WSR 98-14-017
[Filed June 19, 1998, 2:12 p.m.]
The Following Sections are Proposed for Expedited Repeal: Chapter 82-40 WAC which includes WAC 82-40-010, 82-40-020, 82-49-030 [82-40-030], 82-40-040, 82-40-050, 82-40-060, and 82-40-070.
Rules Proposed for Expedited Repeal Meet the Following Criteria: Statute on which the rule was based has been repealed and has not been replaced by another statute providing statutory authority for the rule.
Any person who objects to the repeal of the rule must file a written objection to the repeal within thirty days after publication of this preproposal statement of inquiry.
Address Your Objection to: Lynne McGuire, Rules Coordinator, Office of Financial Management, P.O. Box 43113, Olympia, WA 98504-3113.
Reason the Expedited Repeal of the Rule is Appropriate: The law upon which this rule is based, section 170(2), chapter 269, Laws of 1975 1st sp. sess., an appropriations bill, is no longer in effect. The rules were established to define the criteria for certain historic preservation grants available at that time. These grants no longer exist and the rule is no longer necessary.
June 19, 1998
Lynne McGuire
Rules Coordinator