Semi-annual Rule Agenda
January - June 2000
WAC Chapter | Chapter Title | Contact Person | CR-101 Filing Date |
CR-102 Filing Date |
CR-103 Filing Date |
Scope of Changes/Sections to Amend |
Air Quality | ||||||
173-406 AO# 99-09, 1/98 |
Acid Rain Regulation | Peter Lyon, (360) 407-7530, |
Jun-99 | Mar-00 | Sept.-00 | Revisions to conform to EPA requirements. |
173-400, 173-405, 173-410, 173-433, 173-434 AO# 99-07, 7/96 |
Emissions Standards for Solid Waste Incinerators; General regulation for air pollution sources; Kraft Pulping Mills; Sulfite Pulping Mills; Solid Fuel Burning Device Standards | Peter Lyon, (360) 407-7530, and Tom Todd, (360) 407-7528, |
3/22/99 | Jun-00 | Dec-00 | Hog Fuel Boiler RACT; define terms related to wood derived fuels; reorganize state incinerator rule. |
173-400 AO# 99-06, 7/98 |
General Regulation for Air Pollution Sources | Elena Guilfoil, (360) 407-6855, |
4/21/99 | Mar-00 | Sept.-00 | This action focuses on 2 air quality programs located in chapter 173-400 WAC. The prevention of significant deterioration or PSD program which addresses major new air pollution sources; and the best available retrofit technology provisions. |
173-xxx (new ch.), or 173-460, 173-400 AO# 99-02, 1/98 | Controls for New Sources of Toxic Air Pollution, General Regulation for Air Pollution Sources | Steve Cross, (360) 407-6875, |
Aug-99 | Nov-00 | Feb-01 | Incorporate de minimus levels; Tier 2 light; consolidate NSR processes from chapters 173-400 and 173-460 WAC. |
173-415, 173-481 AO# 98-09, 7/96 |
Primary Aluminum Plants, Ambient Fluoride Standard | Carol Piening, (360) 407-6858, |
4/30/99 | May-00 | Oct-00 | Determine if MACT equates to RACT; address fluoride monitoring requirement. |
173-400 AO# 98-27, 7/98 |
General Regulation for Air Pollution Sources | Peter Lyon, (360) 407-7530, |
2/3/99 | 3/30/00 | 9/15/00 | Update NESHAP and NSPS delegations; (including medical waste combustors) revise definition of VOCs. |
173-425 AO# 97-39, 7/97 |
Open Burning | Bruce Smith, (360) 407-6899, |
10/20/97 | 3/23/99 and 9/9/99 | Feb-00 | Incorporate state statutory changes; streamline program. |
Hazardous Waste & Toxic Reduction | ||||||
173-303 AO# 99-01, 1/99 |
Dangerous Waste Regulations | Patricia Hervieux, (360) 407-6756, |
4/30/99 & 11/17/99 | Jan-00 | Apr-00 | Federal hazardous waste regulations will be incorporated, exemption for steel mill flue dust used as fertilizer will be deleted, transfer station requirements will be modified, lamps will be added as universal waste, and other changes. |
Shorelands & Environmental Assistance | ||||||
173-16, 173-26 AO# 95-17a, 7/97 |
State Master Program Approval/Amendment Procedures (173-26) Shoreline Management Act Guidelines for Development of Master Programs | Peter Skowlund, (360) 407-6522, |
Nov-99 | Apr-00 | Jul-00 | Update and replace chapter 173-16 WAC, Shoreline Management Act guidelines for development of master programs; to implement regulatory reform measures integrating shorelines, growth management and related statutes; to create minimum requirements for local shoreline master programs which regulate shoreline development; to protect and restore fish and wildlife habitat; including salmon, within shorelines of. |
173-700 AO# 98-26, 1/99 |
Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Banks | Lauren Driscoll, (360) 407-6861, |
Jan-99 | Jun-00 | Sept.-00 | Develop procedures for the operation, monitoring and implementation of wetland banks. |
173-158, 7/99 | Floodplain Management | Ted Olson, (509) 456-2862, |
May-00 | Aug-00 | Jan-01 | Amend WAC to implement ESHB 1963 which allows reconstruction in floodways under certain circumstances. |
197-11, AO# 95-16, 7/97 |
SEPA Rules | Barbara Ritchie, (360) 407-6922, |
Dec-95 | Aug-00 | Sept.-00 | Revise environmental checklist. |
197-11 AO# 97-02, 7/97 |
SEPA Rules | Barbara Ritchie, (360) 407-6922, |
Jan-97 | Oct-00 | Dec-00 | Revise categorical exemptions allowed under the state Environmental Policy Act. |
Solid Waste & Financial Assistance | ||||||
173-304 AO# 99-24, 7/97 |
Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling | Brian Farmer, (509) 456-6386, |
Nov-99 | Jun-00 | Dec-00 | Update approaches to nonmunicipal solid waste management. Respond to state legislation aimed at removing impediments to recycling. |
Spill Prevention, Preparedness & Response | ||||||
317-21, 317-31 AO# 99-23, 7/99 |
Tank Vessel Oil Spill Prevention Plans, Cargo and Passenger Vessels Substantial Risk | Jeff Fishel, (360) 407-7504, |
