WSR 00-21-057



[ October 14, 2000 ]




NO. 25700-A-689

     The Department of Fish and Wildlife and the District and Municipal Court Judges' Association having recommended the adoption of the proposed amendments to CrRLJ 3.2 (o) and (p), and the Court having determined that the proposed amendments will aid in the prompt and orderly administration of justice and further determined that an emergency exists which necessitates an early adoption;

     Now, therefore, it is hereby


     (a) That the amendments as attached hereto are adopted.

     (b) That pursuant to the emergency provisions of GR 9(i), the amendments will be published expeditiously and become effective upon publication.

DATED at Olympia, Washington this 11th day of October 2000.
     Guy, C. J.

     Smith, J.

     Alexander, J.

     Johnson, J.

     Sanders, J.

     Madsen, J.

     Bridge, J.

     Talmadge, J.

     Ireland, J.

RULE 3.2


     (a) Release in Noncapital Cases. Unchanged.

     (b) Relevant factors. Unchanged.

     (c) Conditions of Release. Unchanged.

     (d) Delay of Release. Unchanged.

     (e) Release in Capitol Cases. Unchanged.

     (f) Release After Finding or Plea of Guilty. Unchanged.

     (g) Order for Release. Unchanged.

     (h) Amendment or Revocation of Order. Unchanged.

     (i) Arrest for Violation of Conditions. Unchanged.

     (j) Evidence. Unchanged.

     (k) Forfeiture. Unchanged.

     (l) Accused Released on Recognizance or Bail -- Absence -- Forfeiture. Unchanged.

     (m) Bail in Criminal Traffic Offense Cases -- Mandatory Appearance. Unchanged.

     (n) (Reserved.)

     (o) (Reserved.) Forfeitable Fisheries Offenses. The following offenses shall be forfeitable as a final disposition, in the amounts listed, to include statutory assessments:



60% 30%


No Hydraulic Approval

at Work Site

100 60 30 190


No Commercial License on Person 70 42 21 133
75.28.070 Failure To Display License 70 42 21 133
75.28.081 Deleted


Sell Without License on Person 70 42 21 133

Commercial Sturgeon



Undersize Sturgeon (per fish) 70 42 21 133
Commercial Salmon


Undersize Salmon 1 fish 70 42 21 133
2 fish 80 48 24 152
3 fish 100 60 30 190
4 fish 120 72 36 228
Over 4 fish +38 each fish over

Commercial Clam



Failure To Possess Geoduck Tract 70 42 21 133
Map Aboard Harvest Vessel
Commercial Crab


Commercial Possession of Soft Shell Crab
Up to 6 Crabs 70 42 21 133
220-52-040(4) Possession of Female Dungeness Crab
Up to 6 Crabs 120 72 36 228
Commercial Crawfish


Possession of Undersize Crawfish
Up to 6 Crawfish 70 42 21 133
Commercial Oyster


Failure To Obtain Oyster 100 60 30 190
Transfer Permit




No Personal Use License 40 24 12 76
75.25.140 Failure To Provide License 40 24 12 76
Upon Request or To Provide
Signature for Comparison
75.25.160 License Falsification 100 60 30 190


Invalid Catch Record Card 40 24 12 75
220-55-130 Invalid Personal Use License 40 24 12 76
220-56-115 Personal Use Gear Violations 70 42 21 133
220-56-115(6) No Physical Control of Gear 40 24 12 76
220-56-140 Wastage of Personal Use Food 100 60 30 190
Fish and Shellfish
220-56-175(2) Failure To Record Catch 25 15 7 47
220-56-175(4) Failure To Return Catch 25 15 7 47
Record Card
Cite Appropriate WAC:
Closed Season 70 42 21 133
Closed Area 70 42 21 133
Bottomfish (Except Lingcod)


Overpossession (per fish) 40 24 12 76
Sport Halibut


Overpossession (per fish) 70 42 21 133
Sport Herring


Overpossession (base) 30 18 9 57
Plus per Pound Over Limit 1.06 .63 .31 2
Sport Lingcod


Undersize 40 24 12 76
Overpossession 1 fish 40 24 12 76
2 fish 60 42 21 114
3 fish 80 48 24 152
4 fish 100 60 30 190
Over 4 fish +38 each fish over
Sport Smelt


Overpossession (base) 30 18 9 57
Plus per Pound Over Limit 1.06 .63 .31 2
220-56-265 Unlawful Smelt Gear 40 24 12 76
220-56-275 Failure To Retain First 40 24 12 76
20 Pounds of Smelt
Sport Sturgeon


