Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 00-09-021 with a published date of May 3, 2000.
Title of Rule: Fund-raising events, WAC 230-02-504, 230-25-030 (two alternatives), 230-25-040, 230-25-070, 230-25-100, 230-25-110, 230-25-120 (two alternatives), 230-25-150, 230-25-200, 230-25-220, 230-25-310, 230-25-315, and 230-25-325 (two alternatives).
Purpose: During the 2000 session, legislation was passed amending RCW 9.46.0233 to allow charitable and nonprofit organizations to conduct a limited form of FRE. Organizations offering limited FREs, will now be able to hire employees of a FRE equipment distributor to work gaming stations at FRE events. Furthermore, no cash, only merchandise prizes, can be given away at limited FREs. This rules package sets forth the regulatory and licensing requirements for charitable and nonprofit organizations, and the FRE equipment distributors who offer limited FREs.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 9.46.070.
Summary: See Purpose above.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Susan Arland, Lacey, (360) 438-7654 ext. 374; Implementation: Ben Bishop, Lacey, (360) 438-7640; and Enforcement: Sherri Winslow, Lacey, (360) 438-7654 ext. 301.
Name of Proponent: Staff, governmental.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: See Purpose above. Furthermore, three of the rules in this package have been filed with two alternatives for the commission to choose from. These are as follows:
Alternative #1, currently, FRE licensees must return money earned in excess of the ten thousand dollar annual net receipts limit to players as prizes. New language was added to this rule requiring licensees conducting limited FREs to give these excess funds to another charitable organization, rather than return it to players.
Alternative #2, this alternative would require money earned in excess of the net receipts limit from all FREs to be distributed only to another charitable organization, rather than returned to players as prizes at certain FREs.
Alternative #1, this rule imposes specific expenditure limits charitable and nonprofit organizations can spend on each aspect of the FRE.
Alternative #2, this alternative removes the specific dollar limits these organizations can spend when conducting FREs and states that the expenditure transactions must be commercially reasonable as established in the competitive market.
Alternative #1, this rule version limits the number of member guests that are able to attend a limited FRE to 25% of total participants.
Alternative #2, this alternative removes the limitation on the percentage of member guests that can attend a limited FRE.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: See Purpose above.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Proposal is exempt under RCW 19.85.025(2), therefore, a small business economic impact statement is not required.
Section 201, chapter 403, Laws of 1995, does not apply to this rule adoption. This agency does not choose to make section 201, chapter 403, Laws of 1995, apply to this rule adoption.
Hearing Location: West Coast Bellevue Hotel, 625 116th Avenue N.E., Bellevue, WA 98004, (425) 455-9444, on July 14, 2000, at 1:30 p.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Shirley Corbett by July 1, 2000, TDD (360) 438-7638, or (360) 438-7654 ext. 302.
Submit Written Comments to: Susan Arland, Mailstop 42400, Olympia, Washington 98504-2400, fax (360) 438-8652, by July 1, 2000.
Date of Intended Adoption: July 14, 2000.
June 7, 2000
Susan Arland
Rules Coordinator
WAC 230-02-504
Fund-raising event defined.
"Fund-raising event" as set forth in RCW 9.46.0233, is an event conducted by a charitable or nonprofit organization to raise money for the organization's stated goals and purposes. During these limited duration events, bingo, amusement games, contests of chance, lotteries, and raffles may be conducted.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 140, filed 6/15/84)
WAC 230-25-030
Fund-raising event -- Ten thousand dollars
annual net receipts maximum.
(1) ((No licensee authorized to
conduct)) The annual net receipts an organization shall earn
conducting fund-raising events (FREs) must not exceed ten
thousand dollars. Licensees must ensure the net receipts limit
is not exceeded. Net receipts are calculated by subtracting
money used to purchase prizes and pay-out cash prizes, from all
wagers and bets received. This limitation applies to licensees
(a) One ((fund-raising event)) FRE for a period of
seventy-two consecutive hours once during a calendar year ((shall
conduct such an event in such a manner as to allow the total of
all gross wagers and bets received by the licensee, less the
amount of money paid or committed by the licensee as winnings,
and for the purchase cost of prizes given as winnings, to exceed
ten thousand dollars at the conclusion of such fund-raising
(2) No licensee authorized to conduct a fund-raising event
on)); or
(b) Two FRE occasions during a calendar year ((for not more
than)). Each event shall not exceed twenty-four consecutive
hours ((each shall conduct such event in any manner so as to
allow the total of all gross wagers and bets received by the
licensee, less the amount of money paid by the licensee as
winnings and for the purchase cost of prizes given as winnings to
exceed ten thousand dollars either at the end of any twenty-four
consecutive hours upon which such event is conducted, or during
the calendar year in which such activity is authorized)).
Limited FREs may deduct cost of equipment rental.
(2) Licensees conducting limited FREs (see WAC 230-25-325)
may also deduct the cost of equipment rental from their gross
receipts (all wagers and bets received) when calculating the ten
thousand dollar annual net receipts maximum.
Distribution of excess net receipts.
(3) ((The)) Licensees conducting FREs shall ((develop and
post)) conspicuously ((and in detail)) post in the FRE gambling
area ((in which the gambling is taking place)) a detailed scheme
for the distribution ((to the participants)) of any ((receipts
beyond those permitted to the organization by this rule, and
shall offer)) money earned in excess of the ten thousand dollar
annual net receipts limit. The scheme may offer money in excess
of what is necessary to ensure that the licensee will not go over
the annual net receipts limit. Excess net receipts must be
distributed by check within thirty calendar days following the
FRE. An FRE must provide all participants at the event an equal
opportunity to participate in ((such)) the distribution scheme((.