Sept.-99 | Jul-00 | Nov-00 | Correct technical problems (spelling, citation, declination, etc.), clarify definitions, update requirements to meet changes in federal and international law, and clarify current requirements. |
317-10, 173-181, AO# N/A, 7/99 |
Oil Spill Contingency Plans and Response Contractor Standards | Roy Robertson, (360) 407-7202, |
Sept.-00 | Dec.-01 | Feb-02 | Update plan requirements, mandate incident command systems, incorporate planning standards, and update primary response contractor standards. |
317-10 AO# 99-23, 7/99 |
Oil Spill Contingency Plans and Response Contractor Standards | Jeff Fishel, (360) 407-7504, |
Sept.-99 | Sept.-00 | Dec-00 | Implement new or enhanced measures to improve the safety of marine transportation, and response to vessel emergencies and oil spills, for Washington waters in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Northern Puget Sound as recommended by the North Puget Sound Risk Assessment Panel. |
Toxic Cleanup | ||||||
173-340, AO# 97-09, 7/97 |
Model Toxic Control Act (MTCA) Cleanup | Trish Akana, (360) 407-7230, |
May-97 | Nov-99 | May-00 | Site specific assessment, petroleum cleanup method, ecological based cleanup standards, remedy selections, cleanup action laws, areawide contamination and brownfields, public participation in cleanup, and quality assurance. To implement recommendations from the MTCA Policy Advisory Committee (a twenty-two member legislative task force charged with making statute and rule changes. |
173-321, AO# 97-09, 7/97 |
Public Participation Grants | Trish Akana, (360) 407-7230, |
May-97 | Nov-99 | May-00 | Implement $60,000 grant program. Recommendation from the MTCA Policy Advisory Committee (See chapter 173-340 WAC). |
173-322, AO# 97-09, 7/97 |
Remedial Action Grants | Trish Akana, (360) 407-7230, |
May-97 | Nov-99 | May-00 | Implement brownfields grant program. Recommendation from the MTCA Policy Advisory Committee (See chapter 173-340 WAC). |
Water Resources | ||||||
173-xxx 1/00 | Seawater Intrusion Rule | Dave Nazy, (425) 649-7081, |
6/1/00 | Address seawater intrusion. | ||
173-170 1/00 | Agriculture Water Supply Facilities | Ray Newkirk, (360) 407-6630 |
6/1/00 | Amend rule to address funding and conservation issues. | ||
173-537 1/00 | Water Resources Management for the Yakima River Basin | Thom Lufkin, (360) 407-6631, |
10/20/99 | Jun-00 | Withdraw ground water from further appropriation, per MOA with BoR and Yakama Nation. | |
508-64 1/00 | Water Use Metering | Jeff Marti, (360) 407-6636, |
3/1/00 | Jun-00 | Oct-00 | Amend or replace rule to address metering requirements (RCW 90.03.360). |
173-152 1/00 | Water Rights Processing Priorities | Steve Hirschey, (425) 649-7066, |
Jun-00 | Possible amendment to create additional prioritization criteria for application processing. | ||
Water Quality | ||||||
173-201A AO# 98-20, 7/98 |
Surface Water Quality Standards for the State of Washington | Mark Hicks, (360) 407-6477, |
2/16/1999 | 4/1/00 | Aug-00 | A. Develop regulatory
language to guide the
implementation of a water
quality antidegradation policy.
This would focus on protecting
water quality standards,
technology-based pollution
control requirements, and
ensuring degradation that is
allowed is in the overriding
public interest. It would also
include provisions to set aside
waters constituting an
outstanding national resouce
from all degradation. B. Look at the way beneficial uses are assigned for protection to waterbodies under the water quality standards. |
173-95A, 1/00 173-98 |
Uses and
Limitations of
Centennial Clean
Water Funds Uses and Limitations of the Water Pollution Control Revolving Funds |
Tim Hilliard, (360) 407-6429, |
5/1/00 | 8/1/00 | 12/1/00 | that impact the approving and
denying of funds: • Major rating categories and the weights assigned to them • Grant and loan ceiling amounts and match requirements • Hardship criteria and determination • Project/project element eligibility for grants, loans • Interest rates and terms for loans • Determining existing need and capacity for growth • Eligibility of previously funded objectives • Appeal process • Emergency funding process, definitions, funding sources • Make minor changes to chapter 173-98 WAC to coordinate with update to chapter 173-95A WAC. |
173-98, 1/00 |
Uses and Limitations of the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund | Tim Hilliard, (360) 407-6429, |
N/A | Mar-00 | May-00 | Make minor changes to reflect new, lower interest rates and more flexibility to lower interest rates in the future. |