WSR 98-21-047


[Filed October 15, 1998, 9:24 a.m.]

University of Washington Rule Review Progress Report 1998

(Per EO 97-02)

1. Summary of Regulatory Review Progress During the First Year of EO 97-02: The University of Washington began Title 478 WAC rule reviews according to its rule review plan developed in

August 1997 as directed by Executive Order (EO) 97-02. Although the University of Washington regularly attempts to review an entire chapter whenever it undertakes WAC rule-making activity on any section within that chapter, there had previously been no organized attempt to review WAC chapters that were seemingly functioning without need of change. During this first year of rule review, the university's plan focused on reviewing

those Title 478 WAC rules that had gone the longest without rule-making activity. These rules were subsequently scrutinized by the appropriate campus departments and university constituencies and in both cases found in need of rule-making activity. Without the impetus provided by EO 97-02, these rules might not have received this necessary scrutiny.

Moreover, the frequent need to move from rule review directly into rule-making activity has caused the university's rule review plan to adjust to the university's academic year. The University of Washington undertakes its rule-making activity during its academic year (October to June) to include full student involvement and participation.

During the past year, the University of Washington received no petitions for adoption, amendment, or repeal of rules under RCW 34.05.330. In addition, those university rules reviewed, created, amended, and repealed under chapter 34.05 RCW did not impose reporting requirements on businesses.

Finally, the University of Washington has no current recommendations for statutory or administrative changes resulting from its regulatory reviews.

2. Rule Review and Rule-Making Activity - October 1997 Through October 1998: The University of Washington completed rule reviews for two Title 478 WAC chapters (chapters 478-132 WAC, "Academic calendar for the University of Washington" and chapters 478-210 WAC, Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State

Museum) and rule making for three chapters - none of which were placed on the university's rule review plan as they were already in a preliminary stage of rule making (chapter 478-136 WAC, Use of University of Washington facilities, chapter 478-156 WAC, Rules for the University of Washington residence halls and family housing apartments, and chapter 478-160 WAC, Admission and registration procedures for the University of Washington). Additionally, reviews continue for one Title 478 WAC chapter (chapter 478-324 WAC, Rules and regulations for the University of Washington implementation of

the State Environmental Policy Act) and for policy/interpretive


Rule making for chapter 478-136 WAC, Use of University of Washington facilities, was completed December 1997. Results include six sections amended and one section repealed.

Rule making for chapter 478-156 WAC, Rules for the University of Washington residence halls and family housing apartments, was completed December 1997. Results include nine sections amended.

Rule making for chapter 478-160 WAC, Admission and registration procedures for the University of Washington, was completed in June 1998. Results include two new sections, nine sections amended, and one section repealed.

Review of chapter 478-210 WAC, Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, was completed in July 1998. Expedited repeal of the chapter is scheduled to begin with the academic year in October 1998.

Review of chapter 478-132 WAC, Academic calendar for the University of Washington, was completed in August 1998. Rule making to amend the rule is scheduled to begin with the academic year in October 1998.

3. Cumulative Results of Regulatory Reform: See the following table for the cumulative results of the University of

Washington's rule review and rule-making activity since EO 97-02 was initiated. Additionally, the results of regulatory review as of October 15, 1997, is shown below and as requested in the memo from Fred Stephens has been amended to reflect the revised statistics for the University of Washington through October 15, 1998.