No Catch Record Card 40 24 12 76


Overpossession (per fish) 70 42 21 133
220-56-282 Sturgeon Gear Violation 40 24 12 76
220-56-290 Sturgeon Closed Hours 70 42 21 76
220-56-295(2) Gaffing Sturgeon (per fish) 70 42 21 133
220-56-300 Deleted
220-56-305 Deleted
Sport Salmon


No Catch Record Card 40 24 12 76
75.25.150 Possession Without License 40 24 12 76


Barbed Hook Violation 25 15 7 47
220-56-190 Overpossession 1 fish 70 42 21 133
Oversize Salmon 1 fish 70 42 21 133
Undersize Salmon 1 fish 40 24 12 76
2 fish 60 36 13 114
3 fish 80 48 24 152
4 fish 100 60 90 190
Over 4 fish +38 each fish over
220-56-205 Nonbuoyant Lure Violations 70 42 21 133
220-56-210 Fly Fishing Violations 40 24 12 76
220-56-215 Possession of Snagged Salmon 70 42 21 133
(per fish)
220-56-225 Closed Hours--Freshwater 70 42 21 133


Overpossession (base) 48 24 21 76
Except: Dungeness Crab; Geoduck;
Hardshell Clam; Oyster; Shrimp
Plus per limit or fraction 25 12 7 47
in excess of 2 daily bag limits
220-56-315(2) Excessive Pots/Ring Nets
1 Unit of Gear 40 24 12 76
2 Units of Gear 60 36 18 114
3 Units of Gear 80 48 24 152
Over 3 Units of Gear +38 each unit over
220-56-320(1) Unmarked/Improperly Marked Gear/Floating Line
1 Unit of Gear 40 24 12 76
2 Units of Gear 60 36 18 114
3 Units of Gear 80 48 24 152
4 Units of Gear 100 60 30 190
Over 4 Units of Gear +38 each unit over
220-56-320(5) No Escape Mechanism (per unit) 40 24 12 76
220-56-340(3) Failure To Have Separate 25 15 7 47
Clam Containers
Sport Dungeness Crab


Personal Use Possession of Soft Shell Crab
Up to 6 Crabs 40 24 12 76
More than 6 Crabs (base) 100 60 30 190
+38 each crab over 6
220-56-310(18) Overpossession
Up to 6 Crabs 40 24 12 76
More than 6 Crabs (base) 100 60 30 190
+38 each crab over 6
220-56-320(3) No Escape Ring 40 24 12 76
220-56-335(1) Possession of Female Crab
220-56-335(2) Possession of Undersize Crab 40 24 12 76
Up to 6 Crabs 40 24 12 76
More than 6 Crabs (base) 100 60 30 190
+38 each crab over 6
220-56-335(4) Possession in Field With Back Removed
1 Crab 40 24 12 76
2 Crabs 60 36 18 114
3 Crabs 80 48 24 152
4 Crabs 100 60 30 190
Over 4 Crabs +38 each crab over
Sport Geoducks


Overpossession 1 Clam 40 24 12 76
2 Clams 60 36 18 114
3 Clams 80 48 24 152
4 Clams 100 60 30 190
Over 4 Clams +38 each clam over
220-56-355(2) Possession of 1 Neck 40 24 12 76
Geoduck Neck Only 2 Necks 60 36 18 114
3 Necks 80 48 24 152
4 Necks 100 60 30 190
Over 4 Necks +38 each neck over
Sport Hardshell Clams


Overpossession (base) 40 24 12 76
Plus per Clam Over Limit 1.06 .63 .31 2
220-56-355(1) Failure To Fill Holes 25 15 7 47
220-56-355(3) Undersize Clams (base) 40 24 12 76
Plus per Clam Undersize 1.06 .63 .31 2
220-56-355(1) Failure To Fill Holes 25 15 7 47
Sport Oyster


Taking Oysters From State 70 42 21 133
Oyster Reserve


Overpossession (base) 40 24 12 76
Plus per Oyster over 18 5.27 3.16 1.57 10
220-56-385 Possession in Shell (base) 40 24 12 76
Plus per Oyster over 18 5.27 3.16 1.57 10
Sport Razor Clams


Possession Without License 40 24 12 76
75.25.140(2) License Not Visible 25 15 7 47


