WSR 98-11-059
[Filed May 19, 1998, 10:54 a.m.]
notice of adoption of policy statement
Title: "Expedited Case Closure Following Initial Investigation, A22.02."
Issuing Entity: Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission.
Subject: The commission adopted this policy to expedite the resolution of cases that appear appropriate for closure after initial investigation, and by doing so, to conserve scarce resources and allow staff and commission members to meet timelines for serious complaints. This policy is for a six month pilot project.
Effective Date: April 10, 1998.
Contact Person: Jeanne E. Vincent, RN, MS, Associate Nurse Practice Manager, Department of Health, Nursing Care Commission, P.O. Box 47864, Olympia, WA 98504-7864, (360) 664-2881.