WAC Section or Document

Section Title or Subject

Document Type

Action Taken

Completion Date
Business Report Required
WAC 478-04-020 Organization--Operation--Information Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-108-020 Application for adjudicative proceeding Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-035 Application forms for undergraduate standing Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-040 Admission of undergraduate students through the educational opportunity program Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-050 Application forms for international students Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-060 Requests for reconsideration of admission decision Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-065 Admission of former students Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-085 Application forms Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-105 Admission to the school of dentistry--Application forms Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-110 Admission to the school of law--Application forms Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-120 Admission to the school of law with advanced standing--Application forms Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-125 Admission to the school of medicine Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-130 First-year admission to the school of medicine--Application forms Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-140 Application for transfer to the school of medicine Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-160 Applications for housing and financial aid Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-162 Financial aid information Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-175 Credit definitions Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-210 Change of residence application forms Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-230 Appeal of change of residence determination Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-246 Enrollment confirmation deposit for new and returning students for autumn, winter and spring quarters Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-290 Withdrawal from the university Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-295 Military withdrawals Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-310 Change of school or college Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-160-320 Special instructional programs offered summer quarter Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-250-010 Purpose Rule Reviewed 07/97 N
WAC 478-250-050 University rules coordination Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-250-060 Rule indexing Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-250-070 Requests for access to indexes Rule Reviewed 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-010 Purpose Rule Reviewed 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-020 Definitions Rule Reviewed 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-030 Description of central and field organization of the University of Washington Rule Repealed 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-040 General course and method of government Rule Repealed 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-050 Public records available Rule Reviewed 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-060 Public records officer Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-070 Times for inspection and copying Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-080 Requests for public records Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-090 Commercial purposes Rule Reviewed 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-100 Inspection of public records--Copying--Costs Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-105 Protection of public records Rule New 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-110 Exemptions--Court protection Rule Reviewed 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-120 Review of denials of public records requests Rule Reviewed 07/97 N
WAC 478-276-140 Public records office--Address Rule Amended 07/97 N
WAC 478-116-010 Preamble Rule Amended 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-020 Objectives of parking and traffic rules Rule Amended 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-030 Applicable parking and traffic rules Rule Amended 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-040 Authority of university police officers Rule Reviewed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-044 Authorized use of streets and parking facilities Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-046 Directions issued by university police officers Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-050 Revisions of these regulations Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-051 Definitions Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-055 Definitions Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-060 Permits required for vehicles on campus Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-061 Liability of university Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-070 Parking of motorcycles and scooters Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-071 Severability, savings clause Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-080 Bicycle parking and traffic regulations Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-088 Use of skateboards Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-090 Tourists and visitors--Exemption from permit requirements Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-095 Authorized use of streets and parking facilities Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-100 Speed Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-101 Numbering of parking areas, parking allocation and issuance of permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-110 Regulatory signs and directions Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-111 Valid permit Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-114 Transferable permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-116 Temporary and replacement permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-120 Pedestrians--Right of way Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-121 Visitor parking Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-125 Other types of permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-130 Designated and assigned parking areas Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-131 Parking for events and other university functions Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-140 Parking within designated spaces Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-141 Annual and quarterly permit periods Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-145 Evening permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-147 Carpool permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-151 Parking of state of Washington-owned university-operated motor vehicles Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-160 Exceptions to parking restrictions Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-161 Annual parking fee payment Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-163 Fee schedule Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-165 Vehicle and driver's licenses required Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-167 Right to refuse to issue a permit Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-170 Special parking and traffic directions authorized Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-171 Responsibility of person to whom permit is issued Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-180 Liability of university Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-181 Refund conditions for parking permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-184 Recall of permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-186 Recall of carpool permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-190 Obstructing traffic prohibited Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-191 Regulatory signs, barricades, and markings Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-200 Parking--Operator's responsibility Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-201 Permits required for motor vehicles parked on campus during hours of operation--Assigned parking areas Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-210 Authorization for issuance of permits Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-211 Metered parking Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-220 Numbering of parking areas--Permit designation Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-221 Parking of motorcycles and scooters Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-223 Display of permits Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-225 Permits and vehicle license plates Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-227 Permit transfer Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-230 Parking allocation Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-231 Use of revoked