WSR 98-16-076
[Filed August 4, 1998, 4:23 p.m.]
department of ecology
Semi-Annual Rule Agenda
July 31, 1998 - January 31, 1999
WAC Chapter | Chapter Title | Agency Contact | CR-101 Filing Date | Approximate Adoption Date | Scope of Changes |
air quality | |||||
7/98 |
General Regulation for Air Pollution | Dan Johnson
(360) 407-6872 |
Sept. 1998 | Feb. 1999 | Update dry cleaner alternative to MACT correct references, incorporate new federal requirements |
7/98 |
General Regulation for Air Pollution | Dan Johnson
(360) 407-6872 |
Jan. 1999 | June 1999 | Update NESHAP and NSPS delegations; revise definition of VOCs, clarify -205 applicability and curtailments |
7/98 |
General Regulation for Air Pollution | Elena Guilfoil
(360) 407-6855 |
Sept. 1998 | Feb. 1999 | PSD changes for complete delegation or program approval; consider revisions to state BART requirements; clarify "basic review fees" in -116 |
7/98 |
General Regulation for Air Pollution | Elena Guilfoil
(360) 407-6855 |
Oct. 1998 | March 1999 | Clarify SIP related applicability provisions of -110, NSR |
7/98 |
General Regulation for Air Pollution | Melissa
(360) 407-6860 |
Dec. 1998 | Dec. 1999 | Streamline registration program |
7/98 |
Fee Rule | Dan Johnson
(360) 407-6872, Roger Dovel (360) 407-6847 |
Oct. 1998 | June 2000 | Omnibus fee rule -consolidate fee provisions in one place; add inflation adjuster where appropriate |
1/98 |
Acid Rain Regulation | Tom Todd
(360) 407-7528, SWAPCA |
Sept. 1998 | Feb. 1999 | Revisions to conform to EPA requirements |
173-415 and
7/96 |
Primary Aluminum Plants, Ambient Fluoride Standard | Carol Piening
(360) 407-6858,
Eric Oie
(360) 407-6915 |
May 1998 |
July 1999 | Determine if MACT equates to RACT; address fluoride monitoring requirement |
7/96 |
Conformity of Transportation Activities to Air Quality Implementation Plan | Paul Carr
(360) 407-6863 |
Oct. 1998 | April 1999 | Revision to conform to EPA requirements |
7/97 |
Open Burning | Bruce Smith (360) 407-6889 | Underway
October 1997 |
Dec. 1998 | Incorporate statutory changes; streamline program |
7/97 |
Solid Fuel Burning Devices | Marcia Geidel (360) 407-6857 | Sept. 1998 | Feb. 1999 | Incorporate lower curtailment trigger; clarify definitions so rule does not apply to HFBs |
173-434 7/96
173-400 7/96
173-405 7/97 173-410 7/97 |
Emissions Standards for Solid Waste Incinerator. General Regulation for Air Pollution Sources, Kraft Pulping Mills, Sulfite Pulping Mills | Peter Lyon
(360) 407-7530, Tom Todd (360) 407-7528 |
Aug. 1998 | July 1999 | Hog Fuel Boiler RACT; define terms related to wood derived fuels; reorganize state incinerator rule |
173-405 7/97
173-410 7/97 |
Kraft Pulp Mills, Sulfite Pulp Mills | Peter Lyon
(360) 407-7530 |
Aug. 1998 | Mar. 1999 | Revise rules as appropriate to incorporate EPA's Pulp and Paper MACT requirements; address NCG treatment criteria in -040(4) |
7/96 |
Emission Standards for Solid Waste Incinerator | Kitty Gillespie (360) 407-6862 | Sept. 1998 | Jan. 1999 | Municipal waste combustors-adopt plan to conform to EPA requirements for existing sources |
1/98 |
Controls for New Sources of Toxic Air Pollution | Steve Cross (360) 407-6875 | Aug. 1998 | May 1999 | Incorporate de minimus levels; Tier 2 light; consolidate NSR processes from 173-400 and 173-460 |
eils | |||||
1/98 |
Accreditation of Environmental Laboratories | Perry Brake (360) 895-4649 | September 1998 | May 1999 | Amend regulation for allowable fee increases and conformity in standards. Accreditation program. |
shorelands and environ. assistance | |||||
173-25 NEW 7/97 | Shoreline Management Act-Streams and Rivers, Lakes, Wetlands Constituting Shorelines of the State (SMA) | Don Bales
407-6528 |
October 1995 |
February 1999 | To replace 173-18, 173-20, 173-22 |
173-26 NEW
Parts 3 and 4 1/98 |
Shoreline Master Program Guidelines | Peter Skowlund
407-6522 |
October 1995 |
December 1998 | Shoreline Management Act/Growth Management Act integration |
7/95 |
Sediment Management Standards (Human Health Sediment Criteria) | Brett Betts
407-6914 |
July 1998 | June 1999 | Triennial rule review per federal/state requirement. Components: Human health criteria and freshwater standards. Rule revisions required by ESHB 1724. |
7/97 |
SEPA Rules | Neil Aaland 407-7045 | Underway
January 1997 |
April 1999 | Revise categorical exemptions allowed under the State Environmental Policy Act fed. |
