Date of Adoption: April 6, 2001.
Purpose: To amend WAC 232-12-001, 232-12-071, 232-12-141, 232-28-515, 232-12-004, 232-12-007, 232-12-027, 232-12-271, 232-28-276, 232-12-068, 232-28-248, 232-28-272, 232-28-273, 232-28-02203, 232-28-02205, 232-28-02220, 232-28-02240, 232-28-278 and 232-28-279; adopting WAC 232-28-299, 232-28-290, 232-28-291, 232-28-292 and 232-28-293; and repealing WAC 232-28-258, 232-28-260, 232-12-131, 232-28-274, 232-28-280, and 232-28-281.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 232-28-258, 232-28-260, 232-12-131, 232-28-274, 232-28-280 and 232-28-281; and amending WAC 232-12-001, 232-12-071, 232-12-141, 232-28-515, 232-12-004, 232-12-007, 232-12-027, 232-12-271, 232-28-276, 232-12-068, 232-28-248, 232-28-272, 232-28-273, 232-28-02203, 232-28-02205, 232-28-02220, 232-28-02240, 232-28-278, and 232-28-279.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.020, 77.32.070, 77.32.530.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 01-05-135, 01-05-144, 01-05-141, 01-05-138, 01-05-142, 01-05-134, 01-05-140, 01-05-137, 01-05-136, 01-05-143, 01-05-139, 01-05-145, and 01-05-146 on February 21, 2001.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: WAC 232-12-001 Definition of terms.
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Under subsection (5):
Added the word type to Conibear traps, to avoid use of a brand name and include all traps with similar mechanisms. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
In the sentence "It is unlawful to offer for sale, sell, purchase, or trade..." the word knowingly was eliminated for clarity. |
Under subsection (c), both "and"s were changed to "or" to make individual items (e.g. gallbladder) stand alone. |
Renumbered the WAC because item (2) must be listed as a separate prohibition because statute (I-713) prohibits the director from issuing a permit for any sale of furs taken with body-gripping traps. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Under subsection (4)(b)(i):
Added the words, "and Human Services" to "the United States Department of Health" to be consistent with the statute. |
Corrected the language to be consistent with the statute. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
WAC 232-12-027 Game farm license provisions.
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Under subsection (1):
Changed possess to possessed to correct a grammatical error. |
Eliminated the wording "by virtue of" and replaced it with the word "under," for clarity. |
Added the word "subsection," for clarity. |
Added the word "inspection" to the second sentence, for clarity. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Under Hound Hunting During Deer and Elk Hunting Seasons:
Added except by public safety removal permit to the last sentence, for clarity. |
Added the word northern to Bobwhite to be consistent with the species name. |
Bullet item 3 was eliminated because it is covered in another WAC. |
Eliminate Goose Management Areas 1 and 3 after Western Washington, for clarity. |
Eliminated the last phrase "for cottontail and snowshoe hair (or Washington hare)," to be consistent with the rest of the WAC. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Added OLF Coupeville and Bayview to the line containing Whidbey Island Seaplane Base pheasant release site to better address potential secondary poisoning to bald eagles. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Under Firearm Restriction Areas - Franklin, Grant, and Adams counties:
Changed the wording to read: "That part of GMU 381...," instead of "Those parts of GMU 278 and 381...," this is to correct an error. No part of GMU 278 was supposed to be included in this particular Firearm Restriction Area. |
Changed the note from "see GMU 484" to "see GMU 652," to correct an oversight. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
***Note*** The WAC number has been changed from WAC 232-28-300 to 232-28-299.
Under subsection (2):
Eliminated the word raffle to reduce confusion with other types of drawings. |
Added sentence: To be eligible for the drawing, hunters must report their hunting activity for each transport tag acquired. This is to increase compliance for deer, elk, bear, and turkey. |
Added sentence: Bag limit: One additional deer or elk. This is to increase compliance for deer, elk, bear, and turkey. |
The word "special" was added before "incentive permit" to distinguish them from other permits. |
The word may was changed to must because it is a requirement. |
Eliminated the last sentence (There is no penalty for hunters not purchasing a hunting license the previous year.), to reduce confusion. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Under subsection (6)(b):
For added clarity the wording was changed to read, "The public must be informed of the date, time, and place of the raffle, and the organization must hold the drawing as specified." |
Require the department's share of the raffle revenue be delivered within 30 days rather than 10 days, to make it consistent with auctions and raffles. |
Changed the wording in the first sentence from "If the winner cannot..." to "If the winner does not...", for clarity. |
Eliminated the sentence, "A hunter may obtain only one hunting license for mountain sheep, mountain goat, or moose annually." This is to correct an oversight, hunters are not restricted to one bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or moose permit in a given license year. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Under subsection (5)(a):
For added clarity the wording was changed to read, "The public must be informed of the date, time, and place of the auction and the organization must hold the auction as specified." |
Require the organization to notify the department of the name and address of the successful bidder within 2 days rather than 10 days, to be consistent with auctions and raffles. |
Eliminated the sentence, "A hunter may obtain only one hunting license for mountain sheep, mountain goat, or moose annually." This is to correct an oversight, hunters are not restricted to one bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or moose permit in a given license year. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Under permit levels for mountain goats:
Reduce goat permits in Methow to two (2). This is because a low number of goats were observed during the survey in 2000. |
Added raffle and auction hunts to the end of the section to be consistent with WAC 232-28-290 and 232-28-292. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
GMU 329 Quilomene, added the letters WDFW before the roads 14 and 14.14 for clarification. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Elk Area 037 West Bar has been deleted because it is now designated as GMU 330 West Bar. |
A new Elk Area 067 is proposed because damage problems have occurred and a new damage hunt is recommended for this area. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
Under Branched Antler Restrictions:
The sentence "Applies to all hunters during any open season" should be changed to: "Applies to all hunters during any general season," for clarity. |
The subtitle "Eastern Washington Mule Deer" was changed to "Eastern Washington Deer" because any deer, whether whitetail or mule deer is legal. |
A new hunting season for youth and disabled hunters was added allowing youth and disabled to take any whitetail during modern firearm deer season in GMUs 204, 209, 215, and any deer in GMUs 209-248, 260 and 269. |
The GMUs were changed from 127-142 to 130-142 and the legal deer was changed from "Antlerless Only" to "Whitetail, Antlerless Only" to correct an oversight. This is the same restriction as last year. The 127 unit was dropped from AHE to prevent an overlap with late archery deer. |
GMU 127 was deleted from the Eastern Washington Mule Deer Seasons to focus pressure on GMU 142 where damage is severe. |
The legal deer for GMU 142 was changed from "Any Mule Deer" to "Mule deer, 3 pt. min. or antlerless." This change was made to be consistent with the antler point requirement for whitetail deer in the same unit. |
Game Management Units open September 1-30 were changed from "101 through 127, 204 through 247, 249 through 251, 260, 262, 328, 334 through 340, 346 through 368, 372" to "101 through 127, 204, 249 through 251, 260, 262, 328, 334 through 340, 346 through 368, 372." The September 1-15 early archery mule deer seasons were changed from "GMUs 130 through 154, 162 through 178, 181, 186, 248, 254, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, 381, 382" to "130 through 154, 162 through 178, 181, 186, 209 through 242, 248, 254, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, 381, 382." The September 16-30 archery mule deer seasons were changed from "130 through 154, 162 through 178, 248, 254, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, 381, 382" to "130 through 154, 162 through 178, 209 through 242, 248, 254, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, 381, 382." These changes were made to allow archers to take antlerless mule deer in GMUs 209 through 242 during the period September 16-30. |
Eliminated the Bangor Submarine Base from the open hunting area for persons of disability because the Navy will not allow hunting on the Base this year. |
The legal deer for GMUs 101 through 124, 204 through 284, was changed from "Any deer" to "Any whitetail Deer" to clarify the legal deer. |
In GMUs 127 through 154, 162 through 186, the legal deer was changed from "3 pt. min. or antlerless" to "Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless" to clarify the legal deer. |
The ending date for Eastern Washington Mule Deer was errantly listed as December 15 for GMUs 209, 215, 233, 243, 250, 346, 352 the ending date should be December 8 as it was last year. |
Under Early Muzzleloader Deer Seasons, GMU 381 was added to the early Whitetail Deer seasons for any buck and Mule Deer for 3 pt. min. and in late muzzleloader season Mule Deer 3 pt. min. or antlerless. This unit was opened to muzzleloaders for whitetail so mule deer were added to allow taking of whitetail or mule deer during this season. |
Under Special Deer Permit Hunting Seasons the Steptoe hunt special restrictions were changed from "Whitetail, Antlerless" to "Antlerless" to allow taking of antlerless mule deer. |
The permit level for Mayview was changed from 500 to 700 because of damage complaints. |
The boundary description for Prescott B was changed from "That portion of GMU 149 north of Hwy 261" to "That portion of GMU 149 north and east of Hwy 261" for clarification. |
The legal deer for Blue Mountains A and B was changed from whitetail, 3 pt. min or antlerless to any whitetail. |
Permit quotas for the following hunts were changed because of improved buck ratios and the opportunity to take more bucks, the changes are as follows: |
Chewuch from 15 to 30 |
Pearrygin from 15 to 35 |
Gardner from 15 to 25 |
Chiliwist from 5 to 25 |
Alta from 15 to 30 |
The permit quota for Beezley East was changed from 200 to 300. This change was made because of recent damage complaints in the area. |
The boundary description for Blue Mtns Foothills C was changed from "GMUs 149-154, 162-166" to "149, 154, 162-166," this was changed because there is no unit between 149 and 154. |
The boundary description was changed from "GMUs 145-149, 181" to "145, 149, 181," because there is no unit between 145 and 149. |
The following letter designations were added to hunts to separate hunt opportunities, the changes are as follows: |
Quilomene "D" | |
Umtanum "D" | |
Wind River "C" | |
Satsop "C" | |
Skookumchuck from "D" to "C" |
The hunt dates for Quilomene A were changed from Nov 8-23 to Nov 7-22 and the permit level changed from 92 to 100. |
The hunt dates for Umtanum A were changed from Nov 8-23 to Nov 7-22 and the permit level changed from 95 to 90. |
The hunt dates for Alkali A were changed from Nov 8-23 to Nov 7-22 and the permit level changed from 89 to 80. |
The hunt dates for Alkali B were changed from Nov 8-23 to Nov 7-22 and the permit level changed from 25 to 75. |
The hunt dates for Green River A were changed from Oct 7-13 to Oct 6-10 and permit level increased from 10 to 20. |
Added superscript a to the Green River hunt and added the footnote, Green River deer and elk permit hunters may hunt bear and cougar in GMU 485, during the permit season, with bear and cougar tags. |
Changed the asterisk to superscript b for both GMUs 504 and 554. |
Changed the asterisks for Pysht to superscript c. |
The legal deer for East Klickitat was changed from 3 pt min or antlerless to any deer. |
The Sinlahekin B and Pogue B Archery deer permit hunts were dropped because early archery deer seasons Sept. 16-30 were changed to include antlerless opportunity. |
Changed the footnote asterisks to letter footnotes for clarification. |
Under Muzzleloader Only Deer Permit Hunts the permit quota for Desert C was changed from 3 to 4. |
The permit quota for Quilomene B was changed from 15 to 11. |
The permit quota for Umtanum B was changed from 8 to 9. |
The permit quota for Alkali C was changed from 15 to 12. |
The permit quota for Alkali D was changed from 5 to 8. |
The hunt name Mason Lake was changed to "Mason Lake B." |
The hunt name Satsop was changed to "Satsop C." |
The legal deer for Blue Mtns. Foothills C was changed from Whitetail, 3 pt. min or antlerless to any whitetail. |
Under Archery Only Deer Permit Hunts the permit quota for Desert D was changed from 45 to 62. |
The Quilomene C and Umtanum C hunts were changed from Nov. 21-Dec. 8 to Nov. 23-Dec. 8, to avoid an overlap with modern firearm permit hunts. |
The permit quota for Quilomene C was changed from 146 to 126. |
The permit quota for Umtanum C was changed from 55 to 45. |
The hunt dates for Alkali E were changed from Nov 21 to Dec 8 to Nov 23 to Dec 8 and the permit level changed from 60 to 90. Date changed to prevent an overlap with modern firearm elk season. |
Under Special Permit Hunts for Hunters 65 or older the boundary description for the Blue Mtn Foothills D hunt was changed from GMUs 145-149, 163, 178, 181 to GMUs 145-149, 181. |
Under Special Youth Deer Permit Hunts the following permit hunts were deleted: East Okanogan B, West Okanogan B, Sinlahekin C, Pearrygin B, Gardner B, Chiliwist B, Alta B, Big Bend B, Foster Creek, and Moses Coulee B. These permit hunts were replaced by general antlerless opportunity for youth in modern firearm deer seasons. |
The letter "D" was added after Quilomene and Umtanum hunts. The letter "C" was added after Wind River, Satsop, and Skookumchuck hunts for clarification. |
Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
The year 2000 should be 2001 in the Bag Limit section. |
Under Elk Tag Areas the last sentence, "The Northwest, Blue Mountains..." was deleted. This sentence no longer applies because all of eastern Washington is on tag area. |
GMU 371 (Alkali) was dropped from the spike only GMUs because the unit is not open in general seasons. |
The Harvest Report Card section was deleted because it is now covered in another WAC. |
Added GMU 371 (Alkali) as a permit only unit in eastern Washington, for clarification. |
The "Hunting Method" for archery was modified to read, "Bow and arrow only as defined by WAC 232-12-054," for clarification. |
In Early Archery Elk Seasons, the first entry (GMUs 101 through 109, 121 through 142, 243, 247, 249, 250, 334) was changed to GMUs 101 through 142, 243, 247, 249, 250, 334. |
The legal elk for GMUs 113-117 in the Early Archery Elk Season was changed from any bull to any elk. These corrections were made because elk transplants to northeast Washington (GMU 117) have been successful, the elk have settled, and we now can open the season to any elk for archers. |
Under Early Archery Elk Seasons for western Washington, the open GMUs were changed for 3 pt. min. or antlerless from "407, 448, 501 through 673, 684, and Long Island," to "407, 408, 501 through 505, 550, 554, 558, 560, 572, 654, 660, 663, 667 through 673, 684 and Long Island." |
Under the Early Archery Elk seasons for western Washington, the open GMUs were changed for 3 pt. min. from "460, 466, 510, 513, 516, 601, 602, 603, 612 through 648, 624 through 633, 638 through 651, 652, 653, 658, 666, 681" to "460, 466, 506, 510, 513, 516, 520, 530, 601, 602, 603, 612 through 618, 624 through 633, 638 through 651, 652, 653, 658, 666, 681." This changes was made to drop antlerless opportunity in early archery elk seasons in GMUs 506, 520 and 530. |
In Late Archery Elk Seasons, GMUs 101, 105, 121 through 127 was changed to GMUs 101, 105, 117 through 127. |
Also in Late Archery Elk Seasons, the listing for GMU 117 was deleted because it was incorporated in the listing above. |
Under western Washington Late Archery Elk Seasons, the open units for 3 pt. min. were changed from "506, 520, 530, 603, 612, 615, 638, 648, and 652" to "603, 612, 615, 638, 648, and 652." |
Added GMUs 506, 520, 530 to 3 pt. min. or antlerless, Nov. 21-Dec. 2, 2001, Nov. 20-Dec. 1, 2002. Added GMUs 506, 520, 530 to 3 pt. min. hunts Dec. 3-15, 2001, and Dec. 2-15, 2002. These changes were made to allow archers to take antlerless elk Nov. 21-Dec. 2, 2001 and Nov. 20-Dec. 1, 2002 instead of during early seasons that may be subject to access restrictions. |
The "Hunting Method" for muzzleloader was modified to read, "Muzzleloader only as defined by WAC 232-12-051," for clarity. |
Under Early Muzzleloader Elk Seasons change the legal elk from antlerless to spike or antlerless in "That part of GMU 368..." This was made because the unit is already open to spike bull hunting at this time. |
Under Western Washington Early Muzzleloader Elk Seasons GMU 501 was listed under both the 3 pt. min. and 3 pt. min. or antlerless seasons. It should be dropped from the 3 pt. min. season. |
Under Late Eastern Washington Muzzleloader Elk Seasons the following hunt was added: GMUs 101, 105, 121, that part of GMU 124 west of Hwy 395, Oct. 27-Nov. 4, 2001, Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2002, open for any elk. This change was made to give all 3 user groups hunting opportunities in this area. |
In the Special Elk Hunts Open to Specified Tag Holders, the hunts in GMUs 127-142 and Grant, Adams, Douglas, Franklin, Okanogan, and Benton counties etc. should allow the EA, EM, or EF elk tag. This change allows all these user groups to hunt these areas. |
The two ML Area 941 hunts (one for muzzleloader and the other for archery) were proposed to be dropped but are now proposed to be open to help alleviate damage complaints. |
The permit quota for Blue Creek A was changed from 4 to 3. |
In the Dayton A modern firearm bull permit hunt, the boundary description was changed from "Part of GMU 162 and 163***" to "GMU 162." This is not a change from last year. |
The permit quota for Mtn. View A was changed from 7 to 8. |
The West Bar A and B Spike bull permit hunts were deleted because of poor bull ratios in the Colockum herd. |
The permit quota for Peaches Ridge A was changed from 69 to 86. |
The permit quota for Observatory A was changed from 46 to 48, special restrictions changed from any bull to any elk, and GMU 371 was added to the boundary description. Also, the permit hunt was moved to the Modern Firearm Elk permit hunts on the following page. This change was made to allow hunters to take any elk. |
The permit quota for Goose Prairie A was changed from 206 to 176. |
The permit quota for Bethel A was changed from 135 to 120. |
The permit quota for Rimrock A was changed from 108 to 103. |
The permit quota for Cowiche A was changed from 28 to 26. |
The permit hunt for Margaret A was changed from 19 to 18. |
The permit quota for Toutle A was changed from 85 to 90. |
The permit quota for Olympic A was changed from 13 to 21. |
The phrase "North and west of Jimmy Come Lately Creek and Grey Wolf River and" was deleted from the footnote. |
Under Modern Firearm Elk Permit Hunts, the date for the Three Forks hunt was changed from Oct 22-Nov 4 to Oct 27-Nov 4. |
The date for the Mount Spokane hunt was changed from Oct 22-Nov 4 to Oct 27-Nov 4. |
The date for the Blue Creek E hunt was changed from Oct 22-Nov 4 to Oct 27-Nov 4. |
The name Payton was changed to Dayton A and the dates for the hunt changed from Oct 22-Nov 4 to Oct 27-Nov 4, the permit quota changed from 75-100. |
The permit quota for Shushuskin was changed from 50 to 75. |
The permit quota for Malaga B was increased from 37 to 75. |
A new hunt Peshastin A was added Dec. 1-31, Any Elk, EF or EM tag, Elk Area 033 for 5 permits. This hunt is recommended for damage control. |
The hunt West Bar changed to West Bar A Oct. 22-31. A new hunt West Bar B was added Nov. 1-4, antlerless, EF or EM in GMU 330 for 10 permits. |
The permit quota for Umtanum A was changed from 440 to 400. |
A new hunt Cleman, Dec 9-31, Antlerless, EF or EM, ML Area 944, with 75 permits was added for damage control. |
The permit quota for Little Naches A was changed from 270 to 250. |
The permit quota for Nile was changed from 250 to 300. |
The permit quota for Bumping was changed from 500 to 530. |
The permit quota for Bethel B was changed from 250 to 275. |
The permit quota for Rimrock B was changed from 255 to 275. |
The permit quota for Cowiche B was changed from 160 to 180. |
The hunt Alkali A was deleted because this GMU was included in the Observatory hunt. |
The date for the Willapa Hills hunt was changed from Nov 8-12 to Nov 7-11. |
The Raymond C hunt permit quota changed from 10 to 15. |
The Raymond D hunt permit quota changed from 10 to 15. |
The year for the Raymond D hunt was added to correct an oversight. |
A new hunt Raymond E, Feb. 1-28, 2002, Antlerless, WF or WM, Part of GMUs 506 and 673, and 15 permits, was added for damage control. |
The Dungeness A hunt was changed from Nov 7-11 to Nov 28-Dec 2 and the permit quota changed from 9 to 6. |
The Dungeness B hunt was changed from Nov 7-11 to Dec 5-9, 3 pt min changed to antlerless, and permit quota changed from 4 to 6. |
A new hunt, Dungeness C was added. Dates Dec 12-16; Antlerless, WF or WM, Part of GMU 621, and 6 permits. |
The year 2002 was added to the Puyallup A hunt. |
The hunt "Minot" was changed to "North Minot" and the boundary changed from "Part of GMU 660" to "Elk Area 067." |
The year 2002 was added to the date Jan 15-23 for the Deschutes A hunt. |
Under Muzzleloader Bull Permit Hunts the permit quota for Mountain View B was changed from 2 to 1. |
The permit quota for Peaches Ridge B was changed from 9 to 11. |
Observatory B special restrictions changed from any bull to any elk and GMU 371 added to the hunt area and the hunt moved to the next table, Muzzleloader Permit Hunts. |
The permit quota for Goose Prairie B was changed from 26 to 22. |
The permit quota for Bethel C was changed from 18 to 17. |
The permit quota for Rimrock C was changed from 14 to 13. |
The Alkali hunt was deleted because it was combined with units in Observatory. |
The permit quota for Toutle C was changed from 16 to 15. |
The permit quota for the Olympic B hunt changed from 2 to 3. |
The Dungeness C hunt was deleted. |
The permit quota for Columbia A and B were increased from 40 to 50 in both hunts for damage control. |
The legal elk for West Bar C was changed from Spike Bull to Antlerless. |
The Alkali B hunt was deleted because GMU 371 was added to the Observatory hunt. |
The year 2001 was replaced by the year 2002 for the Mossyrock A, Randle A, and Boistfort hunts. |
A new hunt for Peshastin B was added after Malaga D as follows: Peshastin B, Aug. 18-Sept. 23, Antlerless, EM, Elk Area 033, 20 permits. |
The hunt name Minot Peak was changed to "North Minot B" and the boundary changed from "GMU 660***" to "Elk Area 067." |
The permit quota for Raymond A was increased from 10 to 15 for damage control. |
The two asterisk footnote below the table was changed from "That part of GMU 162 east of North Touchet Rd, outside National Forest." to superscript n "That part of GMU 162 east of North Touchet Rd excluding National Forest. Mostly private land, winter road closures in GMU 162." |
The three asterisk footnote "That part of GMU 660..." was deleted. |
Under Archery Bull Permit Hunts: (The title was changed to Archery Permit Hunts because some of the permit hunts are not restricted to bulls.) |
The permit quota for Dayton C was changed from 7 to 4. |
The permit quota for Tucannon C was changed from 3 to 1. |
The permit quota for Wenah Da was changed from 3 to 2. |
The permit quota for Mtn. View C was changed from 8 to 6. |
The permit quota for Peaches Ridge C was changed from 53 to 88. |
The permit quota for Observatory C was changed from 28 to 40, special restrictions changed from any bull to any elk and GMU 371 was added to the hunt area. |
The permit quota for Goose Prairie C was changed from 138 to 267. |
The permit quota for Bethel D was changed from 87 to 100. |
The permit quota for Rimrock D was changed from 56 to 87. |
The permit quota for Cowiche D was changed from 22 to 20. |
The hunt "Alkali" was deleted because GMU 371 was added to the Observatory hunt. |
The permit quota for Margaret D was changed from 6 to 8. |
The permit quota for Toutle D was changed from 42 to 55. |
The permit quota for Olympic C was changed from 3 to 6. |
The year 2002 was added to the date for the Mashel B hunt to correct an error. |
The permit quota for Raymond B was changed from 10 to 15. |
The Raymond A hunt was dropped because it was replaced by a muzzleloader hunt. |
The Dungeness D hunt was deleted, as a result of negotiations with Pt. No Pt. Treaty Council. |
The hunt name "Puy-muck" was changed to "Tanwax." |
Under Advanced Hunter Education Permit Hunts the South Bank A hunt was deleted. |
The single asterisk footnote "Firearm Restriction Area - Hunters may use only muzzleloader equipment" was deleted. |
The South Bank B hunt was deleted because it was replaced by Chehalis Valley. |
The two Skookumchuck hunts were labeled Skookumchuck A and Skookumchuck B for clarification. |
The permit quota for Centralia Mine A and B was reduced from 4 to 2 for each hunt because some of the hunt area will be mined. |
The boundary for Chehalis Valley D was changed from "GMU 667" to "Elk Area 066." |
The three asterisk footnote was deleted. |
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 5, Amended 19, Repealed 6.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
Pilot Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
or Other Alternative Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule:
Thirty-one days after filing.