permits prohibited Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-240 Visitor parking Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-241 Overtime parking violations--Repeated Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-245 Obstructing traffic prohibited Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-250 Other types of permits Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-251 Regulatory signs and directions Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-253 Prohibited parking area(s) Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-255 Prohibited parking--Space designated for a wheelchair Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-260 Athletic event parking Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-261 Designated parking areas Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-270 Evening permits Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-271 Parking within designated parking space Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-280 Transferable permits Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-281 Parking--Safekeeping of unattended motor vehicles Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-290 Temporary and replacement permits Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-291 Impoundment of motor vehicles Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-300 Vehicle and driver's licenses required Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-301 Citation for motor vehicle violations Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-310 Annual and quarterly permit periods Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-311 Motor vehicle fines and penalties Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-320 Parking area, zone and reserved area designations, and area assignments Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-330 Responsibility of person to whom permit issued Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-340 Display of permits Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-345 Permits and vehicle license plates Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-350 Metered parking Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-355 Overtime parking violations--Repeated Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-360 Carpools Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-370 Recall of permits Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-380 Annual parking fee payment Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-390 Schedule of fees Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-400 Refund conditions Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-401 Impoundment for failure to pay fines Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-411 Impoundment without prior notice Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-421 Impoundment of abandoned vehicles Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-431 Notice and redemption of impounded vehicles Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-440 Citation for violation Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-450 Election to pay fine or contest citation Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-460 Presiding and reviewing officer Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-501 Registered owner responsible for illegal parking Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-520 Motor vehicles--Payment of fines and penalties Rule Amended 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-531 Motor vehicles--Election to pay fine or contest citation Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-540 Enforcement of decisions of citation hearing office Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-541 Motor vehicles--Election to contest impoundment Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-550 Registered owner responsible for illegal parking Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-551 Motor vehicles--Presiding and reviewing officer Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-561 Motor vehicles--Enforcement of decisions of citation hearing office Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-570 Regulatory signs, markings, barricades, etc. Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-580 Impoundment of vehicles Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-582 Impoundment for failure to pay fines Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-584 Impoundment without prior notice Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-586 Impoundment of abandoned vehicles Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-588 Notice and redemption of impounded vehicles Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-589 Election to contest impoundment Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-590 Delegation of authority Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-601 Fines and penalties Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-605 Bicycle parking and traffic rules Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-610 Effective date, severability, savings clause Rule Repealed 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-611 Nonmotorized vehicles--Citation for violations Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-620 Nonmotorized vehicles--Fines and penalties Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-630 Nonmotorized vehicles--Schedule of fines and penalties Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-640 Nonmotorized vehicles--Election to pay fine or contest citation Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-650 Nonmotorized vehicles--Presiding and reviewing officer Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-660 Nonmotorized vehicles--Enforcement of decisions of citation hearing office Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-116-670 Use of skateboards Rule New 09/97 N
WAC 478-136-010 Use of university facilities--General policy Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-136-012 Definitions Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-136-015 Administrative responsibilities Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-136-025 Users Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-136-030 Limitations on use Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-136-040 Reservation and approval procedures Rule Repealed 12/97 N
WAC 478-136-060 Safety and liability Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-156-010 Legal authority to enact Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-156-011 Purpose of residence halls and family housing apartments Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-156-012 Modification of these rules Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-156-013 Residence halls--Eligibility Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-156-014 Assignment priority Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-156-015 Occupancy deadline Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-156-016 Family housing apartments--Eligibility Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-156-017 Assignment priority Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-156-018 Unit size--Eligibility standards Rule Amended 12/97 N
WAC 478-160-015 Admission categories Rule Amended 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-095 Admission to the advanced professional schools of dentistry, law, medicine, and pharmacy--Policy Rule Amended 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-110 Admission to the school of law--Application forms Rule Amended 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-120 Admission to the school of law with advanced standing--Application forms Rule Repealed 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-142 Admission to the school of pharmacy--Application forms Rule New 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-143 Admission to the school of pharmacy with advanced standing Rule New 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-150 Definition of nonmatriculated status Rule Amended 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-246 Enrollment confirmation deposit for new and returning students for autumn, winter and spring quarters Rule Amended 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-270 Registration periods Rule Amended 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-275 Late registration or course adds--Registration period III Rule Amended 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-280 Registration changes Rule Amended 06/98 N
WAC 478-160-295 Military withdrawals Rule Amended 06/98 N
WAC 478-210-010 Legal authority to enact Rule Reviewed 07/98 N
WAC 478-210-020 Procedures for permanent acquisition of loaned specimens Rule Reviewed 07/98 N
WAC 478-132-010 Authority Rule Reviewed 08/98 N
WAC 478-132-020 Purpose Rule Reviewed 08/98 N
WAC 478-132-030 University calendar Rule Reviewed 08/98 N

Excerpt Applicable to this Agency From:

Results of Regulatory Review

as of October 15, 1997

Non-Cabinet Agencies

Plan Submitted
Progress Report Submitted WAC Sections Repealed WAC Sections Amended WAC Sections Reviewed WAC Pages Eliminated
University of Washington Yes Yes 57 59 35 59 0 132 9