(1) All additions or changes to existing certified systems may be subject to existing utility standards and policies.
(2) If a residential-scale or commercial-scale customer-owner makes investments that result in an expansion of capacity, the applicant must provide this information to the energy program. The energy program may:
(a) Issue a new certification for an additional system installed with a previously certified system, as long as the new system meets the program requirements and its production can be measured separately from the previously certified system. These systems may be subject to additional annual reporting requirements including, but not limited to, production meter readings from each system.
(b) Issue a recertification if the additional capacity is not measured separately. Such recertification expires on the same day as the original certification for the residential-scale or commercial-scale system, and applies the incentive rates and program rules that are in effect as of the date of the recertification.
(3) The following examples illustrate how increases in system capacity may affect incentive payments:
(a) A five kilowatts direct current residential-scale system is certified in February 2019 and is eligible for the fourteen cents incentive rate. Two kilowatts direct current of capacity is added in February 2021 without a separate production meter and the system is recertified in the same fiscal year. The incentive rate of ten cents per kilowatt-hour applies to all future incentive payments of the entire seven kilowatts direct current system. Incentive payments end in 2027 or when cumulative incentive payments reach fifty percent of the total system price plus the expansion price, including applicable sales tax, whichever comes first;
(b) A five kilowatts direct current residential-scale system is certified in February 2019 and is eligible for the fourteen cents incentive rate. If two kilowatts direct current of capacity is added in February 2021 with its own production meter, the addition may be certified separately and the ten cent rate applies only to the production from this separate system and ends in 2029. The originally certified five kilowatts direct current system continues to be certified at the fourteen cents rate, with those payments ending in 2027. Cumulative incentive payments of fifty percent of the total system price, including applicable sales tax, apply separately to the five kilowatts direct current and two kilowatts direct current installations;
(c) An increase in nameplate capacity, production metered or not, results in the total capacity being greater than twelve kilowatts direct current. Recertification is required and the applicable commercial-scale incentive rate will apply.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.30.150. WSR 18-20-025, ยง 504-49-305, filed 9/24/18, effective 10/25/18.]