April 26, 2001
Debbie Nelson
for Russ Cahill, Chairman
Fish and Wildlife Commission
(1) A "valid" license, permit, tag, stamp or catch record card means a license, permit, tag, stamp, or catch record card that was issued to the bearer for the current season and is required to hunt, fish or possess wildlife and has not been altered except as provided by rule of the commission.
(2) "Falconry" means possession, control, or use of a raptor for the purpose of hunting and free flight training.
(3) "Anadromous game fish" means:
(a) Steelhead trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, defined as any searun rainbow trout over twenty inches in length
(b) Searun cutthroat, Oncorhynchus clarkii
(c) Searun Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma
(4) "Handgun" means any pistol, revolver or short firearm with a barrel length of less than sixteen inches and does not have a shoulder stock.
(5) "Body-gripping trap" means a trap that grips an animal's body or body part. Body-gripping trap includes, but is not limited to, steel-jawed leghold traps, padded-jaw leghold traps, Conibear-type traps, neck snares, and non-strangling foot snares. Cage and box traps, suitcase-type live beaver traps, and common rat and mouse traps are not considered body-gripping traps.
(6) "Raw fur" means a pelt that has not been processed for purposes of retail sale.
(7) "Padded foot-hold trap" means a trap designed and set to grip the foot of a wild animal, both jaws of which are covered with rubber pads having a minimum thickness of one-eighth inch.
[Statutory Authority: 2000 c 107 7. 00-16-091 (Order 00-134), 232-12-001, filed 7/31/00, effective 8/31/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080 and 77.12.040. 99-08-029 (Order 99-13), 232-12-001, filed 3/30/99, effective 5/1/99. Statutory Authority: 1998 c 191 and RCW 75.08.080. 99-03-029 (Order 99-02), 232-12-001, filed 1/13/99, effective 2/13/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080 and 75.12.040. 97-18-035, 232-12-001, filed 8/27/97, effective 9/27/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 97-07-076 (Order 97-50), 232-12-001, filed 3/19/97, effective 5/1/97; 96-11-079 (Order 96-45), 232-12-001, filed 5/13/96, effective 6/13/96; 95-05-008 (Order 95-11), 232-12-001, filed 2/1/95, effective 5/1/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.055 and 77.12.040. 93-21-070 (Order 617), 232-12-001, filed 10/20/93, effective 4/16/94; 92-01-084 (Order 524), 232-12-001, filed 12/16/91, effective 4/16/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 89-10-026 (Order 387), 232-12-001, filed 4/26/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040 and 77.16.010. 86-21-017 (Order 280), 232-12-001, filed 10/6/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 81-22-002 (Order 174), 232-12-001, filed 10/22/81; 81-12-029 (Order 165), 232-12-001, filed 6/1/81. Formerly WAC 232-12-010.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 177, filed 1/28/82)
WAC 232-12-071
Buying or selling game unlawful.
prohibited by federal regulations, nonedible parts of wild
animals, game birds or game fish lawfully taken may be offered
for sale, sold, purchased or traded, except,
(1) It is unlawful to offer for sale, sell, purchase or
trade the following unless authorized by a written permit issued
by the director: ((cougar, mountain sheep, mountain goat, velvet
antlers of deer or elk or the gall bladder, claws and teeth of
bear, except those claws and teeth permanently attached to a full
bear skin or mounted bear, unless the offer for sale, sale,
purchase or trade is authorized by a written permit issued by the
(a) nonedible parts of cougar, bighorn sheep, or mountain goat.
(b) velvet antlers of deer or elk.
(c) gall bladder, claws, or teeth of bear, except those claws or teeth permanently attached to a full bear skin or mounted bear.
(2) It is unlawful to knowingly buy, sell, or otherwise exchange, or offer to buy, sell, or otherwise exchange the raw fur or carcass of a wild animal trapped in Washington with a body-gripping trap, whether or not pursuant to permit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 82-04-034 (Order 177), 232-12-071, filed 1/28/82; 81-12-029 (Order 165), 232-12-071, filed 6/1/81. Formerly WAC 232-12-171.]
(2) Any wildlife trapped for which the season is not open shall be released unharmed. Any wildlife that cannot be released unharmed must be left in the trap, and the department of fish and wildlife must be notified immediately.
(3) Lawfully trapped wild animals must be lethally dispatched or immediately released. A firearm may be used to dispatch trapped animals.
(4) It is unlawful to trap for wild animals:
(a) ((By any means other than padded foot-hold traps having
a minimum rubber pad thickness of one-eighth inch, unpadded
foot-hold traps, cage (live) traps, kill traps and snares.)) with
body-gripping traps, EXCEPT as provided for in subsection (b).
(((b) With an unpadded foot-hold trap, unless the trap has
jaws with a minimum jaw face width of one-fourth inch, or the
trap is set so that it completely submerses and drowns any
trapped animal, except that unpadded foot-hold traps not meeting
the one-fourth inch jaw face requirement may be used on
nondrowning sets on private property with landowner permission
for the purpose of protecting livestock, domestic animals,
private property, or public safety.
(c) With a steel trap having a jaw spread exceeding seven and one-half inches, except that a kill trap having a jaw spread exceeding seven and one-half inches is lawful when set beneath the water surface.
(d) On dry land, with a nondrowning set with a No. 3 size or larger unpadded foot-hold trap if it does not have jaw spacing of at least three-sixteenth of one inch when the trap is sprung,
(e) With a steel trap with teeth or serrated edges.))
(b) Conibear-type traps in water, non-strangling foot snares, and padded foot-hold traps may be used for the following purposes with a permit issued by the Director:
(i) To protect public health and safety, in consultation with the Department of Social and Health Services or the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
(ii) To abate damages caused to private property, domestic animals, livestock or timber, that cannot be reasonably abated by nonlethal control tools. Any person requesting a damage control permit must apply in writing, stating the threat or damages, the nonlethal control methods attempted or why they cannot be applied, and agree to use the above traps for no more than thirty days under the permit granted.
(iii) To protect threatened or endangered species, if such traps are used by Department employees or agents.
(iv) To conduct wildlife research, EXCEPT that Conibear-type traps are prohibited for this purpose.
(((f))) (c) Unless kill traps((, including foot-hold
drowning sets,)) are checked and animals removed within
seventy-two hours.
(((g))) (d) Unless animals captured in restraining traps
(any nonkilling set) are removed within twenty-four hours of
(((h) With a neck or body snare attached to a spring pole or
any spring pole type of device.))
(((i))) (e) Using game birds, game fish or game animals for
bait, except nonedible parts of game birds, game fish or game
animals may be used as bait.
(((j))) (f) Within thirty feet of any exposed meat bait or
nonedible game parts which are visible to flying raptors.
(5) Game bird feathers may be used as an attractor.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 00-20-032 (Order 00-197), 232-12-141, filed 9/27/00, effective 10/28/00; 99-17-034 (Order 99-118), 232-12-141, filed 8/11/99, effective 9/11/99; 98-01-207 (Order 97-253), 232-12-141, filed 12/23/97, effective 10/1/98; 92-18-083 (Order 563), 232-12-141, filed 9/2/92, effective 10/3/92; 90-19-097 (Order 460), 232-12-141, filed 9/19/90, effective 10/20/90; 87-15-082 (Order 293), 232-12-141, filed 7/20/87; 81-12-029 (Order 165), 232-12-141, filed 6/1/81. Formerly WAC 232-12-310.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-197, filed 9/27/00,
effective 10/28/00)
WAC 232-28-515
Trapping seasons and regulations.
To be issued your first Washington State trapping license an
individual must pass the Washington State trapper education exam.
A trapping license will only be issued to a trapper that has
returned the mandatory trapper report of catch postmarked on or
before April 10 of the previous year. A trapper that fails to
submit a report of catch must wait one year before purchasing
another trapping license. False reports will be considered the
same as failure to return the catch report.
It is unlawful to: Trap for wild animals before October 1, and
after March 15, in western Washington, except that owners of, or
persons legally controlling a property (or their designee) may
trap unclassified wild animals that are causing damage or
depredating on said property.
It is unlawful to: Place traps or establish drowning wires and
weights prior to 7:00 a.m. on the opening date of the trapping
season. All opening and closing season dates are inclusive.
Trapping Seasons:
General Western Washington Trapping Seasons (Clallam, Clark,
Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Lewis,
Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish,
Thurston, Wahkiakum, Whatcom counties):
Bobcat, Red Fox, and Weasel | November 18, 2000 November 17, 2001 November 16, 2002 |
February 15, 2001 February 15, 2002 February 15, 2003 |
Marten, Mink, Muskrat, and Raccoon | November 18, 2000 November 17, 2001 November 16, 2002 |
January 31, 2001 January 31, 2002 January 31, 2003 |
Beaver and River Otter | December 9, 2000 December 8, 2001 December 14, 2002 |
February 15, 2001 February 15, 2002 February 15, 2003 |
Game Management Unit 522 (Loo-wit) (Cowlitz and Skamania
counties) is closed to all trapping.
Island County
The red fox season is closed.
Lewis County
Green River drainage, above and including Miners Creek drainage, is closed to all trapping except for bobcat and coyote.
Skagit and Whatcom counties
Ross Lake National Recreation Area is closed to all trapping. Red fox season is closed, except within the boundaries of Mount Baker-Snoqualmie and Okanogan National Forests.
Skamania County
The following areas are closed to all trapping, except for bobcat and coyote: Muddy River drainage, above and including Bean Creek drainage; Pine Creek drainage above USFS Road 83; and Green River drainage, above and including Miners Creek drainage.
General Eastern Washington Trapping Seasons (Adams, Asotin,
Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield,
Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille,
Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties):
Badger, Beaver, Bobcat, Mink, Muskrat, Raccoon, Red Fox, and Weasel | November 11, 2000 November 10, 2001 November 9, 2002 |
February 28, 2001 February 28, 2002 February 28, 2003 |
Marten | December 15, 2000 December 15, 2001 December 15, 2002 |
January 31, 2001 January 31, 2002 January 31, 2003 |
River Otter (Season Bag Limit is 6 River Otter in Eastern Washington) |
November 11, 2000 November 10, 2001 November 9, 2002 |
February 28, 2001 February 28, 2002 February 28, 2003 |
River otter trapping season is closed in all Eastern Washington
counties, except that it is open in Chelan, Ferry, Klickitat,
Kittitas, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, and Yakima
counties, as well as in the Snake and Walla Walla River
Chelan County
Beaver season is closed in Swakane and Mudd Creek drainages.
Kittitas County
Beaver season is closed in the following drainages: North fork of Tarpiscan Creek and Umtanum Creek.
Urban Trapping Areas: Special Regulations and Trap Restrictions
The following described areas are closed to the taking of
classified furbearing animals, and coyote, opossum, nutria, and
skunk, by the use of body-gripping or ((foot-hold,)) kill((, or
snare)) traps ((except muskrat and mink may be taken with a
number one and one-half foot-hold drowning set or a 110 instant
kill trap during lawful trapping seasons as established by the
fish and wildlife commission. In these areas all traps or
devices, not capable of killing the animal must be checked and
the animal removed within 24 hours.)) except by permit under WAC 232-12-141.
Thurston County, within the established city limits (including
county islands) of Lacey, Olympia, and Tumwater.
Within Snohomish, King, and Pierce counties: Beginning at the
confluence of Snohomish River and Puget Sound; east up Snohomish
River to Interstate 5 (I-5); south on I-5 to Interstate 405
(I-405); south on I-405 to I-5; south on I-5 to Pioneer Way; east
on Pioneer Way to Waller Road; south on Waller Road to SR 512;
west on SR 512 to Highway 7; south on Highway 7 and Highway 507
to Pierce County line; north on Pierce County line to Puget
Sound; north along coast to mouth of Snohomish River and point of
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 00-20-032 (Order 00-197), 232-28-515, filed 9/27/00, effective 10/28/00; 98-01-208 (Order 97-252), 232-28-515, filed 12/23/97, effective 1/23/98.]
Common Name | Scientific Name |
migratory waterfowl | Anatidae |
wild turkey | Meleagris gallopavo |
blue grouse | (( |
spruce grouse | Dendragapus canadensis |
ruffed grouse | Bonasa umbellus |
"Forest grouse" means blue, spruce, or ruffed grouse |
sharp-tailed grouse | Tympanuchus phasianellus |
(( |
(( |
white-tailed ptarmigan | Lagopus leucurus |
California quail | Callipepla (( |
mountain quail | Oreortyx pictus |
northern bobwhite
(( |
Colinus virginianus |
scaled quail | Callipepla squamata |
chukar | Alectoris chukar |
ring-necked pheasant | Phasianus colchicus |
Gray (Hungarian) partridge | Perdix perdix |
"Upland bird" means quail, chukar, pheasant, or partridge |
American coot | Fulica americana |
common snipe | (( |
band-tailed pigeon | Columba fasciata |
mourning dove | (( |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
black-billed magpie | Pica (( |
American crow | Corvus brachyrhynchos |
European starling | Sturnus vulgaris |
(( |
Passer domesticus |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.020 and 77.12.040. 91-11-006 (Order 491), 232-12-004, filed 5/2/91, effective 6/2/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 81-22-002 (Order 174), 232-12-004, filed 10/22/81; 81-12-029 (Order 165), 232-12-004, filed 6/1/81. Formerly WAC 232-12-030.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 614, filed 10/14/93, effective
WAC 232-12-007
Classification of wild animals
(1) Game
animals include:
Common Name | Scientific Name |
eastern cottontail | Sylvilagus floridanus |
Nuttall's cottontail | Sylvilagus nuttallii |
snowshoe hare | Lepus americanus |
white-tailed jackrabbit | Lepus townsendii |
black-tailed jackrabbit | Lepus californicus |
fox | Vulpes vulpes |
black bear | Ursus americanus |
raccoon | Procyon lotor |
cougar | (( |
bobcat | Lynx rufus |
Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain elk |
Cervus elaphus |
mule deer and black-tailed deer |
Odocoileus hemionus |
white-tailed deer | Odocoileus virginianus |
moose | Alces alces |
pronghorn | Antilocapra americana |
mountain goat | Oreamnos americanus |
California and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep |
Ovis canadensis |
bullfrog | Rana catesbeiana |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
beaver | Castor canadensis |
muskrat | Ondatra zibethicus |
fox | Vulpes vulpes |
raccoon | Procyon lotor |
marten | Martes americana |
short-tailed weasel or ermine |
Mustela erminea |
long-tailed weasel | Mustela frenata |
mink | Mustela vison |
badger | Taxidea taxus |
river otter | Lutra canadensis |
bobcat | Lynx rufus |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.020 and 77.12.040. 93-21-025 (Order 614), 232-12-007, filed 10/14/93, effective 11/14/93; 91-11-007 (Order 492), 232-12-007, filed 5/2/91, effective 6/2/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 82-19-026 (Order 192), 232-12-007, filed 9/9/82; 81-22-002 (Order 174), 232-12-007, filed 10/22/81; 81-12-029 (Order 165), 232-12-007, filed 6/1/81. Formerly WAC 232-12-040.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 520, filed 11/22/91, effective
WAC 232-12-027
Game farm license provisions.
It is
unlawful to operate a game farm without a current, valid
Washington state game farm license.
(1) Game farms licensed prior to January 1, 1992, may
continue to possess, propagate, sell and transfer wildlife they
lawfully ((possess)) possessed on January 1, 1992, ((by virtue
of)) under their license issued by the department. Transfers of
wildlife other than those species listed under ((2)) subsection
(2) are restricted to licensed game farms authorized by written
license to possess said wildlife.
(2) Game farms licensed on or after January 1, 1992, may purchase, possess, propagate, sell or transfer the following wildlife:
(a) Game birds - pheasant, of the genus Phasianus; gray
partridge of the genus Perdix; chukar ((partridge)) of the genus
Alectoris; quail of the genus ((Lophorthyx,)) Colinus,
Callipepla, and Oreortyx; waterfowl of the family Anatidae.
(3) Application for a game farm license shall be made on a form provided by the department.
(4) The director or designee of the director may issue, with conditions or restrictions, a game farm license, if the applicant meets the requirements of subsection (1) or (2) above and complies with the following criteria:
(a) The applicant is the owner or tenant of or has a possessory interest in the lands, waters, and riparian rights shown in the application.
(b) The rearing and holding facilities are adequate and structurally sound to prevent the egress of game farm wildlife.
(c) Operating conditions are clean and humane.
(d) No hazards to state wildlife exist from the operation.
(e) The license covers only the immediate premises and areas described on the application where wildlife will be held.
(5) Holders of a game farm license must make annual reports no later than the 15th of January to the director on forms to be furnished by the department.
(6) A licensed game farm must be inspected annually. All inspection costs will be paid by the licensee. The inspection must occur during the months of June, July, or August. An inspection form will be provided by the department and must be completed and signed by a licensed veterinarian or an agent authorized by the department. The inspection form must accompany the annual report and be submitted to the director no later than the 15th day of January.
(7) A game farm license is not required for captive-bred mink, Mustela vison, and captive-bred silver fox, Vulpes fulva, lawfully acquired from a licensed breeder or fur farm and held for fur farming purposes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.055, 77.12.040 and 77.12.570. 91-24-016 (Order 520), 232-12-027, filed 11/22/91, effective 12/23/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.030, 77.12.040, 77.16.020 and 77.32.211. 85-20-127 (Order 258), 232-12-027, filed 10/2/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 82-19-026 (Order 192), 232-12-027, filed 9/9/82; 81-22-002 (Order 174), 232-12-027, filed 10/22/81; 81-12-029 (Order 165), 232-12-027, filed 6/1/81. Formerly WAC 232-12-070.]
(a) Application for a permit must be made on a form provided by the department. It must be submitted at least thirty days prior to acquisition of the wildlife or aquatic plants intended for release or planting, and must provide all information indicated.
(b) Permits will only be issued if the director determines there will be no adverse impact on the wildlife or wildlife habitat of the state.
(c) Each permit shall require that at least thirty days prior to planting or release of wildlife or aquatic plants they must be made available for inspection by the director. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to show that the wildlife will not pose a disease threat. If the director is not satisfied that the wildlife or aquatic plants do not pose a disease threat, they shall not be released or planted in the state. Director approval for release or planting may be withdrawn for cause.
(d) Each permit shall require that an applicant intending to release wildlife in the state shall report immediately to the director the outbreak of any disease among the wildlife intended to be released. If the director determines that such outbreak presents a threat to the wildlife of the state, the director may immediately order such action as necessary including quarantine or destruction of stock, sterilization of enclosures and facilities, cessation of activities, and disposal of wildlife in a manner satisfactory to the director.