Drive on Razor Clam Beds 70 42 21 133
220-56-310 Overpossession
First 15 over limit (per clam) 5.27 3.16 1.57 10
More than 15 over limit 10 6 3 19
220-56-365 Failure To Retain First 15 40 24 12 76
220-56-340 Razor Clam Gear Violation 40 24 12 76
Sport Shrimp


Possession Without License 40 24 12 76


Up to 10 pounds over limit 40 24 12 76
10 to 20 pounds over limit 60 42 21 114
20 to 30 pounds over limit 80 48 24 152
30 to 40 pounds over limit 100 60 30 190
More than 40 pounds over +38 for each 10


     p) Forfeitable Wildlife and Fisheries Offenses. The following offenses shall be forfeitable as a final disposition, in the amounts listed, to include statutory assessments:



60% 30%
77.16.010 Hunting Contest 130 78 39 247
Fishing Contest 130 78 39 247
77.16.020(1) Fishing Closed Season 50 30 15 95
     +47 per steelhead, dolly varden or sea-run cutthroat
     +9 per other fish
Hunting Closed Season
     Big Game (Mandatory Appearance) 800
     Small Game 130 78 39 247
Trap Closed Season (Mandatory Appearance) 250
Possess Closed Season
     Big Game (Mandatory Appearance) 800
     Small Game 130 78 39 247
     Fish 50 30 15 95
77.16.020(2) Exceed
     Big Game (Mandatory Appearance) 800
     Small Game 130 78 39 247
     Fish 50 30 15 95
          +47 per steelhead, dolly varden or sea-run
          +9 per other fish taken in excess of

          double daily bag limits

77.16.020(3) Fish Closed Waters 50 30 15 95
     +47 per steelhead, dolly varden or sea-run
     +9 per other fish
Hunt on Reserve
     Big Game (Mandatory Appearance) 800
     Small Game 130 78 39 247
77.16.020(4) Hunt Closed Area
     Big Game (Mandatory Appearance) 800
     Small Game 130 78 39 247
77.16.020(5) Fish Without License 50 30 15 95
Hunt Without License 250 150 75 475
Taxidermy Without License (Mandatory Appearance) 500
No Upland Bird Permit 50 30 15 95
No Deer Tag 190 114 57 361
No Elk Tag 190 114 57 361
Fish Guide 190 114 57 361
77.16.040 Trafficking (Mandatory Appearance) 1,000
77.16.050 Spotlighting (Mandatory Appearance) 1,000
77.16.060 Netting (Mandatory Appearance) 1,000
77.16.070 Hunt Intoxicated (Mandatory Appearance) 500
77.16.080 Deleterious Substance (Mandatory Appearance) 800
77.16.090 Wastage
     Big Game 190 114 57 361
     Small Game 80 48 24 152
77.16.095 Mutilation
     Big Game 190 14 57 361
     Small Game 80 48 24 152
77.16.100 Nuisance Dog 80 48 24 152
77.16.110 Dog on Reserve 130 78 39 247
Weapon on Reserve 130 78 39 247
Trap on Reserve 130 78 39 247
77.16.120 Possess Protected Wildlife (Mandatory Appearance) 500
Hunt Protected Wildlife (Mandatory Appearance) 500
77.16.130 Resisting and/or Obstructing (Mandatory Appearance) 500
77.16.150 Release Wildlife 250 150 75 475
Release Aquatic Plant 250 150 75 475
77.16.160 Damage Fish Ladder (Mandatory Appearance) 500
Damage Fish Trap (Mandatory Appearance) 500
Damage Fish Screen (Mandatory Appearance) 500
77.16.170 Interfere With Trap 80 48 24 152
No Identification on Trap 130 78 39 247
77.16.180 Damage Department Sign 80 48 24 152
77.16.190 Unlawful Posted Sign 130 78 39 247
77.16.220 No Fish Screen 190 114 57 361
77.16.250 Loaded Firearms in Vehicles 130 78 39 247
77.16.260 Shoot From Road 130 78 39 247
77.16.310 License Fraud (Mandatory Appearance) 350
Illegal License (Mandatory Appearance) 350
Excess License (Mandatory Appearance) 350
Excess Tag (Mandatory Appearance) 350
77.16.330 No Waterfowl Stamp 50 30 15 95
77.16.610 Disobey Check Station 130 78 39 247
77.21.060(2) Hunting/Fishing During Revoked Status
     (Mandatory Appearance) 500
77.32.250 Transfer of License, Tag, Permit
     or Stamp 190 114 57 361
77.32.380 No Conservation License 50 30 15 95