The scheme must provide for such distribution to be money,
payable to the winner by a check. The scheme may provide for
such distribution to be of more money than is necessary to ensure
that the licensee will not retain greater receipts than are
permitted by law, but, at minimum, must ensure that the limit is
not exceeded.
(4) Winners of all prizes shall be determined during the
fund-raising event. All cash prizes shall be paid by check, and
merchandise prizes distributed to the winners not later than 30
calendar days following the conclusion of the event)) and winners
must be chosen during the FRE: Provided, That limited FREs (see
WAC 230-25-325) must distribute excess net receipts to another
charitable or nonprofit organization licensed by the commission,
rather than to FRE participants. The money must be distributed
by check within thirty calendar days following the FRE.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070 (5), (7), (8), (9), (11), (14) and (19). 84-13-038 (Order 140), § 230-25-030, filed 6/15/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(7). 82-15-009 (Order 124), § 230-25-030, filed 7/9/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(14). 81-19-072 (Order 111), § 230-25-030, filed 9/15/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(1). 80-06-038 (Order 102), § 230-25-030, filed 5/12/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(10). 78-11-049 (Order 87), § 230-25-030, filed 10/20/78; Order 78, § 230-25-030, filed 11/17/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 140, filed 6/15/84)
WAC 230-25-030
Fund-raising event -- Ten thousand dollars
annual net receipts maximum.
(1) ((No licensee authorized to
conduct)) The annual net receipts an organization shall earn
conducting fund-raising events (FREs) must not exceed ten
thousand dollars. Licensees must ensure the net receipts limit
is not exceeded. Net receipts are calculated by subtracting
money used to purchase prizes and pay-out cash prizes, from all
wagers and bets received. This limitation applies to licensees
(a) One ((fund-raising event)) FRE for a period of
seventy-two consecutive hours once during a calendar year ((shall
conduct such an event in such a manner as to allow the total of
all gross wagers and bets received by the licensee, less the
amount of money paid or committed by the licensee as winnings,
and for the purchase cost of prizes given as winnings, to exceed
ten thousand dollars at the conclusion of such fund-raising
(2) No licensee authorized to conduct a fund-raising event
on)); or
(b) Two FRE occasions during a calendar year ((for not more
than)). Each event shall not exceed twenty-four consecutive
hours ((each shall conduct such event in any manner so as to
allow the total of all gross wagers and bets received by the
licensee, less the amount of money paid by the licensee as
winnings and for the purchase cost of prizes given as winnings to
exceed ten thousand dollars either at the end of any twenty-four
consecutive hours upon which such event is conducted, or during
the calendar year in which such activity is authorized)).
Limited FREs may deduct cost of equipment rental.
(2) Licensees conducting limited FREs (see WAC 230-25-325)
may also deduct the cost of equipment rental from their gross
receipts (all wagers and bets received) when calculating the ten
thousand dollar annual net receipts maximum.
Distribution of excess net receipts.
(3) Licensees conducting FREs must distribute excess net
receipts to another charitable or nonprofit organization licensed
by the commission. The money must be distributed by check within
thirty calendar days following the FRE. The licensee shall
((develop and post)) conspicuously ((and in detail)) post in the
FRE gambling area ((in which the gambling is taking place a
scheme for the distribution to the participants of any receipts
beyond those permitted to the organization by this rule, and
shall offer all participants at the event an equal opportunity to
participate in such scheme. The scheme must provide for such
distribution to be money, payable to the winner by a check. The
scheme may provide for such distribution to be of more money than
is necessary to ensure that the licensee will not retain greater
receipts than are permitted by law, but, at minimum, must ensure
that the limit is not exceeded.
(4) Winners of all prizes shall be determined during the
fund-raising event. All cash prizes shall be paid by check, and
merchandise prizes distributed to the winners not later than 30
calendar days following the conclusion of the event)) money
earned in excess of the ten thousand dollar annual net receipts
limit. The licensee may offer money in excess of what is
necessary to ensure that the licensee will not go over the annual
net receipts limit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070 (5), (7), (8), (9), (11), (14) and (19). 84-13-038 (Order 140), § 230-25-030, filed 6/15/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(7). 82-15-009 (Order 124), § 230-25-030, filed 7/9/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(14). 81-19-072 (Order 111), § 230-25-030, filed 9/15/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(1). 80-06-038 (Order 102), § 230-25-030, filed 5/12/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(10). 78-11-049 (Order 87), § 230-25-030, filed 10/20/78; Order 78, § 230-25-030, filed 11/17/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 96-07-077, filed 3/19/96,
effective 7/1/96)
WAC 230-25-040
Fund-raising event -- House rules to be
developed and posted -- Limitations on wagers.
(1) Before
conducting a fund-raising event (FRE), each licensee shall
develop ((a set of)) house rules ((which will)) to govern the
((type,)) scope and manner of all gambling activities to be
conducted ((in conjunction with)) during the ((fund-raising
event)) FRE. ((Among other information)) At a minimum, these
rules shall ((establish)):
(a) State the maximum amount of a single wager((s)) that may
be placed by ((persons participating in gambling activities that
in any event)) FRE participants.
(i) Single wagers shall not exceed ten dollars ((being
wagered upon the outcome of any one operation of an element of
chance, except for));
(ii) Raffles or other similar drawings((, as set forth in
RCW 9.46.0277)) may exceed the ten dollar wagering limit (see RCW 9.46.0277); and
(iii) There are no limits on wagers made using scrip.
((In addition, the rules shall)) (b) Prohibit ((the giving
of)) any thing of value from being given to any person involved
in the management or operation of the ((fund-raising event,))
FRE; and
(c) Prohibit any person involved in the management or
operation of the ((fund-raising event)) FRE from accepting any
thing of value.
Posting house rules.