7/97 |
SEPA Rules | Neil Aaland 407-7045 | Underway
December 1995 |
June 1999 | Finish revising environmental checklist (in response to ESHB 1724 and other changes) |
7/97 |
Model Ordinance | Neil Aaland 407-7045 | Underway
February 1996 |
August 1998 | Revise optional model ordinance used by cities and counties to reflect recent changes in SEPA rules |
solid waste and financial assistance | |||||
7/97 |
Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling | Mike Hibbler
(509) 456-3270 |
September 1998 | June 2000 | To update rule to allow
management of solid
waste based upon
current systems,
generation rates, and
E.O. regulatory improvement |
1/98 |
Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling | Scott Carlson (360) 407-6067 | September 1998 | June 1999 | Review the rule against the biosolids rule (173-308) and eliminate inconsistencies between the rules |
7/97 |
Public Participation Grants | Trish Akana
407-7230 |
May 1997 |
January 1999 | Implement $60,000 grant program. Recommendation from the MTCA Policy Advisory Committee (see 173-340) |
7/97 |
Remedial Action Grants | Trish Akana
407-7230 |
May 1997 |
January 1999 | Implement brownfields grant program. Recommendation from the MTCA Policy Advisory Committee (see 173-340) |
toxic cleanup | |||||
7/97 |
Model Toxic Control Act Cleanup Regulation (MTCA) | Trish Akana
407-7230 |
May 1997 |
January 1999 | Site specific assessment, petroleum cleanup method, ecological based cleanup standards, remedy selections, cleanup action laws, area-wide contamination and brownfields, public participation in cleanup, and quality assurance. To implement recommendations from the MTCA Policy Advisory Committee |
water quality | |||||
1/98 |
Uses and Limitations of the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund | Brian Howard
407-6510 |
June 1998 |
October 1998 | Amend rule to improve our flexibility in providing effective and efficient financial assistance to public entities |
173-201A 7/98 | Surface Water Quality Standards for the State of Washington | Mark Hicks (360) 407-6477 or mhic461@ | November 1998 | November 1999 | A. Develop regulatory
language to guide the
implementation of a
water quality
antidegradation policy.
This would focus on
protecting water quality
pollution control
requirements, and
ensuring degradation
that is allowed is in the
overriding public
interest. It would also
include provisions to
set aside waters
constituting an
outstanding national
resource from all
B. Ecology would also be looking at revising the way beneficial uses are assigned for protection to waterbodies under the water quality standards. The change would provide a more direct linkage between the beneficial uses that occur in waterbodies to those listed for protection in those waters in the water quality standards regulation. |
1/98 |
Washington Forest Practice Rules and regulations to Protect Water Quality supplemental | Doug Rushton
407-6180 |
February 1998 |
December 1998 | Protection of aquatic resources while TFW negotiates concepts to be included in "forestry module" and rule. |
7/98 |
Wastewater Operator Certification | Myra Barker
407-6449 |
August 1998 | May 1999 | Amend rule to
implement advisory
recommendations to
streamline the process
and to be able to use
current exams-
POTWs/Operators |
water resources | |||||
1/98 |
Water Rights Transfers by Conservancy Districts | Peggy Clifford
407-7262 |
July 1998 | July 1999 | To establish criteria for establishment of conservancy districts, training of district commissioners, and transfer procedures and criteria |
Quilcene Water Resource Program rules | Cynthia Nelson
407-0276 |
July 1995 |
September 1999 | Recommendations of the Dungeness-Quilcene Regional Water Resources Plan and the Chelan Agreement |
7/95 |
Dungeness Water Resource Program rules -WRIA 18 | Cynthia Nelson
407-0276 |
July 1995 |
January 1999 | Water Resources Management Program for the Sequim -Dungeness watershed. Instream flows, water conservation |
7/94 |
Water Resource Program for Methow Basin -WRIA 48 | John Monahan
(509) 457-7112 |
June 1995 |
December 1998 | To implement pilot regional plan, including establishment of a water bank. Establish guidelines and procedures for the management and preservation of surface and ground water in the Methow River Basin. Recommendations by local water planning committee and ground water advisory committee |