WSR 98-04-047



[ Filed January 28, 1999, 11:40 a.m. ]

Department of Ecology

Semiannual Rule Agenda1

January 31, 1999 - July 31, 1999

WAC ChapterChapter TitleContact PersonIntended CR-101 Filing DateApproximate Adoption DateScope of Changes/ Sections to Amend
173-400 AO#n/a 7/98General Regulation for Air PollutionElena Guilfoil

(360) 407-6855

(Expedited) CR-102

March 1999

June 1999Update dry cleaner alternative to MACT correct references, incorporate new federal requirements; clarify SIP related applicability in –110; add explicit reference to P2 in BACT/LAER provisions
173-400 AO#98-27 7/98General Regulation for Air PollutionRobert Huber

(360) 407-6776



January 1999

April 1999Update NESHAP and NSPS delegations; (including medical waste combustors) revise definition of VOCs
173-400 AO#n/a 7/98General Regulation for Air PollutionElena Guilfoil

(360) 407-6855

February 1999July 1999PSD changes for complete delegation or program approval; consider revisions to state BART requirements; clarify "basic review fees” in – 116
173-XXX AO#n/a 7/98Fee RuleRoger Dovel

(360) 407-6847

May 1999June 2000Omnibus air fee rule – consolidate fee provisions, including source registration fees, in one place; add inflation adjuster where appropriate
173-406 AO#n/a 1/98Acid Rain RegulationTom Todd

(360) 407-7528

February 1999August 1999Revisions to conform to EPA requirements. Potential to handle as expedited rule.
173-415 & 173-481 AO#98-09 7/96Primary Aluminum Plants, Ambient Fluoride StandardCarol Piening

(360) 407-6858


May 1998

July 1999Determine if MACT equates to RACT; address fluoride monitoring requirement
173-420 AO#n/a 7/96Conformity of Transportation Activities to Air Quality Implementation PlanPaul Carr

(360) 407-6863

(Expedited) CR-102

March 1999

July 1999Revisions to conform to EPA requirements
173-425 AO#97-39 7/97Open BurningBruce Smith

(360) 407-6899


October 1997

February 1999Incorporate state statutory changes; streamline program
173-433 AO#n/a 7/97Solid Fuel Burning DevicesPeter Lyon

(360) 407-7530



June 1999

October 1999Incorporate lower curtailment trigger; clarify definitions so rule does not apply to HFBs
173-434, 7/96 173-400, 7/96 173-405, 7/97 173-410 7/97 AO#n/aEmissions Standards for Solid Waste Incinerators; General regulation for air pollution sources; Kraft Pulping Mills; Sulfite Pulping MillsPeter Lyon

(360) 407-7530

January 1999September 1999Hog Fuel Boiler RACT; define terms related to wood derived fuels; reorganize state incinerator rule. Committee has been meeting for past year, in part to scope the rule changes
173-460, 173-400 AO#n/a 1/98Controls for New Sources of Toxic Air Pollution, General Regulation for Air PollutionSteve Cross

(360) 407-6875

January 1999August 1999Incorporate de minimus levels; Tier 2 light; consolidate NSR processes from 173-400 and 173-460
173-4911 AO#n/a 1/99Emission Standards and Controls for Sources Emitting Gasoline VaporsDan Johnson

(360) 407-6872

July 1999January 2000Simplify tanker truck testing requirements
173-3031 AO#n/a 1/99Dangerous Waste RegulationsPatricia Hervieux

(360) 407-6756

April 1999April 2000 Scope of changes and sections to amend – Several federal rules will be incorporated into the Dangerous Waste Regulations either in their entirety or in part. These include, among others, the used oil rules, the Military Munitions Rule, the Expanded Public Participation Rule, Subpart CC Air Emission Standards, and Land Disposal Restriction rules. There will also be some changes to state-only requirements. These will include technical corrections and improvements to the transportation requirements. There will also be some change to implement the recommendations of the November 1998 Fertilizer Study.
173-25 AO#95-17 7/97Shoreline Management Act – streams and rivers, lakes, wetlands constituting shorelines of the state (SMA)Peter Skowlund

(360) 407-6522


October 1995

April 1999To replace 173-18, 173-20, 173-22
173-26 AO#95-17 Parts 3&4 1/98Shoreline Master Program Guidelines Peter Skowlund

(360) 407-6522


October 1995

July 1999 Shoreline Management Act/Growth Management Act integration; update standards state-wide based on improvements in best available science and shoreline management practice; salmon recovery and habitat protection.
173-204 AO#98-21 7/95Sediment Management Standards (Human Health Sediment Criteria)Brett Betts

(360) 407-6914

(Underway) August 1998June 1999Triennial rule review per federal/state requirement. Components: Human health criteria and freshwater standards.
173-802 AO#n/a 7/97SEPA Procedures Marvin Vialle

(360) 407-6928

February 1999December 1999Revise ecology’s own SEPA procedures to reflect current and proposed practices
197-11 AO#97-02 7/97SEPA RulesBarbara Ritchie