Deleterious Wildlife 190 114 57 361
232-12-021 Import Wildlife 190 114 57 361
232-12-024 Untagged Pelt 80 48 24 152
232-12-027 No Game Farm License 190 114 57 361
232-12-031 Game Farm Invoice 80 48 24 152
232-12-034 Game Farm Acquisition 80 48 24 152
232-12-037 Shooting Preserve 190 114 57 361
232-12-041 Field Trial Violation 80 48 24 152
232-12-044 Unmarked Birds 50 30 15 95
232-12-047 Unlawful Firearm 80 48 24 152
232-12-051 Unlawful Muzzleloader 80 48 24 152
232-12-054 Unlawful Archery 80 48 24 152
232-12-055 Hunter Orange 50 30 15 95
232-12-057 Hunt From Vehicle 190 114 57 361
Hunt From Powered Boat 190 114 57 361
Hunt From Aircraft (Mandatory Appearance) 500
232-12-061 Failure To Tag 190 114 57 361
232-12-061 Failure To Notch Tag
     Intentional 190 114 57 361
     Inadvertent 80 48 24 152
232-12-064 Wildlife in Captivity 80 48 24 152
232-12-067 Unlawful Sale of Wildlife (Mandatory Appearance) 500
232-12-074 Unlawful Retention 80 48 24 152
232-12-077 Possession Without Statement 80 48 24 152
232-12-081 Failure To Stop at Check Station 130 78 39 247
232-12-087 Sell/Possess Indian Caught Fish 80 48 24 152
232-12-091 Buy Steelhead Without License 190 114 57 361
232-12-094 No Fish Buyer Record 190 114 57 361
232-12-097 Unlawful Transport of Steelhead 190 114 57 361
232-12-101 Falconry Violations 80 48 24 152
232-12-131 Special Permit Violation 80 48 24 152
232-12-141 Trap Violation 80 48 24 152
232-12-144 Possession of Live Bait 80 48 24 152
232-12-147 Two Poles 50 30 15 95
     Snagging (Mandatory Appearance) 350
     Illegal Gear 50 30 15 95
232-12-151 Fly Fish Violation 80 48 24 152
232-12-154 Fish Juvenile Waters 50 30 15 95
232-12-157 No Steelhead Permit 80 48 24 152
Failure To Record Steelhead 50 30 15 95
232-12-161 Fish Guide Violation 190 114 57 361
232-12-164 Fish 400 ft. From Dam 80 48 24 152
232-12-174 Domestic Animals on Dep't Land 130 78 39 247
232-12-177 Operating Vehicles on Dep't Land 80 48 24 152
232-12-181 Grazing Violation 250 150 75 475
232-12-184 Aircraft on Dep't Land 250 150 75 475
232-12-187 Access Area Violation 50 30 15 95
232-12-224 Possess Wildlife Off Reservation 80 48 24 152
232-12-227 Hunter Education Violation 80 48 24 152
232-12-247 Shoot Transmission Line 190 114 57 361
232-12-251 Remove Minerals 190 114 57 361
232-12-254 Litter on Department Lands 80 48 24 152
232-12-257 Unattended Decoy 80 48 24 152
232-12-261 Use of Live Decoys 190 114 57 361
232-12-264 Bait Game Birds 130 78 39 247
232-12-267 No Feathered Head (Game Birds) 50 30 15 95
No Evidence of Sex (Big Game) 190 114 57 361
232-12-271 No Planting Permit 190 114 57 361
232-12-275 Rehabilitation Violation 80 48 24 152
232-12-276 Scientific Permit 80 48 24 152
232-12-277 Ledger Violation 80 48 24 152
232-12-284 No Bighorn Brand 190 114 57 361
232-12-287 Possession of Dead Wildlife 80 48 24 152
232-12-291 Hunting After Hours 50 30 15 95
Hunting Before Hours 50 30 15 95
232-12-292 Eagle Habitat Violation (Mandatory Appearance) 500
232-28 Hunting, Fishing, Trapping
     Pamphlet Violations 80 48 24 152
-022 Game Management Units (GMUS)--
     Special Game Areas--Boundary
-226 Deer and Bear Hunting Seasons
     and Regulations
-227 Elk Hunting Seasons
     and Regulations
-228 Official Hunting Hours and
     Small Game Seasons
-229 Special Closures and Firearm
     Restriction Areas
-230 Deer and Elk Permit
     Hunting Seasons
-231 Special Species Hunting and
     Trapping Permits))

