The student must file a grievance within one quarter of the event, which caused the grievance to be filed. The senior administrator of student services may suspend this rule under exceptional circumstances such as extended illness or a leave of absence. No complaints will be considered after two quarters of the occurrence of the source of the grievance. When either party to the grievance is no longer present at the college and does not expect to return, the senior administrator of student services will give the absent party reasonable opportunity to reply to the grievance before making a decision.
The student must file a complaint within one quarter of the event, which caused the grievance to be filed. The senior administrator of student services may suspend this rule under exceptional circumstances such as extended illness, or a leave of absence. No complaints will be considered after two quarters of the occurrence of the source of the grievance. When either party to the complaint is no longer present at the college and does not expect to return, the senior administrator of student services will give the absent party reasonable opportunity to reply to the complaint before making a decision.
[Statutory Authority: 20 U.S.C. § 1681, et seq. and 34 C.F.R. Part 106. WSR 25-01-151, s 495A-119-200, filed 12/18/24, effective 1/18/25.]