(2) A copy of the rules shall be ((posted)) conspicuously
((on the premises)) posted in the area where the ((fund-raising
event)) FRE is being conducted at all times during the
((fund-raising event, and)) FRE. A copy ((thereof shall)) must
be ((made)) available, upon request, to any law enforcement
officer or representative of the commission.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.0277 and 9.46.070. 96-07-077, § 230-25-040, filed 3/19/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(14). 81-19-072 (Order 111), § 230-25-040, filed 9/15/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(10). 78-11-049 (Order 87), § 230-25-040, filed 10/20/78; Order 78, § 230-25-040, filed 11/17/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 95-12-051, filed 6/2/95,
effective 7/3/95)
WAC 230-25-070
Fund-raising events -- Central accounting
system required.
((Each)) Licensees ((for the operation of))
conducting fund-raising events (FREs) shall establish and
maintain a central accounting system in a form prescribed by the
commission for all activities conducted at the ((fund-raising
event)) FRE. Licensees shall obtain accounting forms from the
commission, or use machine copies of such forms.
Components of the central accounting system.
((Such)) (1) The central accounting system shall contain,
but not be limited to, the following items:
(((1) There shall be)) (a) Adequate personnel and physical
areas to provide for the following minimum separation of duties:
(((a))) (i) A banker, cashier, or count room to handle the
original bankroll, provide coin or chips to the games, redeem
chips and cash checks for the players;
(((b))) (ii) A runner to transport money, chips and lock
boxes between stations of the event;
(((c))) (iii) Pit bosses, each of whom shall supervise the
operation of not more than six gambling stations and who shall
supervise the transfer of lock boxes and chips/change trays to
the count room((;)).
Procedures for securing, handling and counting money.
(((d))) (b) An area for the counting of money which is
segregated from the area ((in which)) gambling is conducted. All
money received in connection with the ((fund-raising event)) FRE
shall be brought to this area for counting. Once any such money
has been brought to this area, three persons shall be assigned to
the count area with a minimum of two in the counting area at all
(((2))) (c) The beginning bankroll shall be verified by at
least two persons who shall sign such verification.
(((3))) (d) There shall be documentation containing
verifying signatures for the transfer of money between any two
stations of the event.
(((a))) (i) All count/fill slips shall be used sequentially.
VOIDED count/fill slips will be signed by two persons and
retained with accounting records.
(((b))) (ii) ALL UNUSED count/fill slips shall be retained
along with all other count/fill slips as part of that
((fund-raising event's)) FRE's accounting records.
(((4))) (e) All games shall be numbered and provided with
lock boxes and money paddles. The money paddle shall remain in
the lock box slot whenever it is not in use. The money slot of
the lock box shall not exceed three and one-half inches in length
and one-half inch in width.
(((5))) (f) The keys to all lock boxes are to be kept in the
count room at all times and the lock boxes are to be opened only
in the count room by the count room personnel.
(((6))) (g) All games are to be played using coin or chips
and all currency tendered by the players shall be exchanged for
coin or chips and immediately placed in the lock box by the
(((7))) (h) All money and chips shall be transferred to the
count room at the end of the day or event for final tabulation,
reconciliation, and verification.
(((8))) (i) The final tabulation and reconciliation shall be
verified by at least three count room personnel who shall sign
such verification.
(((9))) (j) Access to the count room and the bankers and
cashier's areas shall be restricted to the persons assigned to
those functions and to the runner(s) who transport money or chips
to or from those stations.
(((10))) (k) Records shall provide sufficient detail to
determine the net receipts of each activity conducted.
(((11))) (l) The records shall contain a reconciliation of
the ending cash on hand to net receipts.
(((12))) (m) The ending cash on hand shall be deposited
intact within two banking days of the conclusion of the event,
and a validated deposit slip shall be included as part of the
event records. There shall be no expenditure of any kind made
from the ending cash prior to deposit. However, this subsection
shall not prohibit a licensee from exchanging its ending currency
and coin for a check of equal value to reduce the risk and
exposure of carrying or storing large amounts of money.
Accounting system for limited FREs.
(2) This section shall not apply to ((those licensees whose
receipts from the fund-raising event are limited to an admission
charge or charge for a ticket, or tickets, to a drawing and who
(a) Conduct all activities with scrip, play money, or
similar items which are redeemable only for merchandise prizes;
(b) Who award only merchandise prizes that have been
purchased by or donated to the licensee.
These licensees need only)) limited FRE licensees (see WAC 230-25-325). These licensees shall comply with WAC 230-08-010
and ((record their net receipts in sufficient detail to verify
these amounts)) must also provide details regarding how much of
the admission fees from the FRE are allocated to gambling scrip
and how much is allocated to other FRE expenses.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. 95-12-051, § 230-25-070, filed 6/2/95, effective 7/3/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(14). 81-19-072 (Order 111), § 230-25-070, filed 9/15/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(7), (8) and (10). 78-11-049 (Order 87), § 230-25-070, filed 10/20/78; Order 78, § 230-25-070, filed 11/17/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 111, filed 9/15/81)
WAC 230-25-100
Fund-raising event((s)) -- Leasing of
commercial business premises ((of retail business)) -- Conditions.
(1) Fund-raising events (FREs) shall not be operated ((upon a
premises part of a retail sales or service)) within a commercial
business catering to the public except when:
(((1))) (a) The room or other portion of the premises in
which the ((fund-raising event)) FRE is being conducted is
separate and apart from the portion being used for the ((retail
sales or service)) commercial business;
(((2))) (b) The commercial business is closed to the public
at all times during which the ((fund-raising event)) FRE is
conducted on the premises; or
(((3))) (c) The ((fund-raising event)) FRE is being
conducted upon the premises of a bona fide charitable or bona
fide nonprofit organization which is not also being used for a
profit seeking business.