BAIL PSEA 60% PSEA 30% TOTAL Take endangered fish or wildlife, 2nd degree (Mandatory appearance, GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-275 Wildlife rehabilitation $79 $47 $24 $150 Take endangered fish or wildlife, 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $1,316 $789 $395 $2,500
77.15.130 Take protected fish or wildlife (M) $132 $79 $40 $250
232-12-064 Live wildlife $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-117 Raptor marking $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-121 Raptor reporting $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-129 Captive raptor propagation $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-275 Wildlife rehabilitation $79 $47 $24 $150
77.15.140 Take unclassified fish or wildlife (M) $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-055 Hunter orange $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-064 Live wildlife $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-077 Possession without statement $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-242 Hunt wildlife during deer or elk season $132 $79 $40 $250
232-12-275 Wildlife rehabilitation $79 $47 $24 $150
77.15.150 Use poisons or explosives (Mandatory appearance, GM) $789 $474 $237 $1,500 Catch record card (I) $39 $24 $12 $75 Use barbed hooks (I) $39 $24 $12 $75 Rule of commission or director designated as infraction (I) $39 $24 $12 $75 Wastage 2nd degree (M) $132 $79 $40 $250 Wastage 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, GM) $263 $158 $79 $500 Interfere with fishing/hunting gear 2nd degree (M) $184 $111 $55 $350 Interfere with fishing/hunting gear 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, GM) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.190 Trapping violations (M) (Includes pamphlet violations) $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-024 Sealing pelts $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-24402 Colville Reservation - hunting or trapping $184 $111 $55 $350
77.15.210 Obstruct taking of fish or wildlife (Mandatory appearance, GM) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.220 Posting signs (M) $132 $79 $40 $250
77.15.230 Use of department lands (M) $132 $79 $40 $250
232-12-177 Vehicle operation on department lands $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-187 Access area use $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-254 Liter on department lands $53 $32 $16 $100
77.15.240 Use of dog (M) $132 $79 $40 $250 Release of fish or wildlife (Mandatory appearance, GM) $263 $158 $79 $500 Release of deleterious exotic fish or wildlife (Mandatory appearance, F) $2,631 $1,579 $790 $5,000 Trafficking 2nd degree (GM) $184 $111 $55 $350 Trafficking 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $2,631 $1,579 $790 $5,000
77.15.270 False reporting (GM) $184 $111 $55 $350
77.15.280 Report fish or wildlife harvest (M) $53 $32 $16 $100 Transport of fish or wildlife 2nd degree (M) $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-021 Importation of wildlife $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-061 Fail to tag $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-224 Off-reservation possession of wildlife $184 $111 $55 $350 Transport of fish or wildlife 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, GM) $789 $474 $237 $1,500
232-12-021 Importation of wildlife $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-061 Fail to tag $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-224 Off - reservation possession of wildlife $184 $111 $55 $350
77.15.300 Hydraulic project activity (Mandatory appearance, GM) $789 $474 $237 $1,500
77.15.310 Fish guard on water diversion (Mandatory appearance, GM) $789 $474 $237 $1,500
77.15.320 Fishway (Mandatory appearance, GM) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.350 Hunting or fishing contest (M) $132 $79 $40 $250
232-12-041 Field trial permit $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-168 Fishing contests conditions $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-169 Hunting contests conditions $79 $47 $24 $150
77.15.340 Game farm operation (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-031 Game farm invoice $79 $47 $24 $150
77.15.350 Aquatic farms - inspection and disease control (M) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.360 Interfere with department operations (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.370.1.a Recreational fishing 1st degree (GM) $184 $111 $55 $350
77.15.370.1.b Fish in fishway (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.370.1.c Shoot, gaff, snag fish (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.380 Recreational fishing 2nd degree (M) $53 $32 $16 $100
220-20-025.1 Razor clam beds, driving on $39 $24 $12 $75
220-20-025.2 Crab, soft shell $39 $24 $12 $75
+$10 each crab over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-145.1 Dolly Varden/bull trout or sturgeon mutilation $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-145.2 Recreational salmon, mutilation $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-145.3 Recreational bottomfish, mutilation $53 $32 $16 $100
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-180.8 Recreational salmon, possession, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-56-190.1-6 Recreational salmon, over limit, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-56-190.7 Recreational salmon, illegal size $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-191 Recreational salmon, Puget Sound, undersize $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-191.1-9 Recreational salmon, Puget Sound, over limit, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-56-215 Recreational salmon, snagged, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-56-220 Recreational salmon, eggs $132 $79 $40 $250
