Document Title: Policies and Procedures of the Dam Safety Office (DSO), Water Resources Program, Department of Ecology.
Subject: The policies and procedures followed by the Dam Safety Office in the administration of the state's dam safety rules and regulations.
Document Description: This document includes revised existing and new policies and procedures that are specific to the operations of the Dam Safety Office. The Dam Safety Office policies and procedures provide the basis for administration of dam safety authorities of the Department of Ecology including those within chapters 43.21A, 90.03 RCW, and chapter 173-175 WAC.
The following policies and procedures are included within this document:
POL 5101 | Designation of the Dam Safety Office |
POL 5102 | Applicability of Dam Safety Policies and Procedures |
POL 5103 | Applicability of Policies to Dams which are Federally Owned |
POL 5104 | Applicability of Policies to Nonfederal Dams which are Licensed or Exempted for Hydropower by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) |
POL 5105 | Exemption of Dams which are 6 Feet or Less in Height |
POL 5106 | Multiple Dams in Series |
POL 5201 | Issuance of Construction Permit |
POL 5202 | Engineering Approval of Construction Plans and Specifications |
POL 5203 | Assessment and Collection of Fees for Engineering Review of Construction Plans and Specifications and for Construction Inspections |
POL 5204 | Plan Review Requirements for Construction Change Orders |
POL 5205 | Review of Construction Plans and Specifications Received After Project Construction |
POL 5206 | SEPA Compliance as Related to Issuance of Construction Permit |
POL 5301 | Inspection of Construction Work |
POL 5302 | Construction Inspection Plans – by Dam Owners |
POL 5401 | Periodic Inspection of Existing Dams – Federal Dams |
POL 5402 | Periodic Inspection of Existing Dams – Hydropower Dams Licensed or Exempted by FERC |
POL 5403 | Periodic Inspection of Existing Dams – Ecology Sole Regulatory Agency |
POL 5404 | Frequency of Periodic Dam Inspections |
POL 5405 | Dams Constructed Without Prior DSO Approval of Plans and Specifications (recent construction) |
POL 5406 | "Older" Dams which were Constructed Many Years Ago without DSO Approval of Plans and Specifications |
POL 5407 | Periodic Inspections of Metals Mining Tailings Impoundments |
POL 5501 | Enforcement Guidelines and Procedures |
POL 5502 | Use of Enforcement Action when Voluntary Compliance is Not Forthcoming |
POL 5601 | Operation and Maintenance Manuals and Emergency Action Plans for Existing Dams |
POL 5602 | Emergency Spillway Requirements at OFF-Channel Storage Facilities |
POL 5701 | Emergency Response Procedures by Dam Safety Office |
POL 5702 | Discretionary Actions During Emergency or Exigency Situations |
To receive a copy of the policy statement contact: Fred Rajala, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, phone (360) 407-6634, fax (360) 407-6634, TDD (360) 407-6006, e-mail fraj461@ecy.wa.gov.
Responsible official:
Keith E. Phillips, Program Manager
Water Resources Program
June 22, 1999