(2) No licensee shall conduct a ((fund-raising event)) FRE
on or within any portion of a ((retail premise)) commercial
business during the period any other ((fund-raising event)) FRE
is being conducted on or within any portion of that retail
(3) For limited FREs (see WAC 230-25-325), the FRE equipment distributor must not provide the facility or be otherwise compensated by the facility where the limited FRE is conducted.
Separate and apart defined.
(4) As used in this rule, separate and apart means a
permanent or temporary partition which provides a solid, distinct
separation between the portion of the room or premises ((in
which)) the ((fund-raising event)) FRE is being conducted and the
portion of the room or premises being used for the ((retail sales
or service)) commercial business ((and which)). This partition
must limit((s)) the flow of pedestrians between the
((fund-raising event)) FRE and the ((retail sales or service))
commercial business to not more than two designated openings.
FRE operator to control premises - exception for liquor.
((In all cases)) (5) The ((fund-raising event)) FRE operator
must have, and exercise, complete control over ((that)) the
portion of the premises being used for the ((fund-raising event))
FRE, at all times ((said)) the event is being conducted:
Provided, ((however,)) That ((at all times)) when the sale,
service or consumption of intoxicating liquor is permitted in
said portion of the premises, the ((responsibility)) liquor
licensee or permittee shall be responsible for compliance with
liquor laws and regulations ((shall also be that of the liquor
licensee or permittee)).
Commercial business employers shall not participate in FRE.
(6) The owner, manager or any employee of the ((retail sales
or service establishment may)) commercial business shall not be
an officer of the ((fund-raising event)) FRE operator or
participate in the operation of the ((fund-raising event)) FRE on
that premises((, and no gambling activities, nor any)). No part
((or facet)) of the operation or play of any gambling activity((,
may)) shall be conducted by the ((retail sales or service
establishment or allowed by the operators of the fund-raising
event in any portion of the premises which is being used for the
fund-raising event)) commercial business. The FRE operator shall
be responsible for ensuring the commercial business does not
participate in any of the FRE activities.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(14). 81-19-072 (Order 111), § 230-25-100, filed 9/15/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(1) and (10). 80-03-060 (Order 99), § 230-25-100, filed 2/25/80; Order 78, § 230-25-100, filed 11/17/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 224, filed 7/17/91, effective
WAC 230-25-110
Fund-raising event -- ((Use of)) Equipment
use, lease or rental from licensee only.
(1) Fund-raising event (FRE) licensees must:
(a) Only purchase or rent gambling equipment from a licensed distributor or another FRE licensee; and
(b) Ensure the equipment it owns is only used during the operation of licensed FREs, or other authorized gambling activities it may offer.
Equipment transfers by FRE licensees.
(2) A FRE licensee may sell, loan or rent equipment acquired
for its own FRE to another FRE licensee(s) for up to four events
per year without being licensed as a FRE equipment distributor.
The transfers must take place within the twelve calendar month
period following the conduct of a licensed FRE.
Equipment transfers by distributors.
(3) Only ((those)) persons holding a valid license to sell
or distribute punch boards, pull-tabs, ((or)) pull-tab dispensing
devices, and/or ((fund-raising event)) FRE equipment ((shall be))
are authorized to sell or lease gaming equipment to ((bona fide
nonprofit or charitable organizations licensed to conduct
fund-raising events)) FRE licensees for use ((in connection
with)) during a licensed ((fund-raising event)) FRE.
Distributor responsibilities.
(4) All ((rules and regulations of the)) commission rules
relating to the sale or distribution of punch boards, pull-tabs,
or pull-tab dispensing devices by ((such)) distributors((,))
shall be ((likewise)) applicable to the sale or rental ((by
them)) of gaming equipment and pull-tabs ((for use)) used in a
licensed ((fund-raising event)) FRE, except ((to the extent))
when such rules are inconsistent with the provisions of this
section((: Provided, commission approval of such gaming)).
Identification stamps not required.
(5) FRE gambling equipment ((shall not be required, nor
shall)) does not require commission approval or identification
stamps ((be required for such equipment: Provided further, a
licensee to conduct fund-raising events may sell, loan or rent
equipment acquired for its own fund-raising event to another such
licensee(s) for up to four events per year without being licensed
as a distributor of fund-raising event equipment)).
Price limit on sale and rental of FRE equipment.
(6) No sale or rental of gaming equipment for use in a
licensed ((fund-raising event)) FRE shall be transacted except on
commercially reasonable terms established in the competitive
market. All rentals shall be a lump sum or hourly rate, and
shall not be based upon a percentage of the income or profit
derived from the conduct of the ((fund-raising event)) FRE:
Provided, That licensees conducting limited fund-raising events
(see WAC 230-25-325) are subject to the limits set forth in WAC 230-25-120.
((No licensee to conduct fund-raising events shall purchase
or rent gaming equipment except from another such licensee, or
from a licensed distributor.
Any bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization licensed
to conduct fund-raising events may utilize such equipment, not
otherwise prohibited by law or these regulations, as is owned or
constructed by such licensee, or which is borrowed or leased from
another bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization which has
been licensed by the commission to conduct fund-raising events.
No licensee to conduct fund-raising events shall use, or
permit the use of, equipment owned by it for any purpose other
than the operation of licensed fund-raising events, or other
authorized gambling activities by the licensee: Provided,
however, That the licensee may, within the twelve calendar month
period following the conduct of the fund-raising event for which
it was licensed, loan or rent such equipment to another bona fide
charitable or nonprofit organization for use in conjunction with
a licensed fund-raising event.))