(e) Each permit shall require that wildlife to be released shall not be branded, tattooed, tagged, fin clipped or otherwise marked for identification without approval of the director or as required in WAC 232-12-044.
(f) Legally acquired pheasant of the genus ((Phasianus))
Phasianus; gray partridge of the genus ((Perdix)) Perdix; chukar
((partridge)) of the genus ((Alectoris)) Alectoris; quail of the
genus ((Lophorthyx,)) ((Callipepla)) Callipepla((,)) and
((Colinus)) Colinus; and ((mallard ducks of the species))
mallards ((Anas platyrhynchos)) (Anas platyrhynchos) may be
released without a permit for purposes of dog training, and
hunting pursuant to WAC 232-12-044. Game birds released for
these purposes must be purchased from facilities that have been
inspected by a certified veterinarian within the past twelve
(2) Release by the director. The director may plant aquatic plants or release animal species, subspecies, or hybrids which have been planted or released previously in Washington if they do not pose a disease threat and if planting or release will not cause adverse impact on the wildlife or wildlife habitat of the state. Before releasing any species, subspecies, or hybrid of animal not already existing in the wild in Washington, the director shall report to the commission on the planned release, stating the basis for determining that the planned release fulfills the criteria set forth herein. The director may release nonnative species, subspecies, or hybrids not previously released in Washington only if the director in his or her sole discretion has determined that:
(a) There is no reasonable expectation of adverse impact on the wildlife or wildlife habitat of the state and there is an adequate plan for evaluating such impact following the release;
(b) The commission has classified the species, subspecies, or hybrids to be released pursuant to RCW 77.12.020;
(c) Suitable habitat is available;
(d) The nonnative species, subspecies, or hybrids to be released are free of exotic pathogens;
(e) The release serves the public interest.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.04.055, 77.12.040 and 77.16.150. 91-24-015 (Order 521), 232-12-271, filed 11/22/91, effective 12/23/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.020, 77.12.040 and 77.16.150. 89-12-044 (Order 397), 232-12-271, filed 6/2/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 82-04-034 (Order 177), 232-12-271, filed 1/28/82; 81-12-029 (Order 165), 232-12-271, filed 6/1/81. Formerly WAC 232-12-675.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-50, filed 5/23/00,
effective 6/23/00)
WAC 232-28-276
2000-01, 2001-02, and 2002-03 Official
hunting hours and small game seasons
Western Washington from |
Eastern Washington from |
Dates (Inclusive) | A.M. | to | P.M. | A.M. | to | P.M. | ||||
Daylight Savings Time | ||||||||||
Fri. | Sept. 1 | - | Sun. | Sept. 3 | 6:00 | 7:50 | 5:45 | 7:35 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 4 | - | Sun. | Sept. 10 | 6:05 | 7:40 | 5:55 | 7:25 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 11 | - | Sun. | Sept. 17 | 6:15 | 7:25 | 6:05 | 7:10 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 18 | - | Sun. | Sept. 24 | 6:25 | 7:10 | 6:10 | 7:00 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 25 | - | Sun. | Oct. 1 | 6:35 | 6:55 | 6:20 | 6:45 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 2 | - | Sun. | Oct. 8 | 6:45 | 6:40 | 6:30 | 6:30 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 9 | - | Sun. | Oct. 15 | 6:55 | 6:25 | 6:40 | 6:15 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 16 | - | Sun. | Oct. 22 | 7:05 | 6:15 | 6:50 | 6:00 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 23 | - | Sat. | Oct. 28 | 7:10 | 6:05 | 7:00 | 5:50 | ||
Pacific Standard Time | ||||||||||
Sun. | Oct. 29 | 6:20 | 5:00 | 6:05 | 4:45 | |||||
Mon. | Oct. 30 | - | Sun. | Nov. 5 | 6:25 | 4:50 | 6:10 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 6 | - | Sun. | Nov. 12 | 6:35 | 4:40 | 6:25 | 4:30 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 13 | - | Sun. | Nov. 19 | 6:45 | 4:30 | 6:35 | 4:20 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 20 | - | Sun. | Nov. 26 | 6:55 | 4:25 | 6:45 | 4:15 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 27 | - | Sun. | Dec. 3 | 7:05 | 4:20 | 6:55 | 4:10 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 4 | - | Sun. | Dec. 10 | 7:15 | 4:20 | 7:00 | 4:05 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 11 | - | Sun. | Dec. 17 | 7:20 | 4:20 | 7:10 | 4:05 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 18 | - | Sun. | Dec. 24 | 7:25 | 4:20 | 7:10 | 4:10 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 25 | - | Sun. | Dec. 31 | 7:25 | 4:25 | 7:15 | 4:10 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 1 | - | Sun. | Jan. 7 | 7:30 | 4:30 | 7:15 | 4:20 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 8 | - | Sun. | Jan. 14 | 7:25 | 4:40 | 7:15 | 4:30 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 15 | - | Sun. | Jan. 21 | 7:20 | 4:50 | 7:10 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 22 | - | Sun. | Jan. 28 | 7:15 | 5:00 | 7:00 | 4:50 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 29 | - | Wed. | Jan. 31 | 7:10 | 5:05 | 6:55 | 4:50 |
.* | These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons. |
Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, Grays Harbor (except areas north of U.S. Highway 12 and west of
U.S. Highway 101), Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour
before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on
designated pheasant release sites.
Western Washington from |
Eastern Washington from |
Dates (Inclusive) | A.M. | to | P.M. | A.M. | to | P.M. | ||||
Daylight Savings Time | ||||||||||
Sat. | Sept. 1 | - | Sun. | Sept. 2 | 6:00 | 7:50 | 5:45 | 7:40 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 3 | - | Sun. | Sept. 9 | 6:05 | 7:40 | 5:50 | 7:30 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 10 | - | Sun. | Sept. 16 | 6:15 | 7:25 | 6:00 | 7:15 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 17 | - | Sun. | Sept. 23 | 6:20 | 7:10 | 6:10 | 7:00 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 24 | - | Sun. | Sept. 30 | 6:30 | 6:55 | 6:20 | 6:45 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 1 | - | Sun. | Oct. 7 | 6:40 | 6:45 | 6:30 | 6:30 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 8 | - | Sun. | Oct. 14 | 6:50 | 6:30 | 6:40 | 6:15 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 15 | - | Sun. | Oct. 21 | 7:00 | 6:15 | 6:50 | 6:05 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 22 | - | Sat. | Oct. 27 | 7:10 | 6:05 | 7:00 | 5:50 | ||
Pacific Standard Time | ||||||||||
Sun. | Oct. 28 | 6:15 | 5:00 | 6:05 | 4:45 | |||||
Mon. | Oct. 29 | - | Sun. | Nov. 4 | 6:20 | 4:50 | 6:10 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 5 | - | Sun. | Nov. 11 | 6:35 | 4:40 | 6:20 | 4:30 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 12 | - | Sun. | Nov. 18 | 6:45 | 4:35 | 6:30 | 4:20 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 19 | - | Sun. | Nov. 25 | 6:55 | 4:25 | 6:45 | 4:15 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 26 | - | Sun. | Dec. 2 | 7:05 | 4:20 | 6:50 | 4:10 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 3 | - | Sun. | Dec. 9 | 7:10 | 4:20 | 7:00 | 4:05 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 10 | - | Sun. | Dec. 16 | 7:20 | 4:20 | 7:05 | 4:05 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 17 | - | Sun. | Dec. 23 | 7:25 | 4:20 | 7:10 | 4:05 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 24 | - | Sun. | Dec. 30 | 7:25 | 4:25 | 7:15 | 4:10 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 31 | - | Sun. | Jan. 6 | 7:25 | 4:30 | 7:15 | 4:20 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 7 | - | Sun. | Jan. 13 | 7:25 | 4:40 | 7:15 | 4:25 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 14 | - | Sun. | Jan. 20 | 7:20 | 4:45 | 7:10 | 4:35 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 21 | - | Sun. | Jan. 27 | 7:15 | 4:55 | 7:05 | 4:45 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 28 | - | Thur. | Jan. 31 | 7:10 | 5:05 | 7:00 | 4:55 |
.* | These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons. |
Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, Grays Harbor (((
except areas north of U.S. Highway 12 and west
of U.S. Highway 101))), Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half
hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on
designated pheasant release sites.
Western Washington from |
Eastern Washington from |
Dates (Inclusive) | A.M. | to | P.M. | A.M. | to | P.M. | ||||
Daylight Savings Time | ||||||||||
Sun. | Sept. 1 | 6:00 | 7:50 | 5:45 | 7:40 | |||||
Mon. | Sept. 2 | - | Sun. | Sept. 8 | 6:00 | 7:45 | 5:45 | 7:30 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 9 | - | Sun. | Sept. 15 | 6:10 | 7:30 | 6:00 | 7:15 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 16 | - | Sun. | Sept. 22 | 6:20 | 7:15 | 6:10 | 7:00 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 23 | - | Sun. | Sept. 29 | 6:30 | 7:00 | 6:20 | 6:45 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 30 | - | Sun. | Oct. 6 | 6:40 | 6:45 | 6:30 | 6:35 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 7 | - | Sun. | Oct. 13 | 6:50 | 6:30 | 6:40 | 6:20 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 14 | - | Sun. | Oct. 20 | 7:00 | 6:20 | 6:50 | 6:05 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 21 | - | Sat. | Oct. 26 | 7:10 | 6:05 | 7:00 | 5:55 | ||
Pacific Standard Time | ||||||||||
Sun. | Oct. 27 | 6:15 | 5:00 | 6:00 | 4:50 | |||||
Mon. | Oct. 28 | - | Sun. | Nov. 3 | 6:20 | 4:55 | 6:10 | 4:50 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 4 | - | Sun. | Nov. 10 | 6:30 | 4:45 | 6:20 | 4:30 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 11 | - | Sun. | Nov. 17 | 6:40 | 4:35 | 6:30 | 4:20 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 18 | - | Sun. | Nov. 24 | 6:50 | 4:25 | 6:40 | 4:15 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 25 | - | Sun. | Dec. 1 | 7:00 | 4:20 | 6:50 | 4:10 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 2 | - | Sun. | Dec. 8 | 7:10 | 4:20 | 7:00 | 4:10 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 9 | - | Sun. | Dec. 15 | 7:15 | 4:20 | 7:05 | 4:10 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 16 | - | Sun. | Dec. 22 | 7:20 | 4:20 | 7:10 | 4:10 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 23 | - | Sun. | Dec. 29 | 7:25 | 4:25 | 7:10 | 4:15 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 30 | - | Sun. | Jan. 5 | 7:25 | 4:30 | 7:15 | 4:15 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 6 | - | Sun. | Jan. 12 | 7:25 | 4:35 | 7:15 | 4:25 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 13 | - | Sun. | Jan. 19 | 7:20 | 4:45 | 7:10 | 4:35 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 20 | - | Sun. | Jan. 26 | 7:15 | 4:55 | 7:05 | 4:45 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 27 | - | Fri. | Jan. 31 | 7:10 | 5:05 | 7:00 | 4:55 |
.* | These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons. |
Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, Grays Harbor (((
except areas north of U.S. Highway 12 and west
of U.S. Highway 101))), Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half
hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on
designated pheasant release sites.
Western Washington from |
Eastern Washington from |
Dates (Inclusive) | A.M. | to | P.M. | A.M. | to | P.M. | ||||
Daylight Savings Time | ||||||||||
Fri. | Sept. 1 | - | Sun. | Sept. 3 | 6:00 | 8:20 | 5:45 | 8:05 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 4 | - | Sun. | Sept. 10 | 6:05 | 8:10 | 5:55 | 7:55 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 11 | - | Sun. | Sept. 17 | 6:15 | 7:55 | 6:05 | 7:40 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 18 | - | Sun. | Sept. 24 | 6:25 | 7:40 | 6:10 | 7:30 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 25 | - | Sun. | Oct. 1 | 6:35 | 7:25 | 6:20 | 7:15 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 2 | - | Sun. | Oct. 8 | 6:45 | 7:10 | 6:30 | 7:00 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 9 | - | Sun. | Oct. 15 | 6:55 | 6:55 | 6:40 | 6:45 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 16 | - | Sun. | Oct. 22 | 7:05 | 6:45 | 6:50 | 6:30 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 23 | - | Sat. | Oct. 28 | 7:10 | 6:35 | 7:00 | 6:20 | ||
Pacific Standard Time | ||||||||||
Sun. | Oct. 29 | 6:20 | 5:30 | 6:05 | 5:15 | |||||
Mon. | Oct. 30 | - | Sun. | Nov. 5 | 6:25 | 5:20 | 6:10 | 5:10 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 6 | - | Sun. | Nov. 12 | 6:35 | 5:10 | 6:25 | 5:00 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 13 | - | Sun. | Nov. 19 | 6:45 | 5:00 | 6:35 | 4:50 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 20 | - | Sun. | Nov. 26 | 6:55 | 4:55 | 6:45 | 4:45 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 27 | - | Sun. | Dec. 3 | 7:05 | 4:50 | 6:55 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 4 | - | Sun. | Dec. 10 | 7:15 | 4:50 | 7:00 | 4:35 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 11 | - | Sun. | Dec. 17 | 7:20 | 4:50 | 7:10 | 4:35 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 18 | - | Sun. | Dec. 24 | 7:25 | 4:50 | 7:10 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 25 | - | Sun. | Dec. 31 | 7:25 | 4:55 | 7:15 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 1 | - | Sun. | Jan. 7 | 7:30 | 5:00 | 7:15 | 4:50 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 8 | - | Sun. | Jan. 14 | 7:25 | 5:10 | 7:15 | 5:00 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 15 | - | Sun. | Jan. 21 | 7:20 | 5:20 | 7:10 | 5:10 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 22 | - | Sun. | Jan. 28 | 7:15 | 5:30 | 7:00 | 5:20 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 29 | - | Wed. | Jan. 31 | 7:10 | 5:35 | 6:55 | 5:20 |
.* | These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons. |
Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that
area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after
Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on
designated pheasant release sites.
Western Washington from |
Eastern Washington from |
Dates (Inclusive) | A.M. | to | P.M. | A.M. | to | P.M. | ||||
Daylight Savings Time | ||||||||||
Sat. | Sept. 1 | - | Sun. | Sept. 2 | 6:00 | 8:20 | 5:45 | 8:10 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 3 | - | Sun. | Sept. 9 | 6:05 | 8:10 | 5:50 | 8:00 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 10 | - | Sun. | Sept. 16 | 6:15 | 7:55 | 6:00 | 7:45 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 17 | - | Sun. | Sept. 23 | 6:20 | 7:40 | 6:10 | 7:30 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 24 | - | Sun. | Sept. 30 | 6:30 | 7:25 | 6:20 | 7:15 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 1 | - | Sun. | Oct. 7 | 6:40 | 7:15 | 6:30 | 7:00 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 8 | - | Sun. | Oct. 14 | 6:50 | 7:00 | 6:40 | 6:45 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 15 | - | Sun. | Oct. 21 | 7:00 | 6:45 | 6:50 | 6:35 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 22 | - | Sat. | Oct. 27 | 7:10 | 6:35 | 7:00 | 6:20 | ||
Pacific Standard Time | ||||||||||
Sun. | Oct. 28 | 6:15 | 5:30 | 6:05 | 5:15 | |||||
Mon. | Oct. 29 | - | Sun. | Nov. 4 | 6:20 | 5:20 | 6:10 | 5:10 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 5 | - | Sun. | Nov. 11 | 6:35 | 5:10 | 6:20 | 5:00 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 12 | - | Sun. | Nov. 18 | 6:45 | 5:05 | 6:30 | 4:50 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 19 | - | Sun. | Nov. 25 | 6:55 | 4:55 | 6:45 | 4:45 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 26 | - | Sun. | Dec. 2 | 7:05 | 4:50 | 6:50 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 3 | - | Sun. | Dec. 9 | 7:10 | 4:50 | 7:00 | 4:35 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 10 | - | Sun. | Dec. 16 | 7:20 | 4:50 | 7:05 | 4:35 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 17 | - | Sun. | Dec. 23 | 7:25 | 4:50 | 7:10 | 4:35 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 24 | - | Sun. | Dec. 30 | 7:25 | 4:55 | 7:15 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 31 | - | Sun. | Jan. 6 | 7:25 | 5:00 | 7:15 | 4:50 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 7 | - | Sun. | Jan. 13 | 7:25 | 5:10 | 7:15 | 4:55 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 14 | - | Sun. | Jan. 20 | 7:20 | 5:15 | 7:10 | 5:05 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 21 | - | Sun. | Jan. 27 | 7:15 | 5:25 | 7:05 | 5:15 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 28 | - | Thur. | Jan. 31 | 7:10 | 5:35 | 7:00 | 5:25 |
.* | These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons. |
Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that
area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after
Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on
designated pheasant release sites.
Western Washington from |
Eastern Washington from |
Dates (Inclusive) | A.M. | to | P.M. | A.M. | to | P.M. | ||||
Daylight Savings Time | ||||||||||
Sun. | Sept. 1 | 6:00 | 8:20 | 5:45 | 8:10 | |||||
Mon. | Sept. 2 | - | Sun. | Sept. 8 | 6:00 | 8:15 | 5:45 | 8:00 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 9 | - | Sun. | Sept. 15 | 6:10 | 8:00 | 6:00 | 7:45 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 16 | - | Sun. | Sept. 22 | 6:20 | 7:45 | 6:10 | 7:30 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 23 | - | Sun. | Sept. 29 | 6:30 | 7:30 | 6:20 | 7:15 | ||
Mon. | Sept. 30 | - | Sun. | Oct. 6 | 6:40 | 7:15 | 6:30 | 7:05 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 7 | - | Sun. | Oct. 13 | 6:50 | 7:00 | 6:40 | 6:50 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 14 | - | Sun. | Oct. 20 | 7:00 | 6:50 | 6:50 | 6:35 | ||
Mon. | Oct. 21 | - | Sat. | Oct. 26 | 7:10 | 6:35 | 7:00 | 6:25 | ||
Pacific Standard Time | ||||||||||
Sun. | Oct. 27 | 6:15 | 5:30 | 6:00 | 5:20 | |||||
Mon. | Oct. 28 | - | Sun. | Nov. 3 | 6:20 | 5:25 | 6:10 | 5:20 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 4 | - | Sun. | Nov. 10 | 6:30 | 5:15 | 6:20 | 5:00 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 11 | - | Sun. | Nov. 17 | 6:40 | 5:05 | 6:30 | 4:50 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 18 | - | Sun. | Nov. 24 | 6:50 | 4:55 | 6:40 | 4:45 | ||
Mon. | Nov. 25 | - | Sun. | Dec. 1 | 7:00 | 4:50 | 6:50 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 2 | - | Sun. | Dec. 8 | 7:10 | 4:50 | 7:00 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 9 | - | Sun. | Dec. 15 | 7:15 | 4:50 | 7:05 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 16 | - | Sun. | Dec. 22 | 7:20 | 4:50 | 7:10 | 4:40 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 23 | - | Sun. | Dec. 29 | 7:25 | 4:55 | 7:10 | 4:45 | ||
Mon. | Dec. 30 | - | Sun. | Jan. 5 | 7:25 | 5:00 | 7:15 | 4:45 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 6 | - | Sun. | Jan. 12 | 7:25 | 5:05 | 7:15 | 4:55 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 13 | - | Sun. | Jan. 19 | 7:20 | 5:15 | 7:10 | 5:05 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 20 | - | Sun. | Jan. 26 | 7:15 | 5:25 | 7:05 | 5:15 | ||
Mon. | Jan. 27 | - | Fri. | Jan. 31 | 7:10 | 5:35 | 7:00 | 5:25 |
.* | These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons. |
Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that
area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after
Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on
designated pheasant release sites.
Hound Hunting During Deer and Elk Hunting Seasons
It is unlawful to hunt any wildlife at night or wild animals with
dogs (hounds) during the months of September, October, or
November in any area open to a center-fire rifle deer or elk
season. The use of hounds to hunt black bear, cougar (EXCEPT by
public safety removal permit), and bobcat is prohibited year
Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit
OPEN SEASON: State-wide
Sept. 5, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 4, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Sept.
3, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.
Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit
OPEN SEASON: State-wide, except CLOSED on Long Island within
Willapa National Wildlife Refuge.
Sept. 5, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 4, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Sept.
3, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.
Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit
OPEN SEASON: State-wide, except CLOSED within the exterior
boundaries of the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie, Okanogan, Wenatchee,
and Gifford Pinchot National Forests and GMUs 407 and 410.
Sept. 5, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 4, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Sept.
3, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.
Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit
OPEN SEASON: State-wide, year around except CLOSED from September
15 to November 30 in the Pasayten Wilderness, GMUs 426 and 450,
and those portions of GMUs 218, 245, and 448 within the external
boundaries of the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie, Okanogan, and Wenatchee
National Forests. However, coyote may only be killed and/or
pursued with hounds during the following period: Sept. 5,
2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 4, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Sept. 3,
2002-Mar. 15, 2003; except coyote may be hunted year around with
hounds in Grant, Adams, Benton, and Franklin counties.
Bag and Possession Limits: Three (3) grouse per day, with a
total of nine (9) grouse in possession at any time; straight or
mixed bag.
State-wide: Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2000; Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2001; Sept.
1-Dec. 31, 2002.
Season closed state-wide.
Upland Birds
Eastern Washington
Ring-necked Pheasant
Bag and Possession Limits: Three (3) cock pheasants per day,
with a total of fifteen (15) cock pheasants in possession at any
Youth Season: Sept. 23 and 24, 2000; Sept. 22 and 23, 2001;
Sept. 21 and 22, 2002. Open only to youth hunters accompanied by
an adult at least 18 years old.
