WSR 99-06-101



[ Filed March 3, 1999, 11:22 a.m. ]

January 31, 1999 Significant Rule-Making Semi-Annual Agenda

Approximate Preproposal

1. Date

2. Subject Area

3. Contact/Telephone Number

Purpose of the Rule

Why is this Significant?



Other Agencies who

may have interest in

the Subject of Rule(s)

1.First Quarter, 1999As provided in statute, adopt rules for recoupment of subsidy overpayment or to assess penalties.Addresses 1998 provision of RCW 70.47.060(9)Department of Social and Health Services, Medical Assistance Administration
2.WAC 182-25-040 and 090 and adopt new section 085.
3.Rosanne Reynolds, (360) 923-2948
1.April, 1999Benefits need to be amended to ensure consistency with legislation and "Medicare Eligibility” definition must be amended to be consistent with Administrative Law Judge decision.Consistency with Legislative Mandate and Administrative Law Judge DecisionDepartment of Social and Health Services, Medical Assistance Administration
2.WAC 182-25-020 and 030
3.Rosanne Reynolds, (360) 923-2948

Contact/telephone: Elin Meyer, 923-2801.
© Washington State Code Reviser's Office