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 9.46 RCW. 91-15-040 (Order 224), § 230-25-110, filed 7/17/91, effective 8/17/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. 88-19-038 (Order 183), § 230-25-110, filed 9/13/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(5) and § 1(5), chapter 326, Laws of 1977 ex. sess., and RCW 9.46.070(4). 78-03-061 (Order 81), § 230-25-110, filed 2/22/78; Order 80, § 230-25-110, filed 12/28/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 218, filed 11/26/90, effective
WAC 230-25-120
Expenditure limits ((upon amount for rent,
lease or similar payments)) for fund-raising events.
shall not expend for rent or lease (or similar arrangements) of
premises in which to hold a fund-raising event, or for any
equipment or service in connection with the fund-raising event,
an amount that exceeds the local prevailing or market price for
such premises, equipment or service.
Maximum rental limits shall be:
(1) Premises and other goods or services: Not more than two
hundred dollars for all, or any portion, of any twenty-four hour
This maximum fee shall include in addition to the use of the
premises themselves any and all goods or services of any kind
furnished by the person renting the premises to the licensee, or
furnished by anyone with a substantial interest in, or immediate
family relationship with, that person: Provided, That the limit
shall not include (a) fees for gambling equipment which are
governed by the maximums set out in (2) below; or (b) charges for
food or drink to the licensee or patrons of the fund-raising
event when the purchase of such food or drink is not, directly or
indirectly, a condition of rental of the premises and the
licensee may elect to bring in food and drink from an outside
(2) Gambling devices and equipment:
(a) Not more than four hundred dollars from each licensee
for all, or any portion of, the first twenty-four hour period for
all gambling devices and related equipment to conduct the event,
including, but not limited to, cards, dice, cash boxes, shoes,
chips, noncoin operated pull-tab dispensing devices, pull-tab
scales, delivery thereof and any schooling in its use. This
limitation shall not apply to the sale of pull-tabs or the rental
of a bingo horse racing device.
(b) Not more than two hundred and twenty-five dollars from
each licensee for each succeeding twenty-four hour period, or any
portion thereof, for the same kinds of items set out in (a)
(3) Individual gambling station:
(a) Not more than thirty dollars for all of the equipment
needed to set up each single specific gambling station (such as a
single twenty-one table), except for a craps table or a roulette
wheel station which shall not exceed $55 or for a station showing
horse racing films with advance betting on the outcome of the
races which shall not exceed $250, or each station facilitating
the operation of an electronic horse racing game, with advance
betting on the outcome of the races which, shall not exceed $325,
for the first twenty-four hour period, or any portion thereof,
including, but not limited to, the equipment, delivery and
schooling in its use, to an overall maximum for all items of
$400, for each licensee as set out in (2)(a) above.
(b) Not more than twenty dollars for each successive
twenty-four hour period or any portion thereof, for the equipment
needed to establish each single specific gambling station as set
out in (a) above, to an overall maximum of $225 for each licensee
as set out in (2)(b) above.
(4) The maximum charges or limits set out in subsections (1)
through (3) above include any amount paid to reserve the use of
applicable premises, services or equipment.
No more than 50% of the total allowable fees or charges may
be paid in advance of the event. Advance payment shall be made
only by check which shall not be drawn or paid more than 90 days
prior to the event.
The limits in subsections (2) and (3) above shall not apply
to expenditures by the licensee for purchases outright, or
construction by the licensee of, gambling equipment.)) (1) The
purpose of a fund-raising event (FRE) is to raise funds for
organizational purposes. FREs should be operated with a profit
motive as described in WAC 230-02-503. FRE licensees shall make
a good faith effort to ensure that the expenses paid for all
phases of the FRE, including premises, equipment rental, and
prizes do not exceed the total gross receipts received for all
phases of the activity.
Price limit on sale and rental of FRE equipment.
(2) No sale, rental or lease of gaming equipment, premises
or services for use in a licensed FRE shall be transacted except
on commercially reasonable terms established in the competitive
market. All rentals shall be a lump sum or hourly rate and shall
not be based upon a percentage of the income or profit derived
from the conduct of a FRE.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. 90-24-005 (Order 218), § 230-25-120, filed 11/26/90, effective 12/27/90; 88-19-038 (Order 183), § 230-25-120, filed 9/13/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070 (11) and (14). 85-03-059 (Order 146), § 230-25-120, filed 1/15/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(14). 81-19-072 (Order 111), § 230-25-120, filed 9/15/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(15). 79-11-074 (Order 93), § 230-25-120, filed 10/19/79; 79-01-026 (Order 88), § 230-25-120, filed 12/18/78.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 218, filed 11/26/90, effective
WAC 230-25-120
Limits upon amount for rent, lease or
similar payments for fund-raising events -- Exceptions.
((Licensees shall not expend for rent or lease (or similar
arrangements) of premises in which to hold a fund-raising event,
or for any equipment or service in connection with the
fund-raising event, an amount that exceeds the local prevailing
or market price for such premises, equipment or service.)) No
sale, rental or lease of gaming equipment, premises or services
for use in a licensed fund-raising event (FRE) shall be
transacted except on commercially reasonable terms established in
the competitive market. All rentals shall be a lump sum or
hourly rate, and shall not be based upon a percentage of the
income or profit derived from the conduct of the fund-raising
Maximum rental limits ((shall be)) are as follows:
(((1) Premises and other goods or services: Not))
Premises goods and services.
(1) A licensee shall pay no more than two hundred dollars
for the use of a FRE premises and all goods and services provided
by the person renting the premises for all, or any portion, of
any twenty-four hour period.
This maximum fee shall include in addition to the use of the premises themselves any and all goods or services of any kind furnished by the person renting the premises to the licensee, or furnished by anyone with a substantial interest in, or immediate family relationship with, that person: Provided, That the limit shall not include:
(a) Fees for gambling equipment which are governed by the
maximums set out in subsection (2) ((below)) of this section; or
(b) Charges for food or drink to the licensee or patrons of
the ((fund-raising event)) FRE when the purchase of such food or
drink is not, directly or indirectly, a condition of rental of
the premises and the licensee may elect to bring in food and
drink from an outside source.
