Section: WAC 246-290-020(2).
Issuing Entity: Alan Rowe, Operations Manager, Division of Drinking Water.
Description of Subject Matter: This statement clarifies what planning requirements under WAC 246-290-100 or 246-290-105 will apply to public water systems (PWSs) that are undergoing physical restructuring (consolidation with another regulated PWS). These are PWSs that specifically intend to meet the conditions of WAC 246-290-020(2) such that they may be deregulated once they are consolidated with the other regulated PWS. These planning requirements will be the same for PWSs applying for drinking water state revolving fund (DWSRF) loans to restructure physically and consolidate with another regulated PWS.
Division Contact: Ethan Moseng, Division of Drinking Water, P.O. Box 47829, Olympia, WA 98504-7829, (360) 236-3562.
Effective Date: April 17, 2001.