220-56-235 Recreational bottomfish, over limit $53 $32 $16 $100
+$25 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-240.1 Recreational sturgeon, size or limit (Mandatory appearance) $263 $158 $79 $500
220-56-240.2 Recreational forage fish, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$2 each pound of fish over 10lbs. $0 $0 $0
220-56-245 Recreational bottomfish, halibut, over limit, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-56-255 Recreational bottomfish, halibut, undersize, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-56-295.1 Recreational sturgeon, remove roe (Mandatory appearance) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
220-56-310.1 Recreational clams, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$2 each clam over limit $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.2 Recreational razor clam, over limit, 1-15 $26 $16 $8 $50
+$10 each clam over 30 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.3 Recreational geoduck, over limit $53 $32 $16 $100
+$50 each geoduck over 4 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.4 Recreational clams, horse clams over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$25 each clam over 8 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.5 Recreational oysters, over limit $26 $16 $8 $50
+$10 each oyster over 19 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.6 Recreational scallops, over limit, Rock scallops $39 $24 $12 $75
+$10 each over 13 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.7 Recreational scallops, over limit sea scallops $39 $24 $12 $75
+$10 each over 13 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.8 Recreational scallops, over limit pink scallops $39 $24 $12 $75
+$10 each full pound or quart over first limit $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.9 Recreational shrimp, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$50 each full limit over 2 limits $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.10 Recreational octopus, over limit $53 $32 $16 $100
+$50 each octopus over 3 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.11 Recreational abalone, possess $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each abalone over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.12 Recreational crawfish, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$25 each full limit over 2 limits $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.13 Recreational squid, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$50 for any amount over 10 pounds above limit $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.14 Recreational sea cucumber, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$10 each over 26 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.15 Recreational red sea urchin, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$10 each urchin over 19 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.16 Recreational purple sea urchin, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$10 each urchin over 19 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.17 Recreational green urchin, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$10 each urchin over 37 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.18 Recreational Dungeness crab, over limit, 1-6 crabs $39 $24 $12 $75
+$25 each crab over 6 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.19 Recreational red rock crab, over limit, 1-6 crabs $39 $24 $12 $75
+$25 each crab over 6 $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.20 Recreational mussels, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$50 each full 10lbs. over 20lbs. $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.21 Recreational barnacles, over limit $39 $24 $12 $75
+$50 each full 10lbs. over 2 limits $0 $0 $0
220-56-310.23 Recreational King or box crab, possess $79 $47 $24 $150
+$150 each over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-335 Recreational crab, 1-6 crabs $39 $24 $12 $75
+$25 each crab over 6 $0 $0 $0
220-56-355.2 Recreational geoduck, neck only $53 $32 $16 $100
+$50 each neck over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-355.3 Recreational clams, undersize $39 $24 $12 $75
+$2 each clam over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-365 Recreational razor clam, fail to retain $39 $24 $12 $75
220-56-385 Recreational oysters, retain shell $26 $16 $8 $50
+$10 each shell over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-56-400 Recreational abalone, possess $79 $47 $24 $150
+$150 each over 1 abalone $0 $0 $0
232-12-064 Live wildlife $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-077 Possession without statement $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-151 Fly fishing rules $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-164 Fishing near dams $132 $79 $40 $250
77.15.390 Seaweed (M) $53 $32 $16 $100