(((2) Gambling devices and equipment:
(a) Not more than))
Gambling devices and equipment.
(2) For all gambling devices and related equipment used to
conduct a FRE, each licensee shall not pay more than:
(a) Four hundred dollars ((from each licensee)) for all, or
any portion of, the first twenty-four hour period ((for all));
(b) Two hundred and twenty-five dollars for each succeeding twenty-four hour period, or any portion thereof;
(c) This limitation shall not apply to:
(i) Expenditures by the licensee for outright purchases, or construction by the licensee to build gambling equipment; or
(ii) The sale of pull-tabs or the rental of a bingo horse racing device;
(d) For purposes of this section, gambling devices and
related equipment ((to conduct the event, including)) include,
but is not limited to, cards, dice, cash boxes, shoes, chips,
noncoin operated pull-tab dispensing devices, pull-tab scales,
delivery thereof and any schooling in its use. ((This limitation
shall not apply to the sale of pull-tabs or the rental of a bingo
horse racing device.
(b) Not more than two hundred and twenty-five dollars from
each licensee for each succeeding twenty-four hour period, or any
portion thereof, for the same kinds of items set out in (a)
(3) Individual gambling station:
(a) Not more than thirty dollars))
Individual gambling station.
(3) For all ((of the)) gambling equipment needed to set up
each single specific gambling station (such as a single
twenty-one table), ((except for a)) each licensee shall not pay
more than thirty dollars per table: Provided, That
(a) Each craps table or ((a)) roulette wheel station
((which)) shall not exceed (($55 or for a)) fifty-five dollars;
(b) Each station showing horse racing films with advance
betting on the outcome of the races which shall not exceed
(($250, or)) two hundred fifty dollars;
(c) Each station facilitating the operation of an electronic
horse racing game, with advance betting on the outcome of the
races which, shall not exceed (($325)) three hundred twenty-five
dollars, for the first twenty-four hour period, or any portion
thereof((, including, but not limited to,)): Provided further,
That the equipment, delivery and schooling in its use((, to an
overall maximum for all items of $400)) shall not exceed four
hundred dollars, for each licensee as set out in subsection
(2)(a) ((above.)) of this section;
(((b))) (d) Not more than twenty dollars for each successive
twenty-four hour period or any portion thereof, for the equipment
needed to establish each single specific gambling station as set
out in (a) ((above)) of this subsection, to an overall maximum of
(($225)) two hundred twenty-five dollars for each licensee as set
out in subsection (2)(b) ((above)) of this section;
(e) This limit shall not apply to expenditures by the licensee for purchases outright, or construction by the licensee of gambling equipment.
(4) The maximum charges or limits set out in subsections (1)
through (3) ((above)) of this section include any amount paid to
reserve the use of applicable premises, services or equipment.
Advance payments.
(5) No more than ((50%)) fifty percent of the total
allowable fees or charges may be paid in advance of the event. Advance payment shall be made only by check which shall not be
drawn or paid more than ((90)) ninety days prior to the event.
((The limits in subsections (2) and (3) above shall not
apply to expenditures by the licensee for purchases outright, or
construction by the licensee of, gambling equipment.))
Exception for FRE.
(6) The purpose of a FRE is to raise funds for
organizational purposes and therefore should be operated with a
profit motive as described in WAC 230-02-503. Licensees
conducting limited FREs (see WAC 230-24-325) shall make a good
faith effort to ensure that the expenses paid for all phases of
the fund-raising activity, including premises and equipment
rental, and prizes do not exceed the total gross receipts
received for all phases of the activity.
Exception for recreational gaming activity (RGA).
(7) The purpose of a RGA is strictly for entertainment and
recreational purposes, not fund-raising. Participation in a RGA
shall not be limited to charitable or nonprofit organizations and
their members. Therefore, the limitations set forth in this
section shall not apply to a RGA's premises or equipment costs.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. 90-24-005 (Order 218), § 230-25-120, filed 11/26/90, effective 12/27/90; 88-19-038 (Order 183), § 230-25-120, filed 9/13/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070 (11) and (14). 85-03-059 (Order 146), § 230-25-120, filed 1/15/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(14). 81-19-072 (Order 111), § 230-25-120, filed 9/15/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(15). 79-11-074 (Order 93), § 230-25-120, filed 10/19/79; 79-01-026 (Order 88), § 230-25-120, filed 12/18/78.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 183, filed 9/13/88)
WAC 230-25-150
Pull-tabs at fund-raising
events -- Authorized.
Pull-tabs are authorized for use at
fund-raising (FREs) events and shall be treated as conducted
solely ((pursuant to)) under the FRE license ((to conduct a
fund-raising event)): Provided, That pull-tabs shall not be
offered for sale at limited FREs (see WAC 230-25-325). Except
where superseded by WAC 230-25-160, all rules applicable to the
operation of pull-tabs set forth in chapter 230-30 WAC shall be
applicable to pull-tabs utilized at ((fund-raising events)) FREs.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. 88-19-038 (Order 183), § 230-25-150, filed 9/13/88.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 251, filed 5/17/94, effective
WAC 230-25-200
Bingo at fund-raising event.
Bingo games
conducted as part of a licensed fund-raising event (FRE)
authorized by chapter 9.46 RCW shall be treated as conducted
solely ((pursuant to)) under the FRE license ((to conduct that
fund-raising event)). All income, prizes awarded, and other
expenses shall be separately accounted for, and reported to the
commission((,)) as ((fund-raising event)) FRE activity. The
following procedures apply to bingo conducted as part of a
((fund-raising event)) FRE:
(1) All general requirements and limitations set out in chapter 230-25 WAC apply.