Regular Season: Oct. 7-Dec. 31, 2000; Oct. 6-Dec. 31, 2001; Oct.
5-Dec. 31, 2002.
Chukar ((Partridge))
Bag and Possession Limits: Six (6) chukar per day, with a total
of eighteen (18) chukar in possession at any time.
Regular Season: Oct. 1, 2000-Jan. 15, 2001; Oct. 1, 2001-Jan.
21, 2002; Oct. 1, 2002-Jan. 20, 2003.
Gray (Hungarian) Partridge
Bag and Possession Limits: Six (6) gray partridges per day, with
a total of eighteen (18) gray partridges in possession at any
Regular Season: Oct. 1, 2000-Jan. 15, 2001; Oct. 1, 2001-Jan.
21, 2002; Oct. 1, 2002-Jan. 20, 2003.
Mountain Quail
Season closed throughout Eastern Washington.
((Valley and Bobwhite Quail)) California (valley) Quail and
northern Bobwhite
Bag and Possession Limits: Ten (10) quail per day, with a total
of thirty (30) quail in possession at any time, straight or mixed
Youth Season: Sept. 23 and 24, 2000; Sept. 22 and 23, 2001;
Sept. 21 and 22, 2002. Open only to youth hunters accompanied by
an adult at least 18 years old.
Regular Season: Oct. 7, 2000-Jan. 15, 2001; Oct. 6, 2001-Jan.
21, 2002; Oct. 5, 2002-Jan. 20, 2003.
Yakama Indian Reservation: The 2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03 Upland
bird seasons within the Yakama Indian Reservation shall be the
same as the season established by the Yakama Indian Nation.
Western Washington
Ring-necked Pheasant
Bag and Possession Limits: Two (2) pheasants of either sex per
day, with a total of fifteen (15) pheasants in possession at any
Youth Season: Sept. 23 and 24, 2000; Sept. 22 and 23, 2001;
Sept. 21 and 22, 2002. Open only to youth hunters accompanied by
an adult at least 18 years old.
Hunters 65 years of age or older: Sept. 25-29, 2000; Sept.
24-28, 2001; Sept. 23-27, 2002.
Regular Season: Sept. 30-Nov. 30, 2000; Sept. 29-Nov. 30, 2001;
Sept. 28-Nov. 30, 2002. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; except Dungeness
Recreation site (Clallam County) starting Oct. 7, 2000; Oct. 6,
2001; Oct. 5, 2002.
A Western Washington Pheasant Permit is required to hunt pheasant
in Western Washington, in addition to a current small game
hunting license. Pheasant kills must be recorded. Upon taking a
pheasant, the holder of a Western Washington Pheasant Permit must
immediately enter on the corresponding space the date and
location of kill.
There are three options available:
(1) Full Season Option: Allows the harvest of eight (8)
(2) Youth Option: Allows the harvest of eight (8) pheasants by youth hunters.
(3) 3-Day Option: Allows the harvest of four (4) pheasants during three consecutive days.
Every person possessing a Western Washington Pheasant Permit must
by December 31, return the permit to the Department of Fish and
Wildlife. The number of permits purchased per year is not
A hunter shall select one valid option at the time they purchase
their Western Washington Pheasant Permit. It is unlawful to
purchase an additional permit until the eight pheasant allowed on
the current permit are taken.
Special Restriction: Western Washington pheasant hunters must
choose to hunt on either odd-numbered or even-numbered weekend
days from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. at all units of Lake Terrell, Tennant
Lake, Snoqualmie, Skagit, Skookumchuck, and Scatter Creek
Wildlife Areas, and Dungeness Recreation Area, and must indicate
their choice on the Western Washington Pheasant Permit by
choosing "odd" or "even." Hunters ((that)) who select the three
day option, hunters 65 years of age or older, and youth hunters
may hunt during either weekend day morning. Youth hunters must
be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old((. Adults)) who
must have an appropriately marked pheasant permit if hunting.
Mountain Quail
Bag and Possession Limits: Two (2) mountain quail per day, with
a total of four (4) mountain quail in possession at any time.
Oct. 7-Nov. 30, 2000; Oct. 6-Nov. 30, 2001; Oct. 5-Nov. 30, 2002.
((Valley and Bobwhite Quail)) California (valley) Quail and
northern Bobwhite
Bag and Possession Limits: Ten (10) ((valley)) California
(valley) quail or northern bobwhite ((quail)) per day, with a
total of thirty (30) ((valley)) California (valley) quail or
northern bobwhite ((quail)) in possession at any time, straight
or mixed bag.
Oct. 7-Nov. 30, 2000; Oct. 6-Nov. 30, 2001; Oct. 5-Nov. 30, 2002.
Spring Season
Gobblers and Turkeys with Visible Beards Only.
State-wide: April 15-May 15, 2001; April 15-May 15, 2002; April
15-May 15, 2003.
Fall Season
Either Sex
Permit Only - Asotin, Columbia, Garfield, Klickitat, Skamania,
Stevens, and Walla Walla counties, and GMU 133: Oct. 1-5, 2000;
Oct. 1-5, 2001; Oct. 1-5, 2002.
Permit Area | Number of Permits |
Asotin, Columbia, Garfield, and Walla Walla counties | 50 |
Klickitat and Skamania counties | 75 |
Stevens County | (( |
GMU 133 | (( |
Ferry County | 50 |
Pend Oreille County | 25 |
Bag and Possession Limit: One (1) wild turkey per day, only two
(2) may be killed in Eastern Washington per year, except only one
(1) may be killed in Chelan, Kittitas, or Yakima counties; and
one per year in Western Washington, except two ((turkeys)) (2)
may be killed in Klickitat County. The season limit is three (3)
birds per year.
Hunting Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to sunset during
spring and fall seasons.
1. | Turkey season is open for shotgun and bow-and-arrow hunting only. |
2. | A turkey tag is required for hunting turkey. |
3. | Each successful hunter must report harvest to the Department of Fish and Wildlife within ten days after taking a turkey. |
(( |
It is unlawful to use dogs to hunt turkeys. |
(( |
It is unlawful to bait game birds. |
Wild upland game birds may be pursued during the dog training
season, but may not be killed except during established hunting
seasons. Captive raised game birds may be released and killed
during dog training if proof of lawful acquisition (invoices) are
in possession and the birds are appropriately marked (WAC 232-12-271) (WAC 232-12-044).
Aug. 1, 2000-Mar. 31, 2001; Aug. 1, 2001-Mar. 31, 2002; Aug. 1,
2002-Mar. 31, 2003, except from Sept. 15-Nov. 30, dog training is
only allowed from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on designated Western
Washington pheasant release sites.
Dog training may be conducted year around on posted portions of:
Region One - Espanola (T 24 N, R 40 E, E 1/2 of Sec. 16); Region
Three - South L.T. Murray Wildlife Area; Region Four - Fort Lewis
Military Base, Skagit Wildlife Area, Lake Terrell Wildlife Area,
and Snoqualmie Wildlife Area; Region Five - Shillapoo/Vancouver
Lake Wildlife Area; Region Six - Scatter Creek Wildlife Area.
All hunters age 16 and over of migratory game birds (duck, goose,
coot, snipe, mourning dove) are required to complete a Harvest
Information Program (HIP) survey ((form)) at a license dealer,
and possess a Washington Migratory Bird validation ((Stamp)) as
evidence of compliance with this requirement when hunting
migratory game birds. Youth hunters are required to complete a
HIP survey ((form)), and possess a free Washington Youth
Migratory Bird ((Authorization)) validation as evidence of
compliance with this requirement when hunting migratory game
Bag and Possession Limits: Western Washington ((Goose Management
Areas 1 and 3)), except Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties and that
part of Clark County north of the Washougal River: Five (5)
Canada geese per day with a total of ten (10) in possession at
any time. Remainder of the state: Three (3) Canada geese per
day with a total of six (6) in possession at any time.
State-wide: Sept. 9-14, 2000; Sept. 8-13, 2001; Sept. 7-12,
2002. EXCEPT Pacific and Grays Harbor counties: Sept. 1-15,
2001; Sept. 1-15, 2002.
Closed season state-wide.
Bag and Possession Limits: Ten (10) mourning doves per day with
a total of twenty (20) mourning doves in possession at any time.
State-wide: Sept. 1-15, 2000; Sept. 1-15, 2001; Sept. 1-15,
Bag and Possession Limits: Five (5) ((rabbits)) cottontails or
snowshoe hares per day, with a total of fifteen (15) in
possession at any time, straight or mixed bag.
State-wide: Sept. 1, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 1, 2001-Mar. 15,
2002; Sept. 1, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.
Closed season state-wide.
Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit
State-wide: Oct. 1, 2000-Jan. 31, 2001; Oct. 1, 2001-Jan. 31,
2002; Oct. 1, 2002-Jan. 31, 2003.
Upland Game Bird and Forest Grouse - Falconry
Daily Bag: Two (2) pheasants (either sex), six (6) partridge,
five (5) California (valley) quail or northern bobwhite, two (2)
mountain quail (in western Washington only), and three (3) forest
grouse (blue, ruffed, spruce) per day.
Possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.
State-wide: Sept. 1, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; ((Sept.)) Aug. 1,
2001-Mar. 15, 2002; ((Sept.)) Aug. 1, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.
Mourning Dove - Falconry
Daily Bag: Three (3) mourning doves per day straight bag or
mixed bag with snipe, coots, ducks, and geese during established
Possession limit is twice the daily limit.
State-wide: Sept. 1-15 and Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2000; Sept. 1-15 and Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2001; Sept. 1-15 and Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2002.
Cottontail and Snowshoe Hare - Falconry
Daily Bag: Five (5) ((rabbits)) cottontails or snowshoe hares
per day, straight or mixed bag.
Possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.
State-wide: Aug. 1, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Aug. 1, 2001-Mar. 15,
2002; Aug. 1, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003((; for cottontail and snowshoe
hare (or Washington hare))).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), 232-28-276, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
Reviser's note: The typographical errors in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-50, filed 5/23/00,
effective 6/23/00)
WAC 232-12-068
Nontoxic shot requirements.
It is unlawful
to possess shot (either in shotshells or as loose shot for
muzzleloading) other than nontoxic shot when hunting for
waterfowl, coot, or snipe. Nontoxic shot includes steel shot,
bismuth-tin shot (((nominally)) 97 parts bismuth: 3 parts tin
with <1 percent residual lead), tungsten-iron shot (((nominally))
40 parts tungsten: 60 parts iron with <1 percent residual lead),
tungsten-polymer shot (((nominally)) 95.5 parts tungsten: 4.5
parts ((polymer)) nylon 6 or 11 with <1 percent residual lead),
tungsten-matrix shot (((nominally)) 95.9 parts tungsten: 4.1
parts polymer with <1 percent residual lead), ((or)) tin shot
(99.9 percent tin with <1 percent residual lead), or
tungsten-nickel-iron shot (50% tungsten: 35% nickel: 15% iron
with <1 percent residual lead).
It is unlawful to possess shot (either in shotshells or as
loose shot for muzzleloading) other than nontoxic shot ((when
hunting for game birds or game animals)) in the following areas:
Bridgeport Bar segment of the Well's Wildlife Area
((Chehalis River pheasant release site))
Cowlitz Widlife Area
((Dungeness Recreation Area
Hunter Farms pheasant release site))
Lake Terrell Wildlife Area (including Tennant Lake and other segments)
((Raymond Airport pheasant release site))
Shillapoo Wildlife Area
Skagit Wildlife Area (all segments)
Snoqualmie Wildlife Area (all segments)
Sunnyside Wildlife Area
((Two Rivers and Wallula Units of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service's McNary National Wildlife Refuge))
The Driscoll Island, Hegdahl, and Kline Parcel segments of the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area
Vancouver Lake Wildlife Area
It is unlawful to possess shot (either in shotshells or as loose
shot for muzzleloading) other than nontoxic shot when hunting for
game birds or game animals in the following areas:
Chehalis River pheasant release site
Dungeness Recreation Area
Hunter Farms pheasant release site
Raymond Airport pheasant release site
Two Rivers and Wallula Units of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's McNary National Wildlife Refuge
Whidbey Island Seaplane Base, OLF Coupeville, and Bayview pheasant release sites
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), 232-12-068, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 99-17-034 (Order 99-118), 232-12-068, filed 8/11/99, effective 9/11/99; 98-17-044 (Order 98-152), 232-12-068, filed 8/13/98, effective 9/13/98; 97-18-026 (Order 97-164), 232-12-068, filed 8/25/97, effective 9/25/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040 and 77.12.010. 96-18-009 (Order 96-127), 232-12-068, filed 8/22/96, effective 9/22/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 95-18-072 (Order 95-126) 232-12-068, filed 9/1/95, effective 10/2/95.]
These areas are closed by Fish and Wildlife Commission action.
Other areas may be closed to hunting by local, state or federal
1. | Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge: The southern
part of the Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge in
Stevens County is closed to hunting and discharge of
firearms except during the (( |
The Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge north of
the preceding boundary is open to all legally established
hunting seasons (( |
2. | Parker Lake: All lands south of Ruby Creek Road (USFS Road
2489), north of Tacoma Creek Road (USFS Road 2389) and west
of Bonneville Power Administration power lines are
designated as "CLOSED AREA" to the hunting of wild animals and
wild birds year round. Both the Little Pend Oreille (1) and
Parker Lake (2) closures were established to provide a
protected area for the Air Force Military Survival Training
Program. |
3. | Columbia River and all the islands in the river, and the
Benton County shoreline below the high water mark, and any
peninsula originating on the Benton County shoreline,
between Vernita Bridge (Highway 24) downstream to the old
Hanford townsite powerline crossing (wooden towers) in
Section 24, T 13 N, R 27 E, is designated as a "CLOSED AREA"
to the hunting of wild animals and wild birds. |
4. | Green River (GMU 485): Except for special permit hunters,
who may also take a black bear and/or cougar with the
appropriate license/tag options, all lands within GMU 485
are designated as a "CLOSED AREA" to the hunting of big game
by Department of Fish and Wildlife regulated hunters
throughout the year. During the general westside elk season
and general and late deer seasons, all lands within GMU 485
are also designated as a "CLOSED AREA" to the hunting of all
wild animals (including wild birds). The City of Tacoma
enforces trespass within GMU 485 on lands owned or
controlled by the City during all times of the year. |
5. | McNeil Island: McNeil Island (part of GMU 652) is closed to
the hunting of all wild animals (including wild birds) year
around. |
6. | Loo-wit (GMU 522): Closed to hunting and trapping within
GMU 522 (Loo-wit). |
7. | The Voice of America Dungeness Recreation Area County Park in Clallam County is closed to all hunting except Wednesdays, weekends, and holidays, from the first weekend in October to the end of January. |
1. | Clark, Cowlitz, Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties are closed
to Columbian Whitetail Deer hunting. |
2. | Cathlamet: Beginning in the town of Skamokawa; then east
along SR 4 to the Risk Road; then south and east along the
Risk Road to Foster Road; then south along the Foster Road
to the Elochoman River; then upstream along the Elochoman
River to the Elochoman Valley Road (old SR 407); then west
along the Elochoman Valley Road to SR 4; then east along SR
4 to SR 409; then south along SR 409 to the Cathlamet
Channel of the Columbia River; then east along the north
shore of the Cathlamet Channel to Cape Horn; then south in
the Columbia River to the state line; then west along the
state line to a point directly south of the mouth of
Skamokawa Creek; then north on Skamokawa Creek to SR 4 and
the point of beginning. This area is closed to all deer and
elk hunting, to protect the Columbian Whitetail Deer. |
3. | Willapa National Wildlife Refuge: Except for Long Island,
Willapa National Wildlife Refuge is closed to all big game
hunting. |
4. | Walla Walla Mill Creek Watershed (GMU 157): All lands in
the Mill Creek Watershed are designated as a "CLOSED AREA" to
the hunting of all wild animals (including wild birds)
except for holders of special elk permits during the
established open season. This area is closed to motorized
vehicles. Entry is allowed only by Forest Service permit
for the duration of the hunt. Any entry into the Mill Creek
Watershed at other times is prohibited. |
5. | Westport: Closed to hunting of all big game animals on that
part of Westport Peninsula lying north of State Highway 105
from the west end of the Elk River Bridge and the Schafer
Island Road to the ocean beach. |
The firearm restriction areas listed below have been established
by the Fish and Wildlife Commission. Centerfire and rimfire
rifles are not legal for hunting in these areas.
In firearm restriction areas, hunters may hunt only during the
season allowed by their tag. Archery tag holders may hunt during
archery seasons with archery equipment. Muzzleloaders may hunt
during muzzleloader seasons with muzzleloader equipment except in
the GMU 652 restriction area outlined for King County. Modern
firearm tag holders may hunt during modern firearm seasons with
bows and arrows, muzzleloaders or revolver-type handguns meeting
the equipment restrictions or legal shotguns firing slugs or
Clallam | That portion of GMU 624 (Coyle) located within Clallam County. | |
Clark | GMU 564 (Battleground) | |
Cowlitz | GMU 554 (Yale) GMU 504 (Stella) That portion of GMU 564 (Battleground) in Cowlitz County. |
Franklin, Grant and Adams | That part of GMU 381 west of SR 17 and US Highway 395. | |
Grays Harbor | That portion of GMU 658 (North River) beginning at Bay City; then west along Highway 105 to Twin Harbors State Park; then south along Highway 105 to Grayland Grocery; then east on Cranberry Road to Turkey Road; then east and north on Turkey Road to Bayview Logging Road; then north and east along Bayview Logging Road to Mallard Slough; then east and south along the Bayview Road to Andrews Creek; then north along main channel of Andrews Creek to Grays Harbor; then north and west along the main navigation channel to Bay City and point of beginning. | |
The South Elma restriction applies only during elk seasons: | ||
That portion of GMU 660 (Minot Peak) described as follows: Beginning at Highway 12 and Wakefield Road Junction (South Elma); south on Wakefield Road, across the Chehalis River to the South Bank Road; then southeast on South Bank Road to the Delezene Road; then south on the Delezene Road to a point 1 mile from the South Bank Road; southeast along a line 1 mile southwest of the South Bank Road to the Oakville-Brooklyn Road; then east on the Oakville-Brooklyn Road to Oakville and Highway 12; then northwest on Highway 12 to Wakefield Road to Elma and the point of beginning. | ||
Island | That portion of GMU 410 (Island) located on Camano and Whidbey islands. | |
Jefferson | Indian and Marrowstone islands. | |
King | The area west of Highway 203 (Monroe-Fall City, Fall City-Preston Road) to Interstate 90 (I-90), I-90 to Highway 18, Highway 18 to Interstate 5 (I-5), I-5 to the Pierce-King County line; Vashon and Maury islands. | |
The following portion of GMU 652 (Puyallup): Beginning at the intersection of State Highway 410 and the southeast Mud Mountain Dam Road near the King/Pierce County line north of Buckley; then east along the southeast Mud Mountain Road to 284th Avenue Southeast; then north along 284th Avenue Southeast to State Highway 410; then west along Highway 410 to the point of the beginning. (This restriction includes high power rifles and muzzleloaders.) | ||
Kitsap | East of State Highway 16 originating at the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to Gorst, and east of Highway 3 to Newbury Hill Road, north of Newbury Hill Road and the Bremerton-Seabeck Highway to Big Beef Creek Bridge; all of Bainbridge Island, and Bangor Military Reservation. | |
Kittitas | GMU 334 (Ellensburg) Closed to high power rifles during deer and elk seasons. | |
Mason | GMU 633 (Mason Lake) south of Hammersley Inlet; and all of Harstene Island. | |
Pacific | GMU 684 (Long Beach) west of Sand Ridge Road. The portion of GMU 658 (North River) south and west of State Highway 105 and Airport Road between Raymond and North River Bridge. | |
Pierce | GMU 652 (Anderson and Ketron islands) limited to archery, shotgun, and muzzleloader. McNeil Island closed to hunting. | |
See GMU (( |
GMU 627 (Kitsap) south of Highway 302 on the Longbranch Peninsula is a firearm restriction area. | ||
Snohomish | West of Highway 9. | |
Skagit | Guemes Island and March Point north of State Highway 20. | |
Thurston | GMU 666 (Deschutes) north of U.S. Highway 101 and Interstate 5 between Oyster Bay and the mouth of the Nisqually River. | |
Whatcom | Area west of I-5 and north of Bellingham city limits including Lummi Island and Point Roberts. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), 232-28-248, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 99-10-102 (Order 99-40), 232-28-248, filed 5/5/99, effective 6/5/99; 98-10-018 (Order 98-54), 232-28-248, filed 4/22/98, effective 5/23/98; 97-06-052 (Order 97-32), 232-28-248, filed 2/27/97, effective 3/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.010 and 77.12.040. 96-04-027, 232-28-248, filed 2/1/96, effective 3/3/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 95-11-036, 232-28-248, filed 5/10/95, effective 6/10/95; 95-03-038 (Order 94-150), 232-28-248, filed 1/10/95, effective 2/10/95.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
WAC 232-28-299
Mandatory report of hunting activity
All hunters purchasing a hunting license must report their
hunting activity for deer, elk, bear, or turkey.
a) Hunters must report hunting activity, for each tag acquired, by January 31.
b) Reports must be made using the Department's designated automated telephone hunter reporting system (toll free) or Internet hunter reporting system.
c) Any hunter not reporting, for each tag acquired, by January 31 will be in non-compliance of reporting requirements.
d) Compliance will be credited for each species for which a transport tag is acquired.
