Date of Adoption: July 26, 2000.
Purpose: Amend personal use rules.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 232-12-61900L; and amending WAC 232-12-619.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: Section 7, chapter 107, Laws of 2000.
Under RCW 34.05.350 the agency for good cause finds that immediate adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule is necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety, or general welfare, and that observing the time requirements of notice and opportunity to comment upon adoption of a permanent rule would be contrary to the public interest.
Reasons for this Finding: These rules implement recommendations of the North of Falcon subgroup of the Pacific Fisheries Management Council, and are interim until permanent rules take effect. Anticipating recycling 500 to 600 additional steelhead to the Washougal River through the end of July and early August, keeping the river open would provide opportunity for anglers to harvest these fish.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 1, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0. Effective Date of Rule: August 1, 2000, 12:01 a.m..
July 26, 2000
J.P. Koenings
by Larry Peck
Notwithstanding the provisions of WAC 220-56-205, Chapters 220-57 and 220-57A WAC and WAC 232-28-619:
1. Bear River (Pacific County) - Effective immediately until further notice the river is closed to salmon fishing and single point barbless hooks, nonbouyant lures and night closure not required until August 16, 2000.
2. Beaver Creek (Thurston County) - Effective immediately until further notice when open trout minimum size 14 inches.
3. Blooms Ditch (Thurston County) - Effective immediately until further notice when open trout minimum size 14 inches.
4. Bogachiel River (Clallam County) - Effective immediately until further notice when open for salmon release wild adult coho and wild adult chinook.
5. Calawah River (Clallam County) - Effective immediately until further notice when open for salmon release wild adult coho and wild adult chinook.
6. Canyon Creek (Clark County) - Effective immediately until further notice when open trout daily limit five fish.
7. Canyon Creek (Klickitat County) - Effective immediately until further notice when open statewide rules apply.
8. Carbon River (Pierce County) - Effective August 1 until further notice nonbuoyant lure restriction and night closure from mouth to Voight Creek.
9. Clover Creek (Pierce County) - Effective immediately until further notice when open trout daily limit two fish.
10. Copalis River (Grays Harbor County) - Effective immediately until further notice closed to salmon angling.
11. Cowlitz River (Cowlitz/Lewis Counties) - Effective August 1 until further notice: Salmon daily limit 6 fish of which no more than 2 may be adult fish. Release chum, chinook and wild coho.
12. Deep River (Wahkiakum County) - Effective immediately until further notice: Salmon open. Daily limit 6 fish of which no more than 2 may be adult fish. Release chum and wild coho.
13. Dickey River (Clallam County) - Effective immediately until further notice release wild adult coho and wild adult chinook.
14. Elwha River (Clallam County) - Effective August 1 until further notice fly fishing only from mouth to marker at the outfall of the WDFW rearing channel.
15. Green River (Cowlitz County) - Effective August 1 until further notice release chinook.
16. Hoh River (Jefferson County) - Effective immediately until further notice the daily limit may contain up to two adult salmon from mouth to DNR oxbow campground boat launch, except release wild adult chinook
17. Hoko River (Clallam County) - Effective immediately until further notice from upper Hoko Bridge to Ellis Creek Bridge: Trout: Fly fishing only and release all fish.
18. Kalama River (Cowlitz County) - Effective immediately until further notice fishing from a floating device equipped with a motor prohibited in all waters upstream from the Modrow Bridge. From mouth to 1000 feet below fishway at upper salmon hatchery: Salmon: daily limit 6 fish of which no more than 2 may be adult fish. Release chum and wild coho.
19. Kilickitat River (Klickitat County) - Effective immediately until further notice release wild coho.
20. Little Quilcene River (Jefferson County) - Effective immediately until further notice statewide rules except trout minimum length fourteen inches.
21. Naselle River (Pacific/Whakiakum Counties) - Effective August 16 until further notice nonbuoyant lure and night closure downstream from North Fork and fishers may not allow their line, lures or bait to remain stationary in the water from the Crown Main Line Bridge downstream.
22. Nemah River, North, Middle and South (Pacific County) -Effective August 16 until further notice nonbuoyant lure restriction and night closure on North and Middle Nemah and South Nemah from mouth to confluence with Middle Nemah.
23. Niawiakum River (Pacific County) - Single point barbless hooks, nonbuoyant lure restriction and night closure not required until August 16. Effective immediately until further notice closed to salmon fishing.
24. Nooksack River (Whatcom County) - Effective immediately until further notice mainstem closed from Mount Baker High School bus barn to confluence of North and South forks.
25. North River (Grays Harbor/Pacific Counties) - Single point barbless hooks, nonbuoyant lure restriction and night closure not required until August 16. Effective immediately until further notice closed to salmon fishing.
26. Palix River, including all forks (Pacific County) - Single point barbless hooks, nonbuoyant lure restriction and night closure not required until August 16. Effective immediately until further notice closed to salmon fishing.
27. Quillayute River (Clallam County) - Effective immediately through August 31 release wild adult coho and wild adult chinook.
28. Sauk River, South Fork (Skagit/Snohomish Counties) -Upstream from Elliott Creek: Trout: Statewide rules.
29. Skokomish River (Mason County) - Effective August 1 until further notice from mouth to Highway 101 Bridge, salmon daily limit 6 fish of which no more than 2 may be adult salmon, of which not more than one may be a chinook. Release chum.
30. Smith Creek (Pacific County) - Effective immediately until further notice closed to salmon fishing. Effective August 16 until further notice nonbuoyant lure restriction and night closure from mouth to Highway 101 Bridge.
31. Sol Duc River (Clallam County) - Effective immediately through August 31 release wild adult coho and wild adult chinook.
32. Tapps Lake Intake Canal (Pierce County) - Effective immediately until further notice, bass: release fish 12 to 17 inches in length. Only one fish over 17 inches in length may be retained.
33. Tilton River (Lewis County) - Effective immediately until further notice release wild coho.
34. Toutle River (Cowlitz County) - Effective August 1 until further notice in mainstem from mouth to forks and North Fork to posted deadline below fish collection facility: salmon daily limit 6 fish of which no more than 2 may be adult salmon. Release chum and chinook. Release wild coho downstream of the forks.
35. Washougal River (Clark County) - Effective August 1 through August 15, 2000 in those waters from the mouth to bridge at Salmon Falls, open for trout, wild cutthroat release. Nonbuoyant lure restriction and night closure. Effective August 16, through October 14, 2000 closed.
36. Willapa River (Pacific County) - Effective August 16 nonbuoyant lure restriction and night closure.
37. Wind River (Skamania County) - Effective August 1 until further notice nonbuoyant lure restriction and night closure from mouth to Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge.
Reviser's note: The spelling error in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed effective 12:01 a.m. August 1, 2000:
WAC 232-12-61900L | Exceptions to statewide rules -- North of Falcon 2000 emergency rules. (00-58) |