(2) Income from bingo games shall be applied only against
the maximum income permitted for ((fund-raising events)) FREs and
shall not be applied against other maximum income limits imposed
by chapter 9.46 RCW or the commission rules.
Rules not applicable to FRE bingo.
(3) All of the commission's rules applicable to the conduct
of bingo games shall apply: Provided, That the following rules
shall not be applicable to bingo games conducted as part of a
((fund-raising event)) FRE:
(a) WAC 230-20-064;
(b) WAC 230-20-065;
(c) WAC 230-20-070;
(d) WAC 230-20-170;
(e) WAC 230-20-242; and
(f) WAC 230-20-246(10).
Bingo card inventory.
(4) If a FRE licensee is also a bingo licensee and uses
disposable bingo cards ((are used to conduct)) for bingo games
((at fund-raising events and the organization has a license to
conduct bingo)) conducted at a FRE, the inventory control
procedures of WAC 230-08-105 shall apply. A reference to all
cards or packets of cards used shall be made in the inventory
control records. If the organization does not have a license to
conduct bingo, all unused cards or packets must be retained as
part of the event record: Provided, That licensees may return
unused cards or packets to the distributor if there are no breaks
in the audit numbers of the unused portion. The distributor
shall document the total number of cards or packets returned and
the beginning and ending audit numbers.
Bingo at limited FREs.
(5) If bingo is conducted at a limited FRE (see WAC 230-25-325), scrip may be used to purchase bingo cards and
participants may only play for merchandise prizes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. 94-11-095 (Order 251), § 230-25-200, filed 5/17/94, effective 7/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070 (5), (7), (8), (9), (11), (14) and (19). 84-13-038 (Order 140), § 230-25-200, filed 6/15/84; Order 78, § 230-25-200, filed 11/17/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 96-07-077, filed 3/19/96,
effective 7/1/96)
WAC 230-25-220
Raffles or similar drawings conducted at
fund-raising events.
Raffles or similar drawings may be
conducted at fund-raising events ((so long as)) (FREs) when they
meet the following requirements:
Sales and drawings at event only.
(1) ((No sales of tickets or)) All aspects of a raffle or
similar drawing must be conducted at the FRE to be considered a
raffle held at such event. All tickets must be sold during the
event and drawing(s) ((in any raffle or similar drawing wherein
the winner or winners are chosen by the drawing)) of a ticket
((or other)), card, or other device ((shall be done at, or in
connection with, a licensed fund-raising event unless all aspects
of the raffle or similar drawing are done only at the
fund-raising)) must be held during the event.
Sales and drawings conducted outside a FRE.
(2) If any raffle ticket((, card or other device for a
raffle or similar drawing)) is sold, or any drawing for a raffle
or similar drawing held, other than ((at and)) during a licensed
((fund-raising event, then)) FRE:
(a) No portion of the raffle or similar drawing shall be
conducted at or during any licensed ((fund-raising event, nor
shall)) FRE; and
(b) The raffle or similar drawing shall not be considered as
being held under the ((fund-raising event)) FRE license for
((any)) such ((fund-raising event)) FRE.
Raffles conducted under a FRE license.
(3) Raffles or other similar drawings wherein the winner or
winners are chosen by the drawing of a ticket or other card or
device conducted at, or as a part of, a licensed ((fund-raising
event)) FRE authorized by RCW 9.46.0311 shall be treated as
conducted under the license to conduct that ((fund-raising
event)) FRE. All income, prizes awarded, and other expenses
shall be accounted for, and reported to the commission, as
required for ((fund-raising events)) FREs but shall not be
reported, or accounted for, as required for raffles conducted
under a raffle license issued by the commission, or under
different statutory authority: Provided, That the requirements
of WAC 230-20-325 applicable to raffles shall be applicable to
all such drawings conducted at a ((fund-raising event)) FRE,
except that single chances on drawings may be sold for up to
twenty-five dollars per chance.
Income from raffles.
(4) Income from raffles or other drawings conducted at, or
as a part of, such a ((fund-raising event)) FRE shall be applied
only against the maximum income permitted for ((fund-raising
events)) FREs and shall not be applied against other maximum
income limits imposed by chapter 9.46 RCW or the commission's
Rules not applicable to FRE raffles.
(5) All ((of the)) commission(('s)) rules applicable to
((the conduct of)) raffles, whether general or specific, shall
apply to ((the conduct of)) raffles and to the conduct of other
similar drawings wherein the winner or winners are chosen by the
drawing of a ticket or similar card or device at, or as a part
of, a ((fund-raising event)) FRE, except as provided in
subsection (3) of this section and except the following rules
which shall not be applicable:
(a) WAC 230-08-070;
(b) WAC 230-20-350; and
(c) WAC 230-12-020.
Raffles conducted under a raffle license during a FRE.
(6) Subsections (1) through (5) of this section shall not
apply to a drawing held during a ((fund-raising event)) FRE if
the raffle is conducted under a raffle license issued by the
commission((,)) and all tickets for the raffle are sold and
deposited into the drawing container before the beginning of the
((fund-raising event)) FRE.
Raffles at limited fund-raising events.
(7) Two types of raffles may be offered at limited FREs (see
WAC 230-25-325):
(a) Raffles as set forth in subsection (1) through (6) of this section; and
(b) Raffles may be conducted during FREs or at the end of the event as a means of determining who will win merchandise prizes. Raffle tickets for these types of raffles shall only be purchased with noncash value scrip provided at the event by the FRE equipment distributor.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.0277 and 9.46.070. 96-07-077, § 230-25-220, filed 3/19/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070 (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (9), (11), (14) and (17) and 9.46.020 (19) and (23). 85-17-015 (Order 153), § 230-25-220, filed 8/12/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020 (1) and (23) and 9.46.070(1). 85-11-023 (Order 150), § 230-25-220, filed 5/13/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(14). 81-19-072 (Order 111), § 230-25-220, filed 9/15/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070(10). 78-04-032 (Order 83), § 230-25-220, filed 3/16/78; Order 78, § 230-25-220, filed 11/17/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 87, filed 10/20/78)
WAC 230-25-310
Fund-raising event -- List of workers to be
available on premises.