(2) As an incentive for prompt reporting, all successful hunters who report harvest within 10 days of killing an animal and unsuccessful hunters who report by midnight January 10 will be entered into a drawing for special deer and elk incentive permits. To be eligible for the drawing, hunters must report their hunting activity for each transport tag acquired.
a) There will be two (2) any elk special incentive permits for western Washington and two (2) for eastern Washington for use in any area open to general or permit hunting seasons EXCEPT Private Lands Wildlife Management Areas and GMUs 157 and 485.
b) There will be five (5) statewide any deer special incentive permits, for use in any area open to general or permit hunting seasons EXCEPT Private Lands Wildlife Management Areas and GMUs 157 and 485.
c) Open Season: The deer or elk special incentive permit hunter must use archery equipment during archery seasons, muzzleloader equipment during muzzleloader seasons, and any legal weapon at other times if there are no firearm restrictions.
d) The dates for the hunts will be September 1 to December 31.
e) Hunters awarded the special incentive permit will be required to send the appropriate license fee to the Department of Fish and Wildlife headquarters in Olympia. The Department will issue the license and transport tag and send it to the special incentive permit winner.
f) Bag limit: One additional deer or elk.
(3) Beginning with license year 2002 and there after, hunters who have not reported hunting activity for the tags acquired the previous year will be required to complete a hunting report for those species before a new license for that species will be issued.
Black Bear Seasons:
Hunt Name | 2000 Season | Hunt Area |
General Eastern | Aug. 1 - Nov. 5 | GMUs 121-142, 203-382, 578, 588 |
Northeastern | Sept. 5 - Nov. 5 | GMUs 101-117 |
Blue Mt. | Sept. 5 - Nov. 5 | GMUs 145-154, 162-186 |
General Western | Aug. 1 - Nov. 12 | GMUs 407, 410, 454, 466, 490-520, 524-574, 601-684 |
North Cascades | Aug. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMUs 418-450, 460 |
West Side PLWMAs |
July 15 - Nov. 12 | PLWMAs 401, 600 |
Long Island | Sept. 1 - Nov. 12 | Long Island |
Hunt Name | 2001 Season | Hunt Area |
General Eastern | Aug. 1 - Nov. 4 | GMUs 121-142, 203-382, 578, 588 |
Northeastern | Sept. 4 - Nov. 4 | GMUs 101-117 |
Blue Mt. | Sept. 4 - Nov. 4 | GMUs 145-154, 162-186 |
General Western | Aug. 1 - Nov. 11 | GMUs 407, 410, 454, 466, 490-520, 524-574, 601-684 |
North Cascades | Aug. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMUs 418-450, 460 |
West Side PLWMAs |
July 15 - Nov. 11 | PLWMAs 401, 600 |
Long Island | Sept. 1 - Nov. 11 | Long Island |
Hunt Name | 2002 Season | Hunt Area |
General Eastern | Aug. 1 - Nov. 3 | GMUs 121-142, 203-382, 578, 588 |
Northeastern | Sept. 3 - Nov. 3 | GMUs 101-117 |
Blue Mt. | Sept. 3 - Nov. 3 | GMUs 145-154, 162-186 |
General Western | Aug. 1 - Nov. 10 | GMUs 407, 410, 454, 466, 490-520, 524-574, 601-684 |
North Cascades | Aug. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMUs 418-450, 460 |
West Side PLWMAs |
July 15 - Nov. 10 | PLWMAs 401, 600 |
Long Island | Sept. 1 - Nov. 10 | Long Island |
Bag Limit: Two (2) black bear per annual hunting season only one
of which may be taken in Eastern Washington.
Hunting Method: Hunters may use any lawful big game modern
firearm, archery, or muzzleloader equipment for hunting black
bear. The use of hounds and bait to hunt black bear is
prohibited statewide.
((Harvest Report Cards: All hunters that purchase a big game
hunting license which includes black bear as an option are
required to fill out and return their black bear harvest report
card(s). Successful hunters must complete the report card(s) and
return within 10 days after taking an animal. Unsuccessful
hunters are required to complete and return their report card(s)
within 10 days after the close of the bear season.))
Submitting Bear Teeth: Successful bear hunters must submit the
black bear premolar tooth located behind the canine tooth of the
upper jaw.
Cougar Season:
General Statewide Season:
Aug. 1, 2000 - Mar. 15, 2001;
Aug. 1, 2001 - Mar. 15, 2002; and
Aug. 1, 2002 - Mar. 15, 2003.
License Required: A valid big game hunting license which
includes cougar as a species option is required to hunt cougar.
Bag Limit: Two (2) cougar per license year excluding public
safety cougar removals. It is unlawful to kill or possess
spotted cougar kittens or adult cougars accompanied by spotted
kittens. Individuals selected for a public safety cougar removal
permit may take one (1) cougar and must take the first legal
cougar available.
Tag Information:
(1) One cougar transport tag is included with a big game license that has cougar as a species option. A second cougar transport tag must be purchased to take a second cougar.
(2) Individuals selected for a public safety cougar removal must possess a valid big game license and cougar transport tag prior to issuance of the permit. Individuals may participate in multiple public safety cougar removals, but must purchase a cougar transport tag for each cougar removed. Purchases in excess of two (2) cougar transport tags must be made at department offices.
Hunting Method: Hunters may use any lawful big game modern
firearm, archery, or muzzleloader equipment for hunting cougar.
The use of hounds to hunt cougar is prohibited except during a
public safety cougar removal.
((Harvest Report Cards: All hunters that purchase a big game
license which includes cougar as a species option are required to
fill out and return their cougar harvest report card. Successful
hunters must complete the report card and return within 10 days
after taking an animal. Unsuccessful hunters are required to
complete and return their report card within 10 days after the
close of the cougar season.))
Cougar Pelt Sealing: Any person who takes a cougar must notify
the department within 72 hours of kill (excluding legal state
holidays) and provide the hunter's name, date and location of
kill, and sex of animal. The raw pelt of a cougar must be sealed
by an authorized department employee within five days of the
notification of kill. Any person who takes a cougar must present
the cougar skull, in such a manner that teeth and biological
samples can be extracted, to an authorized department employee at
the time of sealing.
Public safety cougar removals:
The commission authorizes the director to issue public safety cougar removal permits consistent with this rule. Prior to issuing public safety cougar removal permits, the department shall use other practical alternatives to address a public safety need, including livestock or pet depredations. Other practical alternatives may include, but are not limited to, general cougar hunting seasons, general public information, educational programs, information to recreational hunters, cougar depredation/kill permits, and department capture and relocation/euthanasia of specific cougars.
Public safety cougar removals: Criteria.
(1) The commission determines that when the above practical alternatives have been utilized within a game management unit, four or more confirmed human-cougar safety incidents or livestock/pet depredations per year and seven or more confirmed cougar sightings or nuisance activities per year therein demonstrate that the practical alternatives have been inadequate to address the public safety need. The director then is authorized by the commission to remove one or more cougar, with the aid of dogs, in a selected area of that game management unit or nearby geographic area suitable for the use of dogs. The commission authorizes the director to remove one cougar per one hundred twenty square kilometers of complaint area in preferred cougar habitat, and one cougar per four hundred thirty square kilometers of complaint area in marginal cougar habitat.
(2) Public safety cougar removal(s) will be conducted between December 16, 2000, and March 15, 2001, in selected areas of game management units designated by the director to address a public safety need presented by one or more cougar, not to exceed removal of more than seventy-four cougar during the 2000-2001 removal period unless otherwise authorized by the commission.
Public safety cougar removals: Permit issuance procedure.
(1) To participate in a public safety cougar removal, individuals must request that his/her name be placed on a list of available participants (participant list) by mailing their request to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Enforcement Program - Public Safety Cougar Removal, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091. The request must include the individual's name, address, phone number, and region applying for (see page 4 of 2000 Big Game Hunting Seasons and Rules Pamphlet for region map). Individuals may apply for multiple regions. An individual's request to be placed on a participant list for the 2000-2001 removal must be postmarked no later than November 15, 2000, or received at Washington department of fish and wildlife's (department) Olympia office no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 15, 2000.
(2) To be eligible for a public safety cougar removal permit (permit), participants must have at their disposal dogs capable of detecting and tracking cougar. The permit holder must use dogs while participating in a public safety cougar removal.
(3) Individuals eligible for participation in a public safety cougar removal will be randomly selected from the participant list. The department will issue a permit to the person whose name is selected from the participant list. Individuals selected will be notified by telephone or mail. Individuals selected must contact the department's enforcement program in Olympia and accept the public safety cougar removal permit within 15 days of being notified. Failure to contact the department will result in forfeit of the permit and the individual will be placed on the participant list for later selections. Permits may not be sold or reassigned.
(4) No more than four (4) total individuals may participate per public safety cougar removal, including the permit holder(s). Only the permit holder, whose name appears on the permit, may take a cougar.
(5) Permit holders shall notify the department's enforcement program in Olympia at least 24 hours prior to exercising a public safety cougar removal permit. The department reserves the right to accompany permit holders while participating in a public safety cougar removal.
(6) Permit holders must complete the department's public safety cougar removal education course prior to participating in a public safety cougar removal.
As used in this section and in the context of public safety cougar removals, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Confirmed" means qualified department staff is led to believe a cougar(s) was at the scene of the incident by interview of the complainant or observation of evidence at the scene.
(2) "Human-cougar safety incident" means aggressive or unusual behavior by a cougar which presents an actual or perceived threat to an individual.
(3) "Livestock or pet depredation" means incidents where livestock and/or pets are killed and/or injured by cougar.
(4) "Marginal cougar habitat" means those areas usually dominated by urban/suburban, developed lands with relatively high human densities.
(5) "Nuisance activity" means incidents associated with property disturbance, property damage, or livestock/pet harassment.
(6) "Preferred cougar habitat" means those areas usually dominated by rural, undeveloped lands with relatively low human densities.
(7) "Public safety need" means there exists a reasonable threat to human safety or property by one or more cougar, as indicated by the level of confirmed human-cougar safety incidents or livestock/pet depredations, and confirmed cougar sightings or nuisance activities.
(8) "Removal" means the act of killing one or more cougar with the aid of dogs.
(9) "Sighting" means a direct observation of one or more cougar, in urban or rural settings, near individuals or residences; typically more than chance observations.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 00-21-038 (Order 00-215), 232-28-272, filed 10/12/00, effective 11/12/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), 232-28-272, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 99-01-138 (Order 98-249), 232-28-272, filed 12/22/98, effective 1/22/99; 98-10-008 (Order 98-57), 232-28-272, filed 4/22/98, effective 5/23/98.]
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 232-28-258 | Washington auction hunts |
WAC 232-28-260 | Special hunting seasons |
2. When a raffle hunt is adopted by the Commission the director may conduct the raffle or may award a contract to a nonprofit wildlife conservation organization (hereafter referred to as "organization") to market and conduct the raffle drawing. The department of Fish and Wildlife shall solicit bids consistent with established state competitive bid rules.
3. There is no limit on the number of raffle tickets a person may purchase.
4. The organization interested in conducting a raffle for an authorized hunt shall submit a proposal outlining its experience and plan to conduct a raffle. The proposal shall include:
a. Name of the organization, articles of incorporation, and contact person.
b. The date, time, and place of the proposed raffle drawing.
c. The approximate number of raffle tickets expected to be sold.
d. Past experience in conducting raffles.
e. Marketing strategies to be used.
f. Portion of revenue proposed to be retained by the organization.
5. The director will select an organization to conduct a raffle.
a. Revenue potential to the department will be a primary criterion in applicant selection.
b. The department shall enter into a contract with the organization identifying specific terms of the contract.
c. The director may authorize the organization to sell raffle tickets for the department and retain a portion of the revenue from the tickets sold.
6. The following are rules for raffles conducted by a director authorized nonprofit wildlife conservation organization.
a. The organization shall notify the public about the raffle hunt opportunity and offer raffle tickets for sale.
b. The public must be informed of the date, time, and place of the raffle, and the organization must hold the drawing as specified.
c. The drawing must be accessible to the public.
d. Raffle ticket sales must be completed prior to the public drawing. An accounting must be made of raffle tickets and funds received. A representative of the department will monitor the drawing.
e. One winner and two alternates shall be drawn at the drawing.
f. The organization shall notify the department of the name, address, and telephone number of the raffle winner and two alternates immediately (but no later than two business days) after the drawing.
g. The department's share of the raffle revenue shall be delivered to the department within 30 (thirty) business days of the drawing.
7. The following are rules for raffles conducted by the department.
a. The department shall notify the public about the raffle hunt opportunity and offer raffle tickets for sale.
b. The department shall inform the public of date and place of the raffle, and hold the drawing as specified.
c. Raffle ticket sales must be complete prior to the drawing.
d. One winner and two alternates shall be drawn at the drawing.
8. The department will notify the winner and two alternates by telephone and by certified mail. The department will obtain enough information from the winner to issue the appropriate hunting license and transport tag(s).
9. If the winner does not contact the Department within 15 business days of the drawing, the first alternate will be contacted and offered the raffle hunt. If the first alternate cannot be contacted within 10 business days after the winner disqualification deadline, the second alternate will be contacted and offered the raffle hunt. If the second alternate cannot be contacted within 10 business days after the first alternate disqualification deadline, the raffle hunt will not be offered by the department.
10. There shall be no refunds for any raffle ticket purchases.
11. The deer raffle winner may purchase an additional deer hunting license and transport tag and the elk raffle winner may purchase an additional elk hunting license and transport tag if desired. Even if drawn in a previous license year for a mountain goat, bighorn sheep, or moose hunt a hunter may participate in a raffle hunt. Turkey raffle winners may purchase up to three (3) additional turkey licenses and transport tags.
12. Hunting licenses or transport tags obtained pursuant to a raffle may not be resold or reassigned.
13. All revenue to the department from a raffle shall be used for the management and benefit of that species, except the hunting license and transport tag fees for the appropriate species shall be deducted from the raffle revenue.
1. Deer, elk, cougar, or black bear special hunting season permit applications:
A. To apply for special hunting season permits for deer, elk, cougar, or black bear applicants must have a valid Washington big game hunting license and a valid transport tag for the appropriate species. To apply for a particular hunt, each applicant for deer or elk must have the proper transport tag as identified in the special deer or elk permit regulations.
B. No refunds or exchanges for deer, elk, cougar, or black bear hunting licenses or transport tags will be made for persons applying for special hunting season permits after the permit drawing has been held.
C. A holder of a deer, elk, cougar, or black bear special hunting season permit may hunt only with a weapon in compliance with the special hunting season.
2. Mountain goat, moose, and bighorn sheep special hunting season permit applications:
A. Persons who have previously drawn and accepted a special hunting season permit for Washington mountain goat, bighorn sheep, or moose are ineligible to apply for a special hunting season permit for that species. This lifetime permit holder restriction does not apply to mountain goat permits acquired before 1999, raffle or auction hunt authorizations, or youth-only moose hunts.
B. Successful applicants under this section must purchase the appropriate hunting license within fifteen days of notification by the department. Failure to purchase forfeits the permit to an alternate applicant.
C. No refunds for mountain goat, moose, or bighorn sheep hunting licenses will be made for persons successfully drawing and purchasing special hunting season permits.
3. Wild turkey special hunting season permit applications
A. To apply for wild turkey special hunting season permits, each applicant must have a valid small game hunting license.
B. No refunds for small game hunting licenses will be made, regardless of success in the drawing for wild turkey special hunting season permits.
C. Wild turkey special hunting season permit holders must have a valid turkey transport tag in possession to hunt turkeys in the special hunting season.
4. Special hunting season permit applications:
A. Group applications will be accepted for any species with a group size larger than one. Maximum group sizes are determined for each species. If a group application is drawn, all hunters in the group will receive a special hunting season permit and each hunter in the group can take an animal.
i. Maximum group size for deer is 12.
ii. Maximum group size for elk is 12.
iii. Maximum group size for bear is 2.
iv. Maximum group size for cougar is 2.
v. Maximum group size for mountain goat is 2.
vi. Maximum group size for bighorn sheep is 1.
vii. Maximum group size for turkey is 4.
viii. Maximum group size for moose is 1.
B. An applicant may purchase only one application for a special hunting season permit for each species.
C. Permits will be drawn by computer selection using a weighted point selection system.
D. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
E. If an applicant makes a mistake, applies for the wrong hunt, and is successfully drawn, the special hunting season permit can be returned to the Department of Fish and Wildlife Olympia headquarters before the opening day of the special hunting season or the opening day of the general hunting season, whichever comes first. The applicant's points will be restored to the level prior to the permit drawing.
F. Anyone may apply for a special hunting season permit for deer, elk, bear, cougar, and wild turkey.
5. In addition to requirements for special hunting season permit applications, following are application requirements for:
A. Special hunting seasons for Persons of Disability: Only applicants with a Washington disabled hunter permit are eligible to apply for any special hunting season permits for persons of disability.
B. Special hunting seasons for Youth: Only persons who are eligible to lawfully purchase a youth hunting license are eligible to apply for special hunting season permits for youth.
C. Special hunting seasons for Hunters Age 65 and Older: Only applicants sixty-five years of age or older on or before March 31 of the current license year will be eligible to apply for special hunting season permits for hunters age 65 and older.
D. Special hunting seasons for Advanced Hunter Education Graduates: Only persons who hold a valid certificate from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Advanced Hunter Education (AHE) program are eligible to apply for special hunting season permits for AHE hunters.
6. Citizen reward for reporting violations - bonus points: A person who provides information which contributes substantially to the arrest of another person for illegally killing big game or an endangered species as defined by Title 77 RCW is eligible to receive ten bonus points toward the special hunting permit drawing for deer or elk special hunting season permits.
A. Only ten bonus points can be awarded for providing information for each person charged regardless of the number of violations involved.
B. Selection of bonus points is in lieu of application for a cash award.
2. When an auction hunt is adopted by the Commission, the director shall solicit nonprofit wildlife conservation organizations (hereafter referred to as "organizations") to bid to market and conduct a public auction for the special auction hunt. The department of fish and wildlife shall solicit bids consistent with established state competitive bid rules.
3. The organization interested in conducting an auction for an authorized hunt shall submit a proposal outlining its experience and plan to conduct a public auction. The proposal shall include:
a. Name of the organization, articles of incorporation, and contact person.
b. The date, time, and place of the proposed public auction.
c. The approximate number of people expected to attend the auction.
d. Past experience in conducting auctions.
e. Marketing strategies to be used.
f. Portion of revenue proposed to be retained by the organization.
4. The director will select an organization to conduct an auction.
a. Revenue potential to the department will be a primary criterion in applicant selection.
b. The department shall enter into a contract with the organization identifying specific terms of the contract.
5. The organization shall notify the public about the auction hunt opportunities.
a. The public must be informed of the date, time, and place of the auction and, the organization must hold the auction as specified.
b. The auction must be accessible to the public.
c. Anyone may bid on an auction permit.
d. The organization shall award the hunt to the highest qualified bidder who will then become the auction hunt hunter.
e. The organization shall notify the department of the name and address of the successful bidder within two days of the auction.
f. The department's share of the auction revenue shall be delivered to the department within 30 days of the auction.
6. All revenue to the department from an auction shall be used for the management and benefit of that species. Except, that the hunting license fees for the appropriate species shall be considered part of the auction price and be deducted from the auction revenue. A hunting license and transport tag will be mailed to the successful bidder.
7. The deer auction winner may purchase an additional deer hunting license and transport tag, and the elk auction winner may purchase an additional elk hunting license and transport tag. Even if drawn in a previous license year for a mountain goat, bighorn sheep, or moose hunt, a hunter may participate in an auction hunt.
8. Hunting licenses or transport tags obtained pursuant to an auction may not be resold or reassigned.
9. The auction hunt hunter shall comply with all applicable hunting rules and regulations.
1. The PLWMA manager will conduct the raffle drawing. Raffle tickets will be sold for not more than $25.00 each.
2. Any person may purchase PLWMA raffle tickets in addition to WDFW raffle tickets and participate in auctions and special hunting season permit drawings.
3. The PLWMA raffle winners must possess the appropriate hunting license and transport tag prior to participating in the PLWMA raffle hunt.
4. The PLWMA deer or elk raffle hunt winners may purchase an additional deer or elk hunting license and obtain a second transport tag if desired.
5. If an additional deer or elk hunting license and transport tag are acquired by a raffle winner, the additional transport tag can only be used on the PLWMA during the raffle hunt.
6. The additional deer or elk hunting license and transport tag must be issued by the Olympia department headquarters licensing division.
7. Hunting licenses or transport tags obtained pursuant to a raffle may not be resold or reassigned.
8. The PLWMA manager conducting an authorized raffle will provide an annual report to the Department of Fish and Wildlife prior to December 31. The report will include information on how the event was administered, where and when it occurred, who the winners were, the cost of tickets, and the number of tickets sold.
9. Anyone may participate in PLWMA raffles.
((2000)) 2001 Moose Permit Hunts
Who May Apply: Anyone may apply; EXCEPT those who drew a moose
permit previously in Washington State. Only one moose permit
will be issued during an individual's lifetime (waived for Mt.
Spokane youth hunt, and raffle and auction hunts).
Bag Limit: One moose of either sex, EXCEPT antlerless only for
the Mt. Spokane B Hunt and the Mt. Spokane Youth Hunt.
