Subject of Possible Rule Making: Trauma registry data collection.
Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: RCW 70.168.060 Department duties -- Timelines; 70.168.090 Statewide data registry -- Quality assurance program -- Confidentiality.
Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: Not all data being collected and reported to the statewide data registry is complete and of proper quality or quantity to be analyzed. There is concern that compliance by the prehospital agencies is not adequate. In order to improve compliance, quality, quantity, efficiency and effectiveness of the established statewide data registry, rule amendments are being proposed.
Other Federal and State Agencies that Regulate this Subject and the Process Coordinating the Rule with These Agencies: No other federal or state agencies regulate this subject.
Process for Developing New Rule: Several statutory and other EMS and trauma care committees will participate in drafting, reviewing and commenting on the proposed rules through open public meetings and public workshops. These committees include constituents representing: Washington State Fire Commissioner's Association, Washington Ambulance Association, Washington State Firefighter's Association, Washington State Hospital Association, American College of Surgeons, Emergency Nurse's Association, Washington State Law Enforcement, Association of Neurological Surgeons, Washington State Medical Association Standards Committee, Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs, the public sector and the citizens of Washington state. In addition, we also involve constituents by mailing them the appropriate draft rules for their review and input, inviting them to public WAC sessions, and by providing them with information on rules and updates at the appropriate meetings.
Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication. Open public meetings and public workshops will be held throughout the state and the final draft of the proposed WAC amended language will be sent out to all affected and interested parties before the formal public hearing is held.
Any questions or concerns regarding trauma registry data collection (WAC 246-976-330, 246-976-420 and 246-976-430) should contact Shane Sanderson, Trauma Registry Section, Office of Emergency Medical and Trauma Prevention at P.O. Box 47853, Olympia, WA 98504-7853, e-mail, phone (360) 705-6727, or fax (360) 705-6706.
April 23, 2001
M. C. Selecky