(1) The licensee conducting a
fund-raising event (FRE) shall prepare and have available on the
premises a list of all persons taking part in the management or
operation of the ((fund-raising event)) FRE. Such list shall
contain the name, address, telephone number and a description of
the type of membership in the organization of each person. The
list shall be maintained as part of the licensee's records of the
event and shall be made available to any law enforcement officer
or representative of the commission upon request.
(2) Licensees conducting limited FREs (see WAC 230-25-325) shall include the name of the FRE equipment distributor and shall obtain from the distributor the names of all workers employed by the distributor who worked the event.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(7). 78-11-049 (Order 87), § 230-25-310, filed 10/20/78.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 111, filed 9/15/81)
WAC 230-25-315
Workers to wear identification tabs.
Each licensee conducting a fund-raising event (FRE) shall furnish
((to)) each ((person)) member participating in the management or
operation of the ((event)) FRE an identification tag ((which))
that, at a minimum ((shall)), contains ((that person's name and
designation of licensee)) the names of the member and licensed
organization. Name tags must include at least the member's first
initial and last name or first name and initial of the last name.
The licensee shall cause each ((such person)) member to wear this
tag at all times when the ((person)) member is working at the
((fund-raising event)) FRE. The tag shall be worn in plain view
so as to be easily seen and read by persons participating in the
event. The type and style of tag shall be the option of the
(2) During a limited FRE (see WAC 230-25-325), employees of the FRE equipment distributor shall wear name tags that, at a minimum, state the first name of the employee and full name of the FRE equipment distributor.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.020(23) and 9.46.070(14). 81-19-072 (Order 111), § 230-25-315, filed 9/15/81.]
WAC 230-25-325
Limited fund-raising event -- Procedures and
Pursuant to RCW 9.46.0233(2), nonprofit or charitable organizations may offer limited fund-raising events (FREs). Organizations offering limited FREs must operate the FRE under the following operational procedures:
Operating procedures.
(1) Only members of the organization and their guests shall
participate in the event. Guests may not exceed twenty-five
percent of event participants.
(2) Participants shall purchase scrip with cash.
(3) Scrip shall be exchanged at gambling stations for chips.
(4) Only bona fide members will be utilized for all transactions involving acceptance of cash for scrip, conducting the schemes to determine the winners of merchandise prizes, and maintaining records during the event.
(5) The value of all purchased prizes must not exceed ten percent of the gross revenue from the event, less the cost of the FRE equipment rental contract.
(6) Any prizes purchased from the FRE equipment distributor must be disclosed. The cost may not exceed the fair market value. Prizes may be disclosed to the public at the retail value.
FRE equipment distributors.
(7) The nonprofit organization may only contract with a
person or organization licensed as a FRE equipment distributor to
provide the equipment and staff to operate the gaming stations.
(8) Under no circumstances shall employees of the FRE equipment distributor handle cash transactions or allow participants to purchase chips with cash.
(9) The fee paid to the FRE equipment distributor shall be
in compliance with WAC 230-25-120. The FRE distributor shall not
share in any way in the proceeds of the event except as set forth
in the rule.
Information to be submitted with FRE application.
(10) The application must include details relating to the
initial cost to participate, and method for purchasing additional
scrip, as well as identify all costs included in the initial
price to enter that are not related to the gambling activity
(i.e., meals, drinks, etc.). The application must also identify
the scheme that will be followed to distribute the merchandise
prizes to participants at the end of the event (i.e., raffle,
auction, etc.).
(11) All contracts signed by the FRE licensee with the FRE equipment distributor and premises provider must be submitted with the FRE license application.
WAC 230-25-325
Limited fund-raising event -- Procedures and
Pursuant to RCW 9.46.0233(2), nonprofit or charitable organizations may offer limited fund-raising events (FREs). Organizations offering limited FREs must operate the FRE under the following operational procedures:
Operating procedures.
(1) Only members of the organization and their guests shall
participate in the event.
(2) Participants shall purchase scrip with cash.
(3) Scrip shall be exchanged at gambling stations for chips.
(4) Only bona fide members will be utilized for all transactions involving acceptance of cash for scrip, conducting the schemes to determine the winners of merchandise prizes, and maintaining records during the event.
(5) The value of all purchased prizes must not exceed ten percent of the gross revenue from the event, less the cost of the FRE equipment rental contract.
(6) Any prizes purchased from the FRE equipment distributor must be disclosed. The cost may not exceed the fair market value. Prizes may be disclosed to the public at the retail value.
FRE equipment distributors.
(7) The nonprofit organization may only contract with a
person or organization licensed as a FRE equipment distributor to
provide the equipment and staff to operate the gaming stations.
(8) Under no circumstances shall employees of the FRE equipment distributor handle cash transactions or allow participants to purchase chips with cash.
(9) The fee paid to the FRE equipment distributor shall be
in compliance with WAC 230-25-120. The FRE distributor shall not
share in any way in the proceeds of the event except as set forth
in the rule.
Information to be submitted with FRE application.
(10) The application must include details relating to the
initial cost to participate, and method for purchasing additional
scrip, as well as identify all costs included in the initial
price to enter that are not related to the gambling activity
(i.e., meals, drinks, etc.). The application must also identify
the scheme that will be followed to distribute the merchandise
prizes to participants at the end of the event (i.e., raffle,
auction, etc.).
(11) All contracts signed by the FRE licensee with the FRE equipment distributor and premises provider must be submitted with the FRE license application.