Hunt Name |
Permit Season |
Permit Hunt Boundary Description |
Special Restrictions |
(( Permits |
Kettle River | Oct. 1-Nov. 30 | GMU 101, 105 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Selkirk Mtns. | Oct. 1-Nov. 30 | GMU 113 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Mt. Spokane A | Oct. 1-Nov. 30 | GMU 124 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Mt. Spokane B | Oct. 1-Nov. 30 | GMU 124 | Any Legal Weapon | 15 | |
Mt. Spokane Youth Only.* | Oct. 1-Nov. 30 | GMU 124 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
49 Degrees North | Oct. 1-Nov. 30 | GMU 117 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Three Forks | Oct. 1-Nov. 30 | GMU 109 | Any Legal Weapon | 6 | |
Hangman | Oct. 1-Nov. 30 | GMU 127, 130 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
((2000)) 2001 Mountain Sheep (Bighorn) Permit Hunts
Who May Apply: Anyone may apply; EXCEPT those who drew a bighorn
permit previously in Washington State. Only one bighorn sheep
permit will be issued during an individual's lifetime. (Waived
for raffle and auction hunts.)
Bag Limit: One bighorn ram.
Hunt Name |
Permit Season |
Permit Hunt Boundary Description |
Special Restrictions |
(( Permits |
Selah Butte | Sept. 15-Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 4 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Umtanum | Sept. 15-Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 5 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Cleman Mountain | Sept. 15-Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 7 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Mt. Hull | Sept. 15-Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 10 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Lincoln Cliffs | Sept. 15-Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 12 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Quilomene | Sept. 15-Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 13 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Swakane | Sept. 15-Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 14 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 |
Sheep Unit 4 Selah Butte: Permit Area: That part of Yakima and
Kittitas counties between Ellensburg and Yakima east of the
Yakima River and north of Selah Creek, west of Interstate 82 and
south of Interstate 90.
Sheep Unit 5 Umtanum: Permit Area: Those portions of Yakima and
Kittitas counties west of the Yakima River, north of Wenas Creek,
and east of USFS Road 1701 to Manastash Lake and its drainage;
south and east along the South Fork Manastash Creek to Manastash
Creek and the Yakima River.
Sheep Unit 7 Cleman Mountain: Permit Area: That part of Yakima
County south of Wenas Creek and east of USFS Road 1701, north of
Highway 410 and Highway 12 and west of the Yakima River.
Sheep Unit 10 Mt. Hull: Permit Area: That part of Okanogan
County within the following described boundary: Beginning at
Oroville; then south along U.S. Highway 97 to the Swanson's Mill
Road (old Mt. Hull Road) near Lake Andrews; then east to the Dry
Gulch Road; then north to the Oroville-Toroda Creek Road (Molson
Grade Road); then west to Oroville and the point of beginning.
Sheep Unit 12 Lincoln Cliffs: Permit Area: That part of Lincoln
County north of Highway 2.
Sheep Unit 13 Quilomene: Permit Area: GMU 329.
Sheep Unit 14 Swakane: Permit Area: GMU 250.
((2000)) 2001 Mountain Goat Permit Hunts
Who May Apply: Anyone may apply; except those who drew a
mountain goat permit in Washington state after 1998. Starting in
1999, only one mountain goat permit will be issued during an
individual's lifetime. (Waived for raffle and auction hunts.)
Bag Limit: One (1) adult goat of either sex with horns four (4)
inches or longer. WDFW urges hunters to refrain from shooting
nannies with kids. Permit hunters may start hunting Sept. 1 with
archery equipment.
Hunt Name |
Permit Season |
Permit Hunt Boundary Description |
Special Restrictions |
(( Permits |
Chelan North | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 2-1 | Any Legal Weapon | 2 | |
Methow | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 2-2 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Naches Pass | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 3-6 | Any Legal Weapon | 3 | |
Bumping River | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 3-7 | Any Legal Weapon | 2 | |
Tieton River | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 3-9 | Any Legal Weapon | 3 | |
Blazed Ridge | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 3-10 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Kachess Ridge | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 3-11 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Jack Mountain | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 4-9 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Corral Pass | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 4-38 | Any Legal Weapon | 2 | |
Tatoosh | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 5-2 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Smith Creek | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 5-3 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Goat Rocks | Sept. 15-Oct. 31 | Goat Unit 5-4 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Goat Unit 2-1 Chelan N. (Chelan County): Permit Area: Beginning
at the mouth of Fish Creek on Lake Chelan (Moore Point); then
northeast up Fish Creek and USFS trail 1259 to the Sawtooth crest
near Deephole Spring; then southeast along the Sawtooth crest,
which separates Chelan and Okanogan County, to Horsethief Basin
and the headwaters of Safety Harbor Creek; then south along
Safety Harbor Creek to Lake Chelan, then northwest along the
north shore of Lake Chelan to the mouth of Fish Creek at Moore
Point and the point of beginning.
Goat Unit 2-2 Methow Area: Permit Area: Okanogan County within
the following described boundary: Beginning at the Town of
Twisp, westerly along the Twisp River Road (County Road 4440) to
Roads End; west up the Twisp Pass Trail 432 to Twisp Pass and the
Okanogan County line; northerly along the Okanogan County line
through Washington Pass to Harts Pass; southeast down Harts Pass
(Road 5400) to Lost River; then along the Lost River-Mazama Road
to Mazama; then southwest to State Highway 20; then southeasterly
along State Highway 20 to Twisp and the point of beginning.
Goat Unit 3-6 Naches Pass: Permit Area: Yakima and Kittitas
counties within the following described boundary: Beginning at
Chinook Pass; then north along the Pacific Crest Trail to Naches
Pass; then east to USFS Road 19 and continuing to State Highway
410; then west along State Highway 410 to Chinook Pass and point
of beginning.
Goat Unit 3-7 Bumping River: Permit Area: Yakima County within
the following described boundary: Beginning at White Pass and
the Pacific Crest Trail; then north to Forest Trail 980; then
north to USFS Road 18; then north to State Highway 410; then east
to State Highway 12; then west along State Highway 12 and back to
point of beginning; EXCEPT Timberwolf Mountain, which is closed.
Goat Unit 3-9 Tieton River: Permit Area: Yakima County within
the following described boundary: Beginning at White Pass and
Pacific Crest Trail; then south to the Yakama Indian Reservation
Boundary; then east to USFS Jeep Trail 1137; then west to USFS
Road 1070-578 Spur; then west to Road 1000; then north to USFS
Road 12; then north to State Highway 12; then west on State
Highway 12 to point of beginning.
Goat Unit 3-10 Blazed Ridge: Permit Area: Kittitas and Yakima
counties within the following described boundary: Beginning at
the mouth of Cabin Creek on the Yakima River; then west along
Cabin Creek to the headwaters near Snowshoe Butte; then south
along the Cascade Crest separating the Green and Yakima river
drainage to Pyramid Peak; then southeast along the North Fork,
Little Naches, and Naches River to the Yakima River; then north
along the Yakima River to the mouth of Cabin Creek and point of
Goat Unit 3-11 Kachess Ridge: Permit Area: Kittitas County
within the following described boundary: Beginning at the mouth
of the Kachess River on the Yakima River; then north along the
Kachess River and Kachess Lake to USFS Road 4600; then east on
USFS Road 4600 to the Cle Elum River; then south along the Cle
Elum River and Lake Cle Elum to the Yakima River; then northwest
along the Yakima River to the mouth of the Kachess River and
point of beginning.
Goat Unit 4-9 Jack Mountain: Permit Area: Whatcom County within
the following described boundary: Beginning at the confluence of
Ruby Creek and Crater Creek; then north up Crater Creek to the
ridge line between Jerry Lakes and a pinnacle of Jack Mountain
(7,292 ft. elevation); continue due north to Devil's Creek; then
west down Devil's Creek to Ross Lake; then south along the east
shoreline of Ross Lake to Ruby Arm; then easterly up Ruby Arm and
Ruby Creek to the confluence of Crater Creek and the point of
Goat Unit 4-38 Corral Pass: Permit Area: Pierce County within
the following described boundary: Beginning where Goat Creek
intersects the Corral Pass Road; then southeast up Goat Creek to
the Cascade Crest; then north along the Crest to USFS Trail 1188;
then northwest along said trail to USFS Trail 1176; then north
along said trail to Corral Pass; then west along Corral Pass Road
to its intersection with Goat Creek and the point of beginning.
Goat Unit 5-2 Tatoosh: Permit Area: Lewis County within the
following described boundary: Beginning at the junction of the
southern Mount Rainier National Park Boundary and State Highway
123; then south along State Highway 123 to U.S. Highway 12; then
southwest along said highway to Skate Creek Road (USFS Road 52);
then northwest along said road to the junction of Morse Creek
Road (old road to Longmire Campground); then north along said
road to the Mount Rainier National Park Boundary; then east along
the southern park boundary to the point of beginning.
Goat Unit 5-3 Smith Creek: Permit area: Lewis County within the
following described boundary: Beginning at the Town of Randle;
then east along U.S. Highway 12 to USFS Road 21; then southeast
along USFS Road 21 to USFS Road 22; then northeast and northwest
along USFS Road 22 to USFS Road 23; then east and northwest on
USFS Road 23 to USFS Road 25; then north along USFS Road 25 to
Randle and point of beginning.
Goat Unit 5-4 Goat Rocks: Permit Area: Lewis County south of
the White Pass Highway (U.S. Highway 12) and east of the Johnson
Creek Road (USFS Road 1302).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), 232-28-273, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 99-10-102 (Order 99-40), 232-28-273, filed 5/5/99, effective 6/5/99; 98-10-005 (Order 98-58), 232-28-273, filed 4/22/98, effective 5/23/98.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 232-12-131 | Permits for special hunting and trapping seasons |
WAC 232-28-274 | 2000 Big game and wild turkey auction permits and raffles |
WAC 232-28-280 | 1999 Deer general seasons and 1999 special permits |
WAC 232-28-281 | 1999-2000 Elk general seasons and 1999-2000 special permits |
GMU 328-NANEUM (Kittitas and Chelan counties): Beginning at
Swauk Pass on U.S. Highway 97 and USFS Road 9716; east on USFS
Road 9716 to the Liberty-Beehive Road (USFS 9712); east on the
Liberty-Beehive Road to the west boundary of Section 22 (T21N,
R19E); southeast along the ridge past Mission Peak to Wenatchee
Mountain and Naneum Ridge Road (WDFW Road 9); southeast on the
Naneum Ridge Road to the Colockum Pass Road (WDFW Road 10); south
on the Colockum Pass Road to the East Highline Canal; northwest
along the East Highline Canal to the Lower Green Canyon Road;
south on the Lower Green Canyon Road to U.S. Highway 97; north on
U.S. Highway 97 to Swauk Pass and the point of beginning.
GMU 329-QUILOMENE (Kittitas and Chelan counties): Beginning on
the Columbia River at the mouth of Tarpiscan Creek; south along
the Columbia River to ((Vantage and Interstate Highway 90; west
on Interstate Highway 90 to the East Highline Canal; north on the
East Highline Canal)) Cape Horn; south along the top of Cape Horn
and West Bar Cliffs (cliffs overlooking West Bar) to WDFW Road
14.14; east along WDFW Road 14.14 to WDFW Road 14.17; south along
WDFW Road 14.17 to WDFW Road 14 rear gate; south on WDFW Road 14
to Tekison Creek; southeast along Tekison Creek to the Columbia
River; south along Columbia River to Vantage and Interstate 90
(I-90); west along I-90 to East Highline Canal; north on East
Highline Canal to the Colockum Pass Road (Road 10); north on the
Colockum Pass Road to North Fork Tarpiscan Road (Rd 10.10); east
on North Fork Tarpiscan Road to ((North Fork)) Tarpiscan Road 14;
south on Tarpiscan Road approximately 100 feet to Tarpiscan
Creek; east on ((North Fork Tarpiscan Creek and)) Tarpiscan Creek
to the Columbia River and the point of beginning.
GMU 330-West Bar (Kittitas County): Beginning on the Columbia
River at Cape Horn; south along the top of Cape Horn and West Bar
Cliffs (cliffs overlooking West Bar) to WDFW Road 14.14; east
along Road 14.14 to WDFW Road 14.17; south along WDFW Road 14.17
to WDFW Road 14 near the gate; south on road WDFW 14 to Tekison
Creek; southeast along Tekison Creek to the Columbia River; north
and west along the Columbia River to Cape Horn and the point of
GMU 334-ELLENSBURG (Kittitas County): Beginning on U.S. Highway
97 and the Lower Green Canyon Road; north on the Lower Green
Canyon Road to the East Highline Canal; east and south along the
canal past Interstate 90 to the pump station; south and west
along the north branch of the canal to State Highway 821 and the
Yakima River; north along the Yakima River to the Damon Road;
south on Damon Road and Shushuskin Canyon to the South Branch
Extension Canal; west along the canal to the Bradshaw Road; west
along Bradshaw Road to the elk fence; west and north along the
elk fence to Taneum Creek; east along Taneum Creek to the Yakima
River; southeast along the Yakima River to the Thorp Highway;
east on the Thorp Highway and State Highway 10 to U.S. Highway
97; north along U.S. Highway 97 to the Lower Green Canyon Road
and the point of beginning.
GMU 335-TEANAWAY (Kittitas County): Beginning at Snoqualmie Pass
on the Pacific Crest Trail; north on the Pacific Crest Trail to
the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Boundary; east on the Alpine
Wilderness Boundary to the Chelan-Kittitas County line; southeast
on the county line and Trail 1226 to Swauk Pass and U.S. Highway
97; south on U.S. Highway 97 to State Highway 10; northwest on
State Highways 10, 970, 903 to Cle Elum and Interstate 90; west
on Interstate 90 to Snoqualmie Pass and the Pacific Crest Trail
and the point of beginning.
GMU 336-TANEUM (Kittitas County): Beginning at the Pacific Crest
Trail and Interstate 90 at Snoqualmie Pass; east on Interstate 90
to Cle Elum and State Highway 903; east on State Highways 903,
970 and 10 to the Thorp Highway; southeast on the Thorp Highway
to the Thorp Highway Bridge and the Yakima River; southwest along
the Yakima River (upstream) to Taneum Creek; west along Taneum
Creek to the South Fork Taneum Creek; west along the South Fork
Taneum Creek to Trail 1367; west on Trail 1367 to Trail 1363;
south on Trail 1363 and south along Peaches Ridge to Trail 1388;
west on Trail 1388 to Blowout Mountain on the Pacific Crest
Trail; north on the Pacific Crest Trail to Snoqualmie Pass and
the point of beginning.
GMU 340-MANASTASH (Kittitas County): Beginning at Quartz
Mountain and Peaches Ridge (Trail 1363); north and east on Trail
1363 to Trail 1367; southeast on Trail 1367 to the South Fork
Taneum Creek; east along the South Fork Taneum Creek to Taneum
Creek; east along Taneum Creek to the elk fence; southeast along
the elk fence to Bradshaw Road; east on Bradshaw Road to the
South Branch Highline Canal; southeast along the South Branch
Highline Canal to the Wenas-Ellensburg Road (at Shushuskin
Canyon); north on the Wenas-Ellensburg Road to the Damon Road;
north on the Damon Road to the Yakima River; south along the
Yakima River to Umtanum Creek; west along Umtanum Creek to the
Wenas-Ellensburg Road; west on the Wenas-Ellensburg Road to
Ellensburg Pass and the Observatory Road (Section 6, T16N, R17E);
north on the Observatory Road to Manastash Ridge (Section 20,
T17N, R17E, W.M.); northwest along the Manastash Ridge to USFS
Trail 694 (T17N, R15E, NW 1/4 of Section 12) near the USFS fence;
northwest on ORV Trail 694 to ORV Trail 688 near Rocky Saddle;
northwest on ORV Trail 688 to USFS Trail 1388; northwest on Trail
1388 to Quartz Mountain and Peaches Ridge Trail and the point of
GMU 342-UMTANUM (Kittitas and Yakima counties): Beginning at
Manastash Ridge at the junction of Forest Road 1701; east along
the Manastash Ridge to the Observatory Road in Section 20, T17N,
R17E, W.M.; south on the Observatory Road to the Wenas-Ellensburg
Road near Ellensburg Pass (Section 6, T16N, R17E, W.M.); east on
the Wenas-Ellensburg Road to Umtanum Creek; east along the
Umtanum Creek to the Yakima River; south along the Yakima River
to Yakima and U.S. Highway 12; northwest on U.S. Highway 12 to
State Highway 410; northwest on State Highway 410 to USFS Road
1701; north on USFS Road 1701 to the point of beginning.
GMU 346-LITTLE NACHES (Yakima and Kittitas counties): Beginning
at Blowout Mountain and the USFS Road 1388; east on USFS Road
1388 to USFS ORV Trail 688 to Rocky Saddle; east on USFS ORV
Trail 694 to USFS Road 1701 near the USFS fence (T17N, R15E, NW
1/4 of Section 12); south on USFS Road 1701 to State Highway 410;
northwest and southwest on State Highway 410 to the Pacific Crest
Trail near Chinook Pass; north on the Pacific Crest Trail to
Blowout Mountain and the point of beginning.
GMU 352-NILE (Yakima County): Beginning on the Bumping Lake Road
and State Highway 410; east and south on State Highway 410 to
Nile and USFS Road 1500; west on USFS Road 1500 to the McDaniel
Lake Road (USFS Road 1502); west on the McDaniel Lake Road to the
North Fork of Rattlesnake Creek; west along the North Fork
Rattlesnake Creek to the USFS Richmond Mine Trail 973; north on
the Richmond Mine Trail 973 to the Bumping Lake Road; north on
the Bumping Lake Road to State Highway 410 and the point of
GMU 356-BUMPING (Yakima County): Beginning on the Pacific Crest
Trail and State Highway 410 at Chinook Pass; northeast on State
Highway 410 to the Bumping Lake Road; southwest on the Bumping
Lake Road to the USFS Richmond Mine Trail 973; southeast on the
Richmond Mine Trail 973 to the North Fork Rattlesnake Creek;
southeast along the North Fork Rattlesnake Creek to the McDaniel
Lake Road (USFS Road 1502); southeast on the McDaniel Lake Road
to USFS Road 1500; south on USFS Road 1500 to State Highway 12;
west on Highway 12 to the Pacific Crest Trail at White Pass;
north on the Pacific Crest Trail to Chinook Pass and the point of
beginning. (Lands within the boundary of Mt. Rainier National
Park along the Pacific Crest Trail are not open to hunting.)
GMU 360-BETHEL (Yakima County): Beginning on USFS Road 1500 and
Highway 410 at Nile; southeast on Highway 410 to Highway 12;
southwest on Highway 12 to USFS Road 1500; north and east on USFS
Road 1500 to Nile and the point of beginning.
GMU 364-RIMROCK (Yakima County): Beginning on the Pacific Crest
Trail and Highway 12 at White Pass; east on Highway 12 to Windy
Point and the Jump Off Road (USFS 1302); southwest on Jump Off
Road to Jump Off Lookout; south on Divide Ridge Crest to Darland
Mountain and to the Darland Mountain Road and the north boundary
of the Yakama Indian Reservation; west on the Yakama Indian
Reservation boundary to the Pacific Crest Trail; north on the
Pacific Crest Trail to Highway 12 at White Pass and the point of
GMU 366-RIMROCK-COWICHE (Yakima County): GMUs 364 (Rimrock) and
368 (Cowiche).
GMU 368-COWICHE (Yakima County): Beginning on Highway 12 and
Jump Off Road near Windy Point; northeast and southeast on
Highway 12 to the Yakima River; south along the Yakima River to
the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary south of Union Gap; west
on the reservation boundary to Darland Mountain; north on the
crest of Divide Ridge to the Jump Off Lookout and the Jump Off
Road (USFS Road 1302); northeast on the Jump Off Road to Highway
12 and the point of beginning.
GMU 371-ALKALI (Kittitas and Yakima counties): Beginning one
mile south of Thrall and Highway 821 at the Yakima River and the
East High Canal; east and north along the East High Canal to
Interstate Highway 90; east on Interstate Highway 90 to Vantage
and the Columbia River; south along the Columbia River to Priest
Rapids Dam and the Yakima Training Center (YTC) boundary; south
and west along the YTC boundary to the main gate at Firing Center
Road; west along Firing Center Road and Harrison Road to the
Yakima River; north along the Yakima River to the East High Canal
and the point of beginning.
GMU 372-KIONA (Benton and Yakima counties): Beginning at Priest
Rapids Dam and the Columbia River; east and south along the
Columbia River (Yakima, Grant, Benton, and Walla Walla County
line) to the Alderdale Road; north on the Alderdale Road to the
Klickitat-Yakima County line; west on the county line to the
Yakama Indian Reservation boundary; northeast on the reservation
boundary to the Mabton-Sunnyside Road; north on the
Mabton-Sunnyside Road to the Yakima River; northwest along the
Yakima River to Harrison Road; east along Harrison Road and
Firing Center Road to the main gate of the Yakima Training Center
(YTC); south and east along the YTC boundary to Priest Rapids Dam
and the Columbia River and the point of beginning. The Hanford
Nuclear Reservation is closed to all unauthorized public entry.
GMU 381-ESQUATZEL (Franklin, Grant and Adams counties):
Beginning at the Vernita Bridge on the west shore of the Columbia
River and State Highway 24; north and east on State Highway 24 to
Muse Road; east on Muse Road to State Highway 17; north on State
Highway 17 to State Highway 26; east on State Highway 26 to
Palouse River; south on Palouse River to Snake River; west and
southwest on Snake River to Columbia River; north and west on
Columbia River (including all islands) to the Vernita Bridge and
the point of beginning. The Hanford Nuclear Site and the Saddle
Mountain National Wildlife Refuge are closed to unauthorized
public entry.
GMU 382-EAST KLICKITAT (Klickitat County): Beginning at the U.S.
Highway 97 Bridge on the Columbia River (Maryhill); north on U.S.