77.15.400.1 Wild birds 2nd degree (M) $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-044 Game bird marking requirements $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-047 Unlawful firearm $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-055 Hunter orange $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-061 Fail to tag $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-064 Live wildlife $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-068 Nontoxic shot $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-077 Possession without statement $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-24402 Colville Reservation - hunting or trapping $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-264 Bait game birds $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-267.1 Field identification of game birds $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-275 Wildlife rehabilitation $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-291 Hunt before or after hours $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-828 Disabled hunter/companion violation $79 $47 $24 $150
77.15.400.2 Wild birds 1st degree (GM) $132 $79 $40 $250
77.15.410.1 Big game animal 2nd degree (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-047 Unlawful firearm $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-051 Muzzle loading firearms $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-054 Unlawful archery $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-055 Hunter orange $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-064 Live wildlife $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-077 Possession without statement $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-24402 Colville Reservation - hunting or trapping $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-267.2 Field identification of big game $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-267.3 Filed identification of big game with horn or antler $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-275 Wildlife rehabilitation $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-291 Hunt before or after hours $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-828 Disabled hunter/companion violation $79 $47 $24 $150
77.15.410.2 Big game animal 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $2,631 $1,579 $790 $5,000
77.15.430.1 Wild animals 2nd degree (M) $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-055 Hunter orange $53 $32 $16 $100
232-12-064 Live wildlife $263 $158 $79 $500
232-12-077 Possession without statement $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-242 Hunt during modern firearm deer/elk season $132 $79 $40 $250
232-12-24402 Colville Reservation - hunting or trapping $184 $111 $55 $350
232-12-275 Wildlife rehabilitation $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-291 Hunt before or after hours $79 $47 $24 $150
232-12-828 Disabled hunter/companion violation $79 $47 $24 $150
77.15.430.2 Wild animals 1st degree (M) $132 $79 $40 $250
77.15.440 Use of weapon/dog/trap on game reserve (M) $132 $79 $40 $250
77.15.450.1 Spotlighting big game 2nd degree (GM) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.450.2 Spotlighting big game 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $2,631 $1,579 $790 $5,000
77.15.460 Loaded firearm in vehicle (M) $132 $79 $40 $250
77.15.470 Avoid check station (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.500.1 Commercial fish without license 2nd degree (GM) $0 $0 $0
Limited entry $1,053 $632 $316 $2,000
Non-limited entry $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.500.1.b Commercial fish without license 2nd degree (GM) $0 $0 $0
Alternate operator $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.500.2 Commercial fish without license 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $2,631 $1,579 $790 $5,000
77.15.510 Commercial fish guide/charter (GM) $1,053 $632 $316 $2,000
77.15.530.1 Non-designated vessel (Mandatory appearance, GM) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.530.4 Non-designated vessel same day (Mandatory appearance, F) $1,053 $632 $316 $2,000
77.15.540 Use of commercial fish license (M) $79 $47 $24 $150
220-20-050.1,2 Vessel registration decal display $53 $32 $16 $100
220-20-050.3 Salmon angler decal display $53 $32 $16 $100
220-20-051.4 Affix registration/documentation numbers $53 $32 $16 $100
77.15.550.1 Commercial fish area or time 2nd degree (GM) $789 $474 $237 $1,500
220-20-010.12 Salmon through power block, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-20-010.13 Mutilate food fish, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-20-015.3 Commercial salmon, undersize $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-20-015.3.b Commercial salmon, dressed fish $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-20-016.1 Commercial salmon, take home limit, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-20-016.2 Sell salmon to unauthorized buyer $263 $158 $79 $500
+$150 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-20-020.1 Commercial sturgeon, illegal size, undersized each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
Oversized, each fish (Mandatory appearance) $263 $158 $79 $500
220-20-020.5 Commercial bottomfish, undersized flounder $53 $32 $16 $100
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-20-021.1.a Commercial sturgeon, exceed limit $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-20-021.1.c Sale of sturgeon eggs (Mandatory appearance) $1,053 $632 $316 $2,000
220-20-021.2 Purchase sturgeon eggs (Mandatory appearance) $1,053 $632 $316 $2,000
220-20-025.2 Commercial crab, soft shell $132 $79 $40 $250
220-20-025.3 Commercial crab, back shell $132 $79 $40 $250
220-33-020.3 Commercial sturgeon, illegal size (Mandatory appearance) $263 $158 $79 $500
220-33-020.4 Commercial sturgeon, over limit, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-33-020.5 Commercial sturgeon, remove eggs $132 $79 $40 $250
220-33-020.6 Commercial sturgeon, remove head tail, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-36-031.2 Commercial sturgeon, illegal size (Mandatory appearance) $263 $158 $79 $500
