WSR 01-09-021


(Division of Drinking Water)

[ Filed April 9, 2001, 11:13 a.m. ]

Revised Guidelines for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

     The program guidelines for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund have been jointly revised by the Department of Health, Division of Drinking Water; the Public Works Board, and its administrative agent, the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development. Shown below is a copy of the revised guidelines for the 2001 application cycle. In accordance with RCW 34.05.230, these guidelines are to be filed with the code reviser.


     Title of Guidelines: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund 2001 Guidelines and Loan Application.

     Effective Date: New: 9/30/97 Revision: 3/29/01.

     Issuing Agency/Division: Jointly managed by:

     1. Department of Health (DOH), Environmental Health Programs, Division of Drinking Water.

     2. Washington State Public Works Board and its administrative agent, the Washington State Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED), Local Development Assistance Division.

     Description: The DWSRF program guidelines are revised annually and contain information and requirements specific to the current funding cycle.

     Background: In August 1996, congress reauthorized the Safe Drinking Water Act that included the establishment of a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). Each state receives a portion of the annual appropriation in the form of a capitalization grant. The DWSRF provides low interest loans to help publicly owned and privately owned not-for-profit and for-profit water systems to make improvements to water systems to increase public health protection. The Washington state legislature directed (RCW 70.119A.170) DOH and CTED to administer the DWSRF program in Washington under published guidelines, until state rules are adopted. The guidelines are based on the federal and state law along with other regulations. They provide program information regarding the application process for the loan application, and describe what will be required if a loan is awarded.

     Contact: Judy J. Sides, Division of Drinking Water, Headquarters, P.O. Box 47822, Olympia, WA 98504-7822, phone (360) 236-3096, Internet

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