Highway 97 to Satus Pass and the Yakama Indian Reservation; east
along south reservation boundary to the Yakima County line; east
on the Yakima/Klickitat County line to Alderdale Road; southeast
and south on Alderdale Road to Alderdale and the Columbia River;
west down the Columbia River to U.S. Highway 97 Bridge and the
point of beginning.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.020, 77.04.012. 01-04-037 (Order 00-254), 232-28-02203, filed 1/31/01, effective 3/3/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-04-017 (Order 00-05), 232-28-02203, filed 1/24/00, effective 2/24/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 99-10-102 (Order 99-40), 232-28-02203, filed 5/5/99, effective 6/5/99; 98-10-016 (Order 98-66), 232-28-02203, filed 4/22/98, effective 5/23/98; 97-06-048 (Order 97-36), 232-28-02203, filed 2/27/97, effective 3/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.010 and 77.12.040. 96-04-027, 232-28-02203, filed 2/1/96, effective 3/3/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 95-03-025 (Order 94-136), 232-28-02203, filed 1/10/95, effective 2/10/95; 94-11-033 (Order 641), 232-28-02203, filed 5/10/94, effective 6/10/94.]
Reviser's note: The bracketed material preceding the section above was supplied by the code reviser's office.
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-05, filed 1/24/00,
effective 2/24/00)
WAC 232-28-02205
Game management units (GMUs) -- Special game
areas -- Boundary descriptions -- Region five
GMU 501-LINCOLN (Lewis, Thurston, Pacific and Grays Harbor
counties): Beginning at the intersection of Interstate 5 and
State Highway 6; west on State Highway 6 to the Stevens Road;
northwest on Stevens Road to Elk Creek Road (Doty); west on Elk
Creek Road to the 7000 Road; west on the 7000 Road to the 7400
Road; west on the 7400 Road, ((to the)) 7050 Road, 7000 Road, and
the 7800 Road; north on the 7800 Road to the 7800 F Road; east on
the 7800 F Road to the 720 Road; northeast on the 720 Road to
Garrard Creek Road; northeast on the Garrard Creek Road to
Oakville and U.S. Highway 12; east on U.S. Highway 12 to
Interstate 5; south on Interstate 5 to State Highway 6 and point
of beginning.
GMU 504-STELLA (Cowlitz County): Beginning at the mouth of the
Cowlitz River at the Columbia River; west down the Columbia to
the mouth of Germany Creek; north up Germany Creek to State
Highway 4; east on Highway 4 to Germany Creek Road; north on
Germany Creek Road to International Paper 1000 Road; north on
International Paper 1000 to the International Paper 1050 Road;
east on International Paper 1050 Road to the 2200 Road; east and
south to the 2000 Road; south on the 2000 Road to the Delameter
Road (Woodside Road); east on Delameter Road to State Highway
411; north on Highway 411 to ((Interstate 5; south on Interstate
5 to Ostrander Creek; west on Ostrander Creek to Cowlitz River;))
PH10 Road; east along the PH10 Road to the bridge over the
Cowlitz River; south down the Cowlitz River to the Columbia River
and point of beginning.
GMU 505-MOSSYROCK (Lewis County): Beginning on Interstate 5 and
the Cowlitz River; northeast up the Cowlitz River to Mayfield
Lake and the U.S. Highway 12 bridge; east on U.S. Highway 12 to
Winston Creek Road; south and east to Longbell Road and Perkins
Road; northeast on Perkins Road to Green Mountain Road; east on
Green Mountain Road to the outlet of Swofford Pond; east along
the outlet to Riffe Lake; east along the south shore to the
Cowlitz River and up the Cowlitz River to the USFS 23 Road
(Cispus Road) Bridge; south and east to the ((C Line)) Cline
Road; east on the Cline Road ((east)) to the Bennet Road; east to
U.S. Highway 12; west on Highway 12 to State Highway 7 (Morton);
north on State Highway 7 to State Highway 508; west on Highway
508 to Centralia/Alpha Road; west and north on Centralia/Alpha
Road to Salzer Valley Road; west to Summa Street and Kresky Road;
north on Kresky Road to Tower Street; on Tower Street to State
Highway 507; west on Highway 507 Cherry, Alder and Mellen Streets
to Interstate 5; south on Interstate 5 to the Cowlitz River and
point of beginning.
GMU 506-WILLAPA HILLS (Wahkiakum, Pacific and Lewis counties):
Beginning at Pe Ell and the Muller Road; south on the Muller Road
to the 1000 Road; south on the 1000 Road to the 1800 Road; south
on the 1800 Road to the 500 Road; southeast on the 500 Road to
State Highway 407 (Elochoman Valley Road); south on the Elochoman
Valley Road (old SR 407) to the Elochoman River; downstream along
the Elochoman River to the Foster Road; north on Foster Road to
Risk Road; west and north along Risk Road to SR 4; west on SR 4
to Skamokawa Creek; downstream along Skamokawa Creek to the
confluence with the Columbia River; west along Columbia River to
the mouth of the Deep River; north along the Deep River to State
Highway 4; northwest on State Highway 4 to the Salmon Creek Road;
north on the Salmon Creek Road to the Bonneville Powerline Road;
north on the Bonneville Powerline Road to State Highway 6; east
on State Highway 6 to the Town of Pe Ell and the point of
GMU 510-STORMKING (Lewis County): Beginning on U.S. Highway 12
at the Silver Creek Bridge; north up Silver Creek to Silverbrook
Road; east to USFS 47 Road; north on USFS 47 Road to USFS 85
Road; west and north on USFS 85 Road to ((Silver Creek; southwest
on Silver Creek to Lynx Creek; north on Lynx Creek and its
northernmost tributary to USFS 85 Road; northwest on the USFS 85
Road to Catt Creek; north on Catt Creek to)) the Nisqually River;
west down the Nisqually River to State Highway 7; south on
Highway 7 to U.S. Highway 12 (Morton); east on U.S. Highway 12 to
Silver Creek and point of beginning.
GMU 513-SOUTH RAINIER (Lewis County): Beginning on U.S. Highway
12 at the Silver Creek bridge; north up Silver Creek to
Silverbrook Road; east to USFS 47 Road; north on USFS 47 Road to
USFS 85 Road; west and north on USFS 85 Road to ((Silver Creek;
southwest on Silver Creek to Lynx Creek; north on Lynx Creek and
its northernmost tributary to USFS 85 Road; north on USFS 85 Road
to Catt Creek; northwest down Catt Creek)) USFS 52 Road; west and
north on USFS 52 Road to the Nisqually River; east up the
Nisqually River to the southern boundary of Mt. Rainier National
Park; east along the south park boundary to the Pacific Crest
Trail; south along the Pacific Crest Trail to U.S. Highway 12;
west on U.S. Highway 12 to the Silver Creek bridge and point of
GMU 516-PACKWOOD (Lewis and Skamania counties): Beginning at the
mouth of Cispus River; east up the Cispus River to the USFS 56
Road (Midway G.S. Road); east on the USFS 56 Road to the USFS
5603 Road; east on the USFS 5603 Road to the Yakama Indian
Reservation Boundary and the Cascade Crest; north along the
reservation boundary to Cispus Pass and the Pacific Crest Trail;
north along the Pacific Crest Trail to the U.S. Highway 12 (White
Pass); northwest and southwest on U.S. Highway 12 to USFS 1270
Road (Section 31, T14N, R10E); north on USFS 1270 Road to the
Cowlitz River; southwest down the Cowlitz River to the mouth of
Smith Creek; south up Smith Creek to U.S. Highway 12; southwest
down U.S. Highway 12 to Bennet Road; west on the Bennet Road to
the ((C Line)) Cline Road; west on Cline Road to the USFS 23 Road
(Cispus Road); west and north to the Cowlitz River; west down the
Cowlitz River to the mouth of the Cispus River and point of
GMU 520-WINSTON (Cowlitz, Lewis and Skamania counties):
Beginning at the intersection of Interstate 5 and the Cowlitz
River; south down the Cowlitz River to the Toutle River; east up
the Toutle River to the North Fork Toutle River; up the North
Fork Toutle River to the Green River; east up the Green River to
USFS 2612 Road; east on USFS 2612 Road to USFS 26 Road (Ryan Lake
Road); north on USFS 26 Road to the Cispus River; west down the
Cispus to the Cowlitz River; west down the Cowlitz River to Riffe
Lake; west along the south shore to the Swofford Pond outlet;
west along the outlet to Green Mountain Road; west on Green
Mountain Road to Perkins Road; southwest and northwest on Perkins
Road and Longbell Road to Winston Creek Road; northwest on
Winston Creek Road to U.S. Highway 12; west on U.S. Highway 12 to
the Mayfield Lake bridge; southwest down Mayfield Lake and the
Cowlitz River to Interstate 5 and point of beginning.
GMU 522-LOO-WIT (Cowlitz and Skamania counties): Beginning on
the North Fork Toutle River at the mouth of Hoffstadt Creek;
southeast up the North Fork Toutle River to Deer Creek, up Deer
Creek to Deer Creek Springs; up Deer Creek Springs to the
Weyerhaeuser 3001 Road; southeast along the 3001, 3000, and 3090
Roads to the headwaters of the South Fork Castle Creek; due south
to the South Fork Toutle River; east along South Fork Toutle to
its headwaters and Mount St. Helens crater edge; east along the
crater edge to the headwaters of Ape Canyon; down Ape Canyon
Creek to the USFS Smith Creek Trail; north up USFS Smith Creek
Trail to USFS 99 Road; north along USFS 99 Road to USFS 26 Road;
north to Strawberry Lake Creek; west down Strawberry Lake Creek
to the Green River; across the Green River to Grizzly Creek; up
Grizzly Creek to Grizzly Lake; west up the western inlet to its
headwaters; west to the headwaters of Coldwater Creek; west down
Coldwater Creek to Coldwater Lake; southwest along the northwest
shore to the outlet of Coldwater Lake; downstream on the outlet
from Coldwater Lake to State Route 504 Bridge at mile post 45;
west down State Route 504 to Hoffstadt Creek Bridge; down
Hoffstadt Creek to the North Fork Toutle River and point of
GMU 524-MARGARET (Cowlitz, Skamania and Lewis counties):
Beginning on the North Fork Toutle River at the mouth of the
Green River; southeast up the North Fork Toutle River to the
mouth of Hoffstadt Creek; up Hoffstadt Creek to the State Route
504 Bridge over Hoffstadt Creek; east on State Route 504 to mile
post 45 (the bridge over the outlet to Coldwater Lake); up the
outlet of Coldwater Lake to Coldwater Lake; northeast along the
shoreline of Coldwater Lake to Coldwater Creek; up Coldwater
Creek to its headwaters and east to the headwaters of Grizzly
Lake; east down the west inlet creek to Grizzly Lake; down
Grizzly Creek to the Green River and the mouth of Strawberry Lake
Creek; up Strawberry Lake Creek to the USFS 26 Road (Ryan Lake
Road); north on the USFS 26 Road to the USFS 2612 Road; west on
USFS 2612 Road to the Green River; down the Green River to its
mouth and point of beginning.
GMU 530-RYDERWOOD (Cowlitz, Lewis and Wahkiakum counties):
Beginning south of the Town of Doty on State Highway 6; east on
State Highway 6 to Chehalis and Interstate 5; south on Interstate
5 to the Cowlitz River; south along the Cowlitz River to Castle
Rock and the PH 10 Road (Four Corners); west on the PH 10 Road to
State Highway 411; south on State Highway 411 to Delameter Road
(Woodside Drive); southwest on Delameter Road to the 2000 Road;
west on the 2000 Road to the 2200 Road; north and west on the
2200 Road to the International Paper 1050 Road; west on the
International Paper 1050 Road to the International Paper 1000
Road; south on the International Paper 1000 Road to the Germany
Creek Road; south on the Germany Creek Road to State Highway 4;
west on State Highway 4 to Germany Creek; south along Germany
Creek to its mouth at the Columbia River; west along the Columbia
River and the Cathlamet Channel to the Puget Island Bridge on
State Highway 409; north on State Highway 409 to State Highway 4;
west on State Highway 4 to State Highway 407 (Elochoman Valley
Road); northwest on State Highway 407 (Elochoman Valley Road) to
the 500 Road; west on the 500 Road to the 1800 Road; north on the
1800 Road to the ((International Paper)) Weyerhaeuser 1000 Road;
north on the ((International Paper)) Weyerhaeuser 1000 Road to
the Muller Road; north on Muller Road to Pe Ell and State Highway
6; north on State Highway 6 to south of Doty and the point of
GMU 550-COWEEMAN (Cowlitz County): Beginning where the Toutle
River flows into Cowlitz River; east along the Toutle River to
the South Fork Toutle River; up the South Fork Toutle to the 4950
Road; south and east on the 4950 Road to the 235 Road; south on
the 235, 200, 245, 134, 133, 130 and 1680 Roads to the 1600 Road;
southeast along the 1600 and 1400 Roads to the Kalama/Coweeman
Summit; south along the 1420 Road to the 1426 Road; southwest
along the 1426 Road to the 1428 Road; southwest along 1428 Road
to 1429 Road; southwest along 1429 Road to 6400 Road; southwest
down the 6400 Road to the 6000 Road; east to the 6450 Road;
southeast approximately one mile on the 6450 Road to the 6452
Road; southeast on 6452 Road to Dubois Road; to State Highway
503; west on State Highway 503 to Cape Horn Creek; down Cape Horn
Creek to Merwin Reservoir and the Lewis River; down the Lewis
River to the Natural Gas Pipeline right of way; north up the
Natural Gas Pipeline right of way to Ostrander Creek; west down
Ostrander Creek to ((I-5)) the Cowlitz River; north on ((I-5))
the Cowlitz River to the Toutle River and point of beginning.
GMU 554-YALE (Cowlitz County): Beginning on State Highway 503 at
its crossing of Cape Horn Creek; east on State Highway 503 to
6690 Road (Rock Creek Road); northeast on the 6690 and 6696 Roads
to West Fork Speelyai Creek; down Speelyai Creek to State Highway
503; northeast on State Highway 503 to Dog Creek; down Dog Creek
to Yale Reservoir; south and west down Yale Reservoir, Lewis
River, and Merwin Reservoir to Cape Horn Creek; up Cape Horn
Creek to State Highway 503 and point of beginning.
GMU 556-TOUTLE (Cowlitz County): Beginning on State Highway 503
(Lewis River Road) and USFS 81 Road (Merril Lake Road)
intersection; north on USFS 81 Road to Weyerhaeuser 7200 Road;
northeast on the 7200 Road to the 7400 Road; northwest on the
7400 Road to the 5500 Road; east and north on the 5500 and 5670
Roads to the South Fork Toutle River; east up the South Fork
Toutle River to a point due south of the headwaters of the South
Fork Castle Creek (Section 1, T8N, R4E); north along the posted
Loo-wit boundary to end of the Weyerhaeuser 3092 Road; west on
the 3092 Road to 3090 Road; northwest on the 3090, 3000 and 3001
Roads; west on the 3001 Road to Deer Creek Springs; down Deer
Creek Springs to Deer Creek, downstream on Deer Creek to the
North Fork Toutle River; down the North Fork Toutle River to the
South Fork Toutle River; southeast up the South Fork Toutle River
to the 4950 Road; south on the 4950, 235, 200, 245, 243A, 134,
133, 130, and 1680 Roads to the 1600 Road; southeast on the 1600
and 1400 Roads to the Kalama/Coweeman Summit; south on the 1420
Road to the 1426 Road; southwest along the 1426 Road to the 1428
Road; southwest along 1428 Road to 1429 Road to 6400 Road;
southwest on the 6400 Road to the 6000 Road; east up the 6000
Road to the 6450 Road; southwest on the 6450 Road approximately
one mile to the 6452 Road; southeast on 6452 Road to Dubois Road
to State Highway 503; east on State Highway 503 to the 6690 Road
(Rock Creek Road); northeast on the 6690 and 6696 Roads to the
West Fork Speelyai Creek; down Speelyai Creek to State Highway
503; northeast on State Highway 503 to USFS 81 Road and point of
GMU 558-MARBLE (Cowlitz and Skamania counties): Beginning on
State Highway 503 (Lewis River Road) and USFS 81 Road
intersection; north on USFS 81 Road to Weyerhaeuser 7200 Road;
northeast on the 7200 Road to the 7400 Road; northwest on the
7400 Road to the 5500 Road; east and north on the 5500 and 5670
Roads to the South Fork Toutle River; east up the South Fork
Toutle River to Mount St. Helens crater and along crater to
headwaters of Ape Canyon; east down Ape Canyon Creek to USFS
Smith Creek Trail; north up USFS Smith Creek Trail to USFS 99
Road; northeast on USFS 99 Road to USFS 25 Road; south on USFS 25
Road to the Muddy River; south down the Muddy River to the North
Fork Lewis River; west down the North Fork Lewis River, Swift
Reservoir to Yale Reservoir and Dog Creek; north up Dog Creek to
State Highway 503; southwest to USFS 81 Road and point of
GMU 560-LEWIS RIVER (Skamania, Klickitat, Yakima and Lewis
counties): Beginning at Trout Lake, north to the USFS 80 Road;
north to USFS 17 Road (Mt. Adams Recreational Road); northeast to
USFS 82 Road; northeast on the USFS 82 Road to the Yakama Indian
Reservation Boundary (Section 16, T7N, R11E); north along
reservation boundary (Cascade Crest) to USFS 5603 Road; west to
the USFS 56 Road; west to the Cispus River; northwest down the
Cispus River to the USFS 26 Road (Ryan Lake Road); west and south
on the USFS 26 Road to USFS 99 Road; northeast to the USFS 25
Road; south to Muddy River; south down the Muddy River to the
North Fork Lewis River; west to the USFS 90 Road bridge (Eagle
Cliff); east on USFS 90 Road to USFS 51 Road; southeast to USFS
30 Road; northeast on the USFS 30 Road to USFS 24 Road; southeast
to the State Highway 141; northeast on State Highway 141 to Trout
Lake and point of beginning.
GMU 564-BATTLE GROUND (Clark and Skamania counties): Beginning
where Ostrander Creek flows into the Cowlitz River; east up
Ostrander Creek approximately 1/2 mile to the Northwest Natural
Gas Pipeline right of way; south on the Northwest Natural Gas
Pipeline right of way to the Lewis River; northeast along the
Lewis River (Cowlitz-Clark County line) to the Merwin Dam; east
along the south shoreline of Lake Merwin and Lewis River to State
Route 503; south and west on State Route 503 to N.E. Amboy Road;
south on N.E. Amboy Road to N.E. Yacolt Road; east on Yacolt Road
to Railroad Avenue; southeast to Sunset Falls Road; east to Dole
Valley Road; south on the Dole Valley Road to Rock Creek Road;
southeast and south on the DNR 1000 Road to DNR 1500 Road; east
on DNR 1500 Road to N.E. 412th Avenue; south on N.E. 412th Avenue
to Skye Road; east and south on the Skye Road to Washougal River
Road; south on Washougal River Road to State Highway 140;
southeast on State Highway 140 to Cape Horn Road; south on Cape
Horn Road to the Columbia River; west down the Columbia River
(including islands in Washington) to the Cowlitz River; north
along the Cowlitz River to Ostrander Creek and the point of
GMU 568-WASHOUGAL (Clark and Skamania counties): Beginning on
the Lewis River at State Route 503; east on Lewis River
(Cowlitz-Clark County line) to Canyon Creek; southeast along
Canyon Creek to N.E. Healy Road; east on N.E. Healy Road to USFS
Road 54; east on USFS Road 54 to USFS Road 37; northwest on USFS
Road 37 to USFS Road 53; south on USFS Road 53 to USFS Road 4205
(Gumboat Road); south on USFS Road 4205 to USFS Road 42 (Green
Fork Road); southwest on USFS Road 42 to USFS Road 41 (Sunset
Hemlock Road) at Sunset Falls; east on USFS Road 41 to USFS Road
406 at Lookout Mountain; southeast on USFS Road 406 to the
boundary of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest; due east on the
National Forest Boundary to Rock Creek; southeast along Rock
Creek to Stevenson and the Columbia River; west down the Columbia
River (including the islands in Washington) to the Cape Horn
Road; north on the Cape Horn Road to Canyon Creek Road; west on
Canyon Creek Road to the Washougal River Road; east on the
Washougal River Road to the Skye Road; northwest on the Skye Road
to N.E. 412th Avenue; northwest on DNR 1500 Road to DNR 1000
Road; north and west on DNR 1000 Road to Dole Valley Road; north
on the Dole Valley Road to Sunset Falls Road; northwest to
Railroad Avenue through Yacolt; northwest on N.E. Cedar Creek
Road to State Route 503; northeast along State Route 503 to the
Lewis River and the point of beginning.
GMU 572-SIOUXON (Skamania and Clark counties): Beginning at the
Yale Dam and Yale Lake; north along Yale Lake (Cowlitz-Clark
County line) to the North Fork Lewis River and Lewis River (old
river bed); northeast along the Lewis River to the Swift Creek
Reservoir; east along the Swift Creek Reservoir to Eagle Cliff
Bridge and USFS Road 90; east on USFS Road 90 to USFS 51 Road
(Curly Creek Road); southeast on USFS Road 51 to USFS Road 30;
north on USFS Road 30 to USFS Road 24 (Twin Butte Road); south on
USFS Road 24 to USFS Road 60 (Carson Guler Road); southwest on
USFS Road 60 to USFS Road 65 (Panther Creek Road); southwest on
USFS Road 65 to the Wind River Highway; northwest on the Wind
River Highway to Stabler; west on Hemlock Road to USFS Road 41
(Sunset-Hemlock Road); west on the USFS Road 41 to Sunset Falls
and USFS Road 42 (Green Fork Road); northeast on USFS Road 42 to
USFS Road 4205 (Gumboat Road); north on USFS Road 4205 to USFS
Road 53; northwest on USFS Road 53 to USFS Road 54 (N.E. Healy
Road); west on USFS Road 54 to Canyon Creek; north along Canyon
Creek to the Lewis River; northeast along the Lewis River to the
Yale Dam and the point of beginning.
