WSR 01-11-061


[ Filed May 11, 2001, 1:29 p.m. ]


Include Adopted and Revised Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Regulations, and Include Various Regulatory Orders, and

Include Saint-Gobain Containers, LLC, Order of Approval #8244

In the Washington State Implementation Plan

     The Washington State Department of Ecology (ecology) is conducting a public hearing to receive comments on including adopted and revised Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) regulations, and incorporating various regulatory orders in the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The SIP is a statewide plan for meeting federal health-based air quality standards. The hearing will be held at 1:00 p.m. on June 14, 2001, at the PSCAA offices located at 110 Union Street, #500, Seattle, WA.

     The hearing will be on whether ecology should adopt the following PSCAA regulatory amendments, regulatory orders and NOC Order of Approval #8244 in the SIP.

     Regulatory Amendments: Reg. III, Sections 4.01, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05 (revised), 4.06 (deleted), 4.09 (adopted); Reg. 1, Sections 3.11, 5.07 (revised); Reg. I, Sections 8.04, 8.05 (revised), 8.01, 8.02, 8.03, 8.06 (deleted), 8.09, 8.10, 8.11, 8.12 (adopted); Reg. 1, Section 5.07 (revised). PSCAA adopted amendments to its Regulation I on July 13, 2000, November 9, 2000, and January 11, 2001. Amendments to Regulation III were adopted by PSCAA on July 13, 2000.

     The purpose of these amendments is to no longer require notification for removal of nonfriable asbestos-containing material (notification requirements remain in place for asbestos projects involving friable asbestos-containing material below the threshold required for EPA); adjust the maximum civil penalty amount for inflation (increased from $12,718 to $13,125 per day for each violation); update the delegations for federal NSPS (change 1999 to 2000) and NESHAPs (change 1999 to 2000); to readopt fee schedules (adopted September 1999) as required by the passage of Initiative 722; and to make other administrative changes.

     Regulatory Orders: 6654 and 6655 Kenworth Trucking Co. - Renton; 7849 Time Oil Co. (Jackpot Food Mart - Station (320)); 7739 Seattle Steam Co. - Post Avenue and 7740 Seattle Steam Co. - Western Avenue; 8015 American Boiler Works, Inc.; 8057 Lifestyles (JBJ Inc.); 7979 HCI Steel Building Systems Inc.; 8071 Boeing Commercial Airplane - Everett; 8072 Boeing Commercial Airplane - North Boeing Field; 8073 Boeing Commercial Airplane - Renton; 8088 Port of Seattle (Sea-Tac International Airport); 5928 Genie Industries (Main Campus); 5510 American Reinforced Plastics; 7930 U.S. Army - Fort Lewis; 8297 Mikron Plastics; 8372 Applied Finishing, Inc.; and 5962 Jefferson Smurfit Corp.

     The PSCAA adopted these regulatory orders on April 10, 1997, September 9, 1999, February 10, 2000, March 9, 2000, November 9, 2000, December 14, 2000, and March 8, 2001. The purpose of these regulatory orders is to allow Kenworth Trucking Co. to use conventional spray equipment; requires Time Oil Co. to keep up-to-date records on gasoline sales; allows Seattle Steam Co. an alternative means of compliance for the condition to install and operate a continuous emission monitor; establishes an enforceable process for the Port of Seattle to bank with and use emission reduction credits issued by PSCAA; permits Military Training Operations using M56 and M58 Smoke Generators at Fort Lewis; establishes use, monitoring and reporting requirements regarding Boeing Commercial Airplane Groups' use of uncontrolled primers.

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