(360) 407-6922


January 1997

December 1999Revise categorical exemptions allowed under the State Environmental Policy Act
197-11 AO#95-16 7/97SEPA RulesBarbara Ritchie

(360) 407-6922


December 1995

December 1999Finish revising environmental checklist (in response to ESHB 1724 and other changes)
173-7001 AO#98-26 1/99Compensatory Wetland Mitigation BanksJudy Geier

(360) 407-7257

January 1999January 2000To establish a state-wide certification process for compensatory wetland mitigation banks. In addition, the rule will outline procedures for the operation, monitoring, and implementation of wetland mitigation banks.
173-304 AO#n/a 7/97Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste HandlingBrian Farmer

(509) 456-6386

February 1999July 2000Update approaches to nonmunicipal solid waste management. Respond to state legislation aimed at removing impediments to recycling. Executive order/regulatory improvement
173-321 AO#97-09 7/97Public Participation GrantsTrish Akana

(360) 407-7230

(Underway) May 1997September 1999Implement $60,000 grant program. Recommendation from the MTCA Policy Advisory Committee (see 173-340)
173-322 AO#97-09 7/97Remedial Action GrantsTrish Akana

(360) 407-7230

(Underway) May 1997September 1999Implement brownfields grant program. Recommendation from the MTCA Policy Advisory Committee (see 173-340)
173-340 AO#97-09 7/97Model Toxic Control Act Cleanup Regulation (MTCA)Trish Akana

(360) 407-7230


May 1997

September 1999Site specific assessment, petroleum cleanup method, ecological based cleanup standards, remedy selections, cleanup action laws, areawide contamination & brownfields, public participation in cleanup, and quality assurance. To implement recommendations from the MTCA Policy Advisory Committee (a 22-member legislative task force charged with making statute and rule changes by December 1, 1996. Regulatory improvement.
173-201A AO#n/a 7/98Surface Water Quality Standards for the State of Washington Mark Hicks

(360) 407-6477

January 1999November 1999A. Develop regulatory language to guide the implementation of a water quality antidegradation policy. This would focus on protecting water quality standards, implementing technology-based pollution control requirements, and ensuring degradation that is allowed is in the overriding public interest. It would also include provisions to set aside waters constituting an outstanding national resource from all degradation. B. Ecology would also be looking at revising the way beneficial uses are assigned for protection to waterbodies under the water quality standards. The change would provide a more direct linkage between the beneficial uses that occur in waterbodies to those listed for protection in those waters in the water quality standards regulation.
173-202 AO#98-19 1/98 Washington Forest Practice Rules and Regulations to Protect Water Quality SUPPLEMENTALDoug Rushton

(360) 407-6180


August 1998

July 2000Forestry module
173-2021 AO#98-19 1/99Washington Forest Practices Rules and Regulations to Protect Water QualityDoug Rushton

(360) 407-6180


August 1998

September 2000Major revision to the Forest Practices Rules, portions affecting water quality are adopted by reference. The proposed changes would provide better protection for resources, particularly those associated with water, and would also address Endangered Species Act and Clean Water Act concerns.
173-230 AO#98-18 7/98Wastewater Operator CertificationMyra Barker

(360) 407-6499


September 1998

May 1999Amend rule to implement advisory committee recommendations to streamline the process and to be able to use current exams-POTWs/Operators.
173-2241 AO#n/a 1/99Wastewater Discharge Permit Fee Rule AmendmentBeverly Poston

(360) 407-6425

July 1999February 2000To keep ecology in compliance with RCW 90.48.465 by recovering the program funding level appropriated by the legislature.
173-153 AO#98-11 1/98Water Rights Transfers by Water Conservancy BoardsPeggy Clifford

(360) 407-7262


July 1998

July 1999To establish criteria for establishment of conservancy districts, training of district commissioners, and transfer procedures and criteria
173-517 AO#95-03 7/97 Quilcene Water Resource Program RulesThom Lufkin

(360) 407-6631


July 1995

September 1999Recommendations of the Dungeness-Quilcene Regional Water Resources Plan and the Chelan Agreement.
173-518 AO#95-03 7/95Dungeness Water Resource Program Rules – WRIA 18 Cynthia Nelson

(360) 407-0276


July 1995

July 1999Water Resources Management Program for the Sequim -Dungeness watershed. Instream flows, water conservation
173-548 AO#94-32 7/94Water Resource Program for Methow Basin --WRIA 48John Monahan

(509) 457-7112


June 1995

Refiled June 1998

April 1999To implement pilot regional plan, including establish-ment of a water bank. Establish guidelines and procedures for the management and preservation of surface and ground water in the Methow River Basin. Recommenda-tions by local water planning committee and ground water advisory committee.
173-5321 AO#98-23 1/99Water Resources Management of the Walla Walla Basin--WRIA 32 Thom Lufkin

(360) 407-6631


September 1998

UncertainTo allow certain change applications to be processed ahead of applications with a senior priority date, if the change applications meet certain criteria.
1 Ecology WAC chapters that represent those rules new to this iteration of the semiannual rule agenda.
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