220-36-031.3 Commercial sturgeon, closed season $263 $158 $79 $500
+$150 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-40-031.2 Commercial sturgeon, illegal size (Mandatory appearance) $263 $158 $79 $500
220-40-031.3 Commercial sturgeon, closed season $263 $158 $79 $500
+$150 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-44-050 Commercial bottomfish, catch limit $263 $158 $79 $500
+$500 each additional 10% over limit $0 $0 $0
220-44-050.3 Commercial bottomfish, undersized lingcod $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-47-401 Chinook salmon using reef net gear $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-48-005.1 Commercial bottomfish, undersized sole $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over $0 $0 $0
220-48-005.3 Commercial bottomfish, lingcod, closed area $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-48-005.4 Commercial bottomfish, lingcod, illegal size $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-48-005.5 Commercial bottomfish, lingcod, closed time $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-48-005.6 Commercial bottomfish, retain shellfish $132 $79 $40 $250
220-48-005.7.b Commercial bottomfish, retain salmon or sturgeon $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-48-005.7.c Commercial bottomfish, retain shellfish $132 $79 $40 $250
220-48-005.7.d Commercial bottomfish, whiting $53 $32 $16 $100
+$50 each fish over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-48-052.2 Commercial bottomfish, fish for possess salmon, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-52-019.5 Commercial geoduck, neck or siphon $79 $47 $24 $150
+$50 for each geoduck over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-52-019.9 Commercial geoduck, processing (Mandatory appearance) $789 $474 $237 $1,500
220-52-040.3 Commercial crab, undersized or female $132 $79 $40 $250
+$50 each crab over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-52-043.6 Commercial crab, incidental catch $132 $79 $40 $250
220-52-050.1.c Commercial shrimp, exceed count $526 $316 $158 $1,000
220-52-050.1.d Commercial shrimp, incidental catch, each fish $79 $47 $24 $150
220-52-050.1.e Commercial shrimp, incidental catch of shellfish $132 $79 $40 $250
220-52-060.1.c Commercial crawfish, undersized or female $79 $47 $24 $150
220-52-068.4 Commercial scallops, incidental catch $132 $79 $40 $250
220-52-069.2.a Commercial scallops, undersized $53 $32 $16 $100
+$25 each scallop over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-52-069.2.a Commercial scallops, retain other foodfish or shellfish $132 $79 $40 $250
220-52-071.3.c Commercial sea cucumbers, possess geoduck, each geoduck $79 $47 $24 $150
220-52-073.2 Commercial sea urchins, illegal size $53 $32 $16 $100
+$25 each sea urchin over 1 $0 $0 $0
220-52-073.3.d Commercial sea urchins, purple sea urchin, each urchin $53 $32 $16 $100
220-52-073.3.g Commercial sea urchins, processing $526 $316 $158 $1,000
220-88A-070.3 Commercial shrimp, undersized spot shrimp $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.550.2 Commercial fish area or time 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $1,579 $947 $474 $3,000
77.15.560 Report commercial fish harvest or delivery (GM) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.570.1 Participate in treaty Indian commercial fishery (GM) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.570.2 Participate in treaty Indian (Mandatory appearance, F) $1,579 $947 $474 $3,000
77.15.580.1.a Use of net to take fish 2nd degree (Mandatory appearance, GM) $789 $474 $237 $1,500
77.15.580.1.b Use of net, retain fish 2nd degree (Mandatory appearance, GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.580.2 Use of net to take fish 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $1,579 $947 $474 $3,000
77.15.590 Commercial vessel for charter or recreational use (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.600 Commercial wildlife activity (GM) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.610 Commercial wildlife license (M) $79 $47 $24 $150
77.15.620.1 Fish dealing 2nd degree (GM) $789 $474 $237 $1,500
77.15.620.3 Fish dealing 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $2,631 $1,579 $790 $5,000
77.15.630.1 Use of fish buyer/dealer license 2nd degree (GM) $789 $474 $237 $1,500
77.15.630.2 Use of fish buyer/dealer license 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $2,631 $1,579 $790 $5,000
77.15.640 Violate fish buyer/dealer rules (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.650.1 Purchase or use of license 2nd degree (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.650.2 Purchase or use of license 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $1,316 $789 $395 $2,500
77.15.660 Scientific permit (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.15.670.1 Suspension of department privileges 2nd degree (GM) $526 $316 $158 $1,000
77.15.670.2 Suspension of department privileges 1st degree (Mandatory appearance, F) $2,631 $1,579 $790 $5,000
77.16.070 Hunting intoxicated (Mandatory appearance, GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.16.360.1 Hunt bear using bait (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500
77.16.360.2 Hunt with dog or dogs (GM) $263 $158 $79 $500

     (q) Forfeitable Natural Resources Offenses. Unchanged.

     (r) Forfeitable Parks Offenses. Unchanged.

     (s) Forfeitable Utilities and Transportation Offenses. Unchanged.

Reviser's note: The spelling errors in the above material occurred in the copy filed by the State Supreme Court and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.

© Washington State Code Reviser's Office