all documents from step one to the area administrator.
(i) The area administrator shall hear the grievance within 10 working days after receipt of the grievance form and shall render a decision in writing within 10 working days after such hearing.
(ii) The student will be afforded an adequate and fair opportunity to fully present their position and the relevant facts as they relate to the issues raised by the grievance.
(c) Step three. If the grievance is not resolved at step two, the student may within 10 working days of receipt of the written response, provide the appropriate copy of the student grievance form and a written appeal, accompanied by documents and correspondence, to the senior administrator of student services.
(i) The senior administrator of student services shall hear the grievance within 10 working days after receipt of the written appeal and shall render a decision in writing within 10 working days after such hearing concludes.
(ii) The student will be afforded an adequate and fair opportunity to fully present their position and the relevant facts and issues to be addressed in the grievance.
(iii) The decision of the senior administrator of student services shall be final and binding on all parties involved in the grievance.
(iv) Any settlement of the grievance shall be applicable to that grievance only and shall not be a precedent or have binding effect or disposition on any other grievances of similar nature.
(2) Complaints should be filed as soon as possible and no more than 30 days after the incident occurs.
(a) Step one. The student shall first schedule an informal meeting with the instructor or staff member to resolve the concern(s).
If an informal meeting does not resolve the concern(s), within 10 working days from the time of the informal meeting, the student may present the grievance in writing to the instructor or staff member involved with a copy sent to the area administrator of student services. Within 10 working days after receiving the grievance, the instructor or staff member shall respond to the grievance in writing.
(b) Step two. If the grievance is not resolved at step one, the student may within 10 working days of the receipt of the written response, appeal to the area administrator by submitting the appropriate copy of the grievance form and all documents from step one to the area administrator.
(i) The area administrator shall hear the grievance within 10 working days after receipt of the grievance form and shall render a decision in writing within 10 working days after such hearing.
(ii) The student will be afforded an adequate and fair opportunity to fully present their position and the relevant facts as they relate to the issues raised by the grievance.
(c) Step three. If the grievance is not resolved at step two, the student may within 10 working days of receipt of the written response, provide the appropriate copy of the student grievance form and a written appeal, accompanied by documents and correspondence, to the senior administrator of student services.
(i) The senior administrator of student services shall hear the grievance within 10 working days after receipt of the written appeal and shall render a decision in writing within 10 working days after such hearing concludes.
(ii) The student will be afforded an adequate and fair opportunity to fully present their position and the relevant facts and issues to be addressed in the grievance.
(iii) The decision of the senior administrator of student services shall be final and binding on all parties involved in the grievance.
(iv) Any settlement of the grievance shall be applicable to that grievance only and shall not be a precedent or have binding effect or disposition on any other grievances of similar nature.
[Statutory Authority: 20 U.S.C. § 1681, et seq. and 34 C.F.R. Part 106. WSR 25-01-151, s 495A-119-190, filed 12/18/24, effective 1/18/25.]