GMU 574-WIND RIVER (Skamania County): Beginning at Little
Lookout Mountain on USFS Road 41 (Sunset-Mowich Butte); east on
USFS Road 41 to Stabler; east on the Hemlock Road to the Wind
River Road; southeast on the Wind River Road to Old State Road;
east on Old State Road to USFS Road 65 (Panther Creek Road);
north on USFS Road 65 to USFS Road 60; northeast on USFS Road 60
to State Highway 141; continue east on State Highway 141 to USFS
Road 86; south on USFS Road 86 to USFS Road 1840; south on USFS
Road 1840 to USFS Road 18 (Oklahoma Road); south on USFS Road 18
to Willard and the Little White Salmon River; south on the Little
White Salmon River to the Columbia River; west along the Columbia
River to the mouth of Rock Creek; northwest along Rock Creek
through Stevenson to the south boundary of Gifford Pinchot
National Forest; on the south boundary of Gifford Pinchot
National Forest due west to USFS Road 4100-406; northwest on USFS
Road 4100-406 to USFS Road 41 and the point of beginning.
GMU 578-WEST KLICKITAT (Klickitat, Yakima, and Skamania
counties): Beginning on the Columbia River at the mouth of the
Little White Salmon River; up the Little White Salmon River to
Willard; north on USFS 18 Road (Oklahoma Road) to USFS 1840 Road;
north on USFS 1840 Road to USFS Road 86; north on USFS Road 86 to
State Highway 141; northeast on State Highway 141 to Trout Lake
and Mt. Adams Recreational Area Road; north on Mt. Adams
Recreational Area Road to USFS 82 Road; northeast on USFS 82 Road
to the Yakama Indian Reservation Boundary (Section 16, T7N,
R11E); south along the reservation boundary to King Mountain and
the southwest corner of the reservation (Section 27, T7N, R11E);
east along reservation boundary (approximately one mile) to the
end of King Mountain Road; north along the reservation boundary
to Section 2 T7N, R11E; east along the reservation boundary to
the northeastern corner of Section 4, T7N, R12E; southeast along
the reservation boundary to Summit Creek Boundary Road; south to
the Glenwood/Goldendale Road; northwest on the
Glenwood/Goldendale Road to the Lakeside Road; south on the
Lakeside Road to Fisher Hill Road (P-2000); south on Fisher Hill
Road to the Fisher Hill Bridge; south down the Klickitat River to
the Columbia River; west down the Columbia River to the mouth of
the Little White Salmon River and point of beginning.
GMU 588-GRAYBACK (Klickitat County): Beginning at U.S. Highway
97 bridge across Columbia River (Maryhill); west down the
Columbia River to Lyle and the mouth of the Klickitat River; up
the Klickitat River to the Fisher Hill Bridge; north along the
Fisher Hill Road (P-2000) to the Lakeside Road; north and
northwest on the Lakeside Road to Glenwood/Goldendale Road; east
and southeast on the Glenwood/Goldendale Road to the Summit Creek
Primary Road; northeast to the Yakama Indian Reservation
Boundary; east along the southern boundary of the reservation to
U.S. Highway 97 (Satus Pass Highway); south on U.S. Highway 97 to
Maryhill and point of beginning.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-04-017 (Order 00-05), 232-28-02205, filed 1/24/00, effective 2/24/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 99-10-102 (Order 99-40), 232-28-02205, filed 5/5/99, effective 6/5/99; 98-10-012 (Order 98-68), 232-28-02205, filed 4/22/98, effective 5/23/98; 97-06-043 (Order 97-38), 232-28-02205, filed 2/27/97, effective 3/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.010 and 77.12.040. 96-04-027 (Order 98-68), 232-28-02205, filed 2/1/96, effective 3/3/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 95-03-027 (Order 94-138), 232-28-02205, filed 1/10/95, effective 2/10/95; 94-11-035 (Order 643) 232-28-02205, filed 5/10/94, effective 6/10/94.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-05, filed 1/24/00,
effective 2/24/00)
WAC 232-28-02220
Game management units (GMUs) -- Special game
areas -- Boundary descriptions -- Elk area descriptions
Elk Area No. 029 Toledo (Lewis and Cowlitz counties): Beginning
at the Cowlitz River and State Highway 505 junction; east along
State Highway 505 to Eden Road; east along Eden Road to the Evans
Road; east along the Evans Road to the Weyerhaeuser 1800 Road;
south along Weyerhaeuser 1800 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 1900 Road;
south along the Weyerhaeuser 1900 Road to the North Fork Toutle
River to Alder Creek to the Weyerhaeuser 2400 Road; west along
the Weyerhaeuser 2400 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 4400 Road to
Johnson Creek and the South Fork Toutle River to State Highway
504; east on Highway 504 to State Highway 505; north along
Highway 505 to the Weyerhaeuser 1500 Road to Salmon Creek; west
along Salmon Creek to the Cowlitz River; north along the Cowlitz
River to the junction of State Highway 505 and point of
Elk Area No. 031 Shushuskin (Kittitas County): Beginning at
Umtanum Road and the Yakima River; west along Umtanum Road to
Manastash Road; west on Manastash Road to Cove Road; south and
west on Cove Road to Hanson Road and Umtanum Creek; east
(downstream) along Umtanum Creek to the Yakima River; north
(upstream) along the Yakima River to the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 032 Malaga (Kittitas and Chelan counties):
((Beginning at the power line on the Columbia River
(approximately 3/4 mile downstream from Colockum Creek); west and
south along the Powerline Road to the intersection with the North
Fork Tarpiscan Creek Road (Section 9, T20N, R21E); north and west
along North Fork of Tarpiscan Creek Road to Colockum Pass Road
(Section 9, T20N, R21E); south and west on Colockum Pass Road to
section line between Sections 8 and 9 as well as Sections 4 and 5
(T20N, R21E) and Sections 32 and 33 (T21N, R21E); to Mose Carr
Road; west and north on Mose Carr Road to Jump Off Road; south
and west on Jump Off Road to Shaller Road; north and west on
Shaller Road to Upper Basin Loop Road; north and west on Upper
Basin Loop Road to Wheeler Ridge Road; north on Wheeler Ridge
Road to the Basin Loop Road (pavement) in Section 10 (T21N,
R20E); north on the Basin Loop Road to Wenatchee Heights Road;
west on Wenatchee Heights Road to Squilchuck Road; south on
Squilchuck Road to Beehive Road (USFS Road 9712); northwest on
Beehive Road to USFS Road 7100 near Beehive Reservoir; north and
west on USFS Road 7100 to Peavine Canyon Road (USFS Road 7101);
north and east on Peavine Canyon Road to Number Two Canyon Road;
north on Number Two Canyon Road to Crawford Street in Wenatchee;
east on Crawford Street to the Columbia River; south and east
along the Columbia River to the powerline south of Colockum Creek
and point of beginning.)) Beginning at the mouth of Davies
Canyon on the Columbia River; west along Davies Canyon to the
cliffs above (north of) the North Fork Tarpiscan Creek; west and
north along the cliffs to the Bonneville Power Line; southwest
along the powerline to the North Fork Tarpiscan Road in Section
9, Township 20N, Range 21E; north and west along North Fork
Tarpiscan Road to Colockum Pass Road (Section 9, Township 20N,
Range 21E); south and west on Colockum Pass Road to section line
between Sections 8 & 9; north along the section line between
Sections 8 and 9 as well as Sections 4 & 5 (T20N, R21E) &
Sections 32 & 33 (T21N, R21E) to Moses Carr Road; west and north
on Moses Carr Road to Jump Off Road; south and west on Jump Off
Road to Shaller Road; north and west on Shaller Road to Upper
Basin Loop Road; north and West on Upper Basin Loop Road to
Wheeler Ridge Road; north on Wheeler Ridge Road to the Basin Loop
Road (pavement) in Section 10 (T21N, R20E); north on Basin Loop
Road to Wenatchee Heights Road; west on Wenatchee Heights Road to
Squilchuck Road; south on Squilchuck Road to Beehive Road (USFS
Rd 9712); northwest on Beehive Road to USFS Rd 7100 near Beehive
Reservoir; north and west on USFS Rd 7100 to Peavine Canyon Road
(USFS Rd 7101); north and east on Peavine Conyon Road to Number
Two Canyon Road; north on Number Two Canyon Road to Crawford
Street in Wenatchee; east on Crawford Street to the Columbia
River; south and east along the Columbia River to Davies Canyon
and point of beginning. (Naneum Green Dot, Washington Gazetteer,
Wenatchee National Forest)
Elk Area No. 033 Peshastin (Chelan County): Beginning at
Crawford Street and the Columbia River in Wenatchee; west on
Crawford Street and Number Two Canyon Road to USFS 7101 Road
(Peavine Canyon); west on USFS 7101 Road to Mission Creek Road;
north on Mission Creek Road to USFS 7104 Road (Sand Creek Road);
west on USFS 7104 Road (Sand Creek Road) to Camas Creek; west up
Camas Creek to where Camas Creek crosses USFS 7200 Road, T22N,
R18E, Section 4; north along USFS 7200 Road to U.S. Highway 97;
north on U.S. Highway 97 to USFS 7300 Road (Mountain Home Road);
north on the USFS 7300 Road to the Wenatchee River at
Leavenworth; down the Wenatchee River and Columbia River to the
point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 036 Riverbottom (Kittitas County): Beginning at the
junction of Umtanum Road and State Route 821; south on State
Route 821 and the Yakima River to Umtanum Creek; west up Umtanum
Creek to Umtanum Road; north on Umtanum Road to State Route 821
and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 041 Skagit (Skagit County): Begin at the
intersection of CP 190 Road and CP 132 Road (Section 28, T36N,
R5E); east along the CP 132 Road to the CP 130 Road; east and
south along CP 130 Road to CP 110 Road, west, south and east
along CP 110 Road to Childs Creek; south down Childs Creek to
State Route 20; east on State Route 20 to Grandy Creek; south
down Grandy Creek to the Skagit River; south on a line to South
Skagit Hwy; west on South Skagit Hwy to State Route 9; north on
State Route 9 to State Route 20; east on State Route 20 to
Helmick Road; north on Helmick Road to CP 190 Road to CP 132 Road
and the point of beginning. (WA Atlas & Gazeteer & Mt.
Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Map)
Elk Area No. 050 Curtis (Lewis County): Beginning at the
Boistfort Road, State Highway 6 intersection; west to the
Mauerman Road; west and southwest on the Mauerman Road to the Pe
Ell/McDonald Road; south and east on the Pe Ell/McDonald Road to
the Lost Valley Road; south and southeast on the Lost Valley Road
to the Boistfort Road; east and north along the Boistfort Road to
State Highway 6 and point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 052 Mossyrock (Lewis County): Beginning at the
intersection of Winston Creek Road and State Highway 12; east on
State Highway 12 to the Cowlitz River; east on the Cowlitz River
to Riffe Lake; southeast along the south shore of Riffe Lake to
Swofford Pond outlet creek; south on Swofford Pond outlet creek
to Green Mountain Road; west on Green Mountain Road to Perkins
Road; west on Perkins Road to Longbell Road; south on Longbell
Road to Winston Creek Road; north on Winston Creek Road to State
Highway 12 and the point of beginning. (All lands owned and
managed by the Cowlitz Wildlife Area are excluded from this Elk
Elk Area No. 053 Randle (Lewis County): Beginning at the town of
Randle and the intersection of U.S. Highway 12 and State Route
131 (Forest Service 23 and 25 Roads); south on State Route 131 to
Forest Service 25 Road; south on Forest Service 25 Road to the
Cispus River; west along the Cispus River to the Champion 300
line bridge; south and west on the Champion 300 line to the
Champion Haul Road; north along the Champion Haul Road to Kosmos
Road; north on Kosmos Road to U.S. Highway 12; east on U.S.
Highway 12 to Randle and point of beginning. (All lands owned
and managed by the Cowlitz Wildlife Area are excluded from this
Elk Area.)
Elk Area No. 054 Boistfort (Lewis County): Beginning at the Town
of Vader; west along State Highway 506 to the Wildwood Road;
north along the Wildwood Road to the Abernathy 500 line gate
(Section 20, T11N, R3W, Willamette Meridian); northwest along the
500, 540, and 560 lines to the Weyerhaeuser 813 line; northwest
along the 813, 812, 5000J, 5000 and 4000 lines to the Pe
Ell/McDonald Road (Section 15, T12N, R4W); west along the Pe
Ell/McDonald Road to the Lost Valley Road; northeast along the
Lost Valley Road to the Boistfort Road; north along the Boistfort
Road to the King Road; east along the King Road to the town of
Winlock and State Highway 603; south along Highway 505 to the
Winlock/Vader Road; south along said road to the Town of Vader
and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 055 East Valley (Wahkiakum County): Within one mile
on either side of the line beginning at Wilson Creek Park on East
Valley Road; west on East Valley Road to the junction with Middle
Valley Road (4.5 miles); north along Middle Valley Road to the
junction of Oat Field Road (2.5 miles).
Elk Area No. 057 Carlton (Lewis County): That part of 513 (South
Rainier) lying east of Highway 123 and north of Highway 12.
Elk Area No. 058 West Goat Rocks (Lewis County): Goat Rocks
Wilderness west of the Pacific Crest Trail.
Elk Area No. 059 Mt. Adams Wilderness (Skamania and Yakima
counties): The Mt. Adams Wilderness.
Elk Area No. 062 South Bank (Grays Harbor County): That portion
of GMU 660 (Minot Peak) described as follows: Beginning at
Highway 12 and Wakefield Road Junction (South Elma); south on
Wakefield Road, across the Chehalis River to the South Bank Road;
southeast on the South Bank Road to Delezene Road; south on the
Delezene Road to a point one mile from the South Bank Road;
southeast along a line one mile southwest of the South Bank Road
to the Oakville-Brooklyn Road; east on the Oakville-Brooklyn Road
to Oakville and Highway 12; northwest on Highway 12 to Wakefield
Road to Elma and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 064 Quinault Valley (Grays Harbor and Jefferson
counties): That portion of GMU 638 (Quinault) beginning at the
junction of Wright Canyon Road and South Shore Road; north to the
shoreline of Lake Quinault; north along Lake Quinault to the
Olympic National Park (ONP) boundary; east along ONP boundary to
its intersection with the South Shore Road and U.S. Forest
Service boundary; west along the U.S. Forest Service boundary to
the Wright Canyon Road Junction with the South Shore Road and
point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 066 Chehalis Valley (Grays Harbor County): That
portion of GMU 660 (Minot Peak) beginning at Highway 12 and
Highway 107 junction near Montesano; east and south on Highway 12
to Oakville; south on Oakville-Brooklyn Road to a point one mile
west of South Bank Road; northwest along a line one mile
southwest of South Bank Road to Delezene Road; north along
Delezene Road to South Bank Road; northwest along South Bank Road
to Wakefield Road; north on Wakefield Road to Chehalis River;
west on Chehalis River to Highway 107 bridge; north on Highway
107 to Highway 12 and the point of beginning.
Elk Areas No. 067 North Minot (Grays Harbor County): The portion
of GMU 660 (Minot Peak) beginning at the junction on State Route
107 and the Melbourne A-line, on the Melbourne A-line to the
Vesta F-line; south on Vesta F-line to Vesta H-line (Vesta Creek
Road); south on Vesta Creek Road to the North River Road; south
and east on North River Road to the Brooklyn Road; east on
Brooklyn Road to the Garrard Creek Road; east and north on
Garrard Creek Road to the South Bank Road; east on South Bank to
South State Street (Oakville); north on South State Street to US
12; northwest and west on US 12 to State Route 107; south and
southwest on SR 107 to the Melbourne A-line and the point of
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-04-017 (Order 00-05), 232-28-02220, filed 1/24/00, effective 2/24/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 98-10-017 (Order 98-62), 232-28-02220, filed 4/22/98, effective 5/23/98; 97-06-059 (Order 97-41), 232-28-02220, filed 2/27/97, effective 3/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.010 and 77.12.040. 96-04-027, 232-28-02220, filed 2/1/96, effective 3/3/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 95-11-035, 232-28-02220, filed 5/10/95, effective 6/10/95; 95-03-040 (Order 94-155), 232-28-02220, filed 1/10/95, effective 2/10/95; 94-11-038 (Order 646), 232-28-02220, filed 5/10/94, effective 6/10/94.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
Reviser's note: The spelling errors in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-05, filed 1/24/00,
effective 2/24/00)
WAC 232-28-02240
Game management units (GMUs) -- Special game
areas -- Boundary descriptions -- Muzzleloader area descriptions
Muzzleloader Area No. 911 Fairview (Kittitas County): Begin at
U.S. Highway 97 and First Creek Road; east on First Creek Road to
((Upper Green Canyon Road and Reecer Creek; north on Reecer
Creek)) USFS 3507; south on USFS 3507 to (USFS 35 Road) to USFS
3517 Road; east on USFS 3517 Road to Lillard Hill Road and Wilson
Creek Road; south on Wilson Creek Road to the BPA Powerlines
(T19N; R19E; Section 19); east along the BPA Powerlines to the
Colockum Pass Road (T19N; R20E; Section 16); south on Colockum
Pass Road to the BPA Powerlines (T18N; R20E; Section 6); east
along the BPA Powerlines to the Parke Creek Road; ((south)) north
on Parke Creek Road to ((Christiansen)) Whiskey Jim Road;
((west)) east on ((Christiansen)) Whiskey Jim Road to ((Fox Road;
north on Fox Road to Lyons Road; west on Lyons Road to Venture
Road; north on Venture Road to Brick Mill Road; west on Brick
Mill Road to Look Road; north on Look Road to Hungry Junction
Road; west on Hungry Junction Road to U.S. Highway 97; north on
U.S. Highway 97 to First Creek Road and point of beginning.))
Beacon Ridge Road; south on Beacon Ridge Road to Vantage Highway;
east on Vantage Highway to Interstate 90 (I-90); west on I-90 to
Highway 97 and the point of beginning.
Muzzleloader Area No. 925 Ritzville (Adams County): Beginning at
the junction of Interstate 90 and S.R. 261 near the Town of
Ritzville; south along S.R. 261 to S.R. 26; east on S.R. 26 to
the Whitman County line; north along the Adams, Whitman County
line to where it intersects the Lincoln, Adams County line; north
along the Adams, Lincoln County line to Interstate 90; west along
Interstate 90 to point of beginning.
Muzzleloader Area No. 926 Guemes (Skagit County): That part of
GMU 407 (North Sound) on Guemes Island.
Muzzleloader Area No. 941 Skagit River (Skagit County):
Beginning at the intersection of State Route 9 and State Route
20; east on State Route 20 to Grandy Creek; south down Grandy
Creek to the Skagit River; south on a line to South Skagit
Highway; west on South Skagit Highway to State Route 9; north on
State Route 9 to point of beginning.
Muzzleloader Area No. 944 Clemen (Yakima County): That portion
of GMU 342 beginning at the junction of Highway 410 and USFS Road
1701 (Big Bald Mountain Road); north to USFS Road 1712; east on
USFS Road 1712 (Clemen Ridge Road) to the east edge of Meyster
Canyon; along the east side of Meyster Canyon to the elk fence;
west along the elk fence to Waterworks Canyon and Highway 410 and
to point of beginning.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-04-017 (Order 00-05), 232-28-02240, filed 1/24/00, effective 2/24/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 99-10-102 (Order 99-40), 232-28-02240, filed 5/5/99, effective 6/5/99; 98-10-020 (Order 98-63), 232-28-02240, filed 4/22/98, effective 5/23/98; 97-06-060 (Order 97-43), 232-28-02240, filed 2/27/97, effective 3/30/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.010 and 77.12.040. 96-04-027, 232-28-02240, filed 2/1/96, effective 3/3/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 94-18-058 (Order 94-57), 232-28-02240, filed 8/31/94, effective 10/1/94; 94-11-040 (Order 648), 232-28-02240, filed 5/10/94, effective 6/10/94.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-50, filed 5/23/00,
effective 6/23/00)
WAC 232-28-278
2000-2002 Deer general seasons and ((2000))
2001 special permits.
Bag Limit: One (1) deer per hunter during the ((2000)) 2001
hunting season. The Fish and Wildlife Commission may authorize
two doe permits for damage areas. Any multiple doe permits will
be identified by special permit.
Hunting Method: Hunters must select one of the hunting methods
(modern firearm, archery, muzzleloader).
Any Buck Deer Seasons: Open only to the taking of male deer with
visible antlers (buck fawns illegal).
Branched Antler Restrictions: APPLIES TO ALL HUNTERS DURING ANY
((OPEN)) GENERAL SEASON! Buck deer taken in these GMUs must meet
minimum antler point requirements. Minimum antler point
requirements are antler points on one side only. Antler points
include eye guards but all antler points must be at least one
inch long. The following GMUs have 2 or 3 point minimum
requirements on buck deer taken.
2 Point GMUs: 437, 558, 574, 578, 588, 636, 654, and 681.
3 Point GMUs: All Mule Deer in 100, 200, and 300 series GMUs;
Whitetail Deer in GMUs 127, 130, 133, 136, 139, 142, 145, 149,
154, 162, 163, 166, 169, 172, 175, 178, 181, and 186.
Permit Only Units: The following GMUs are closed during general
seasons: 290 (Desert), 329 (Quilomene), 342 (Umtanum), 371
(Alkali), and 485 (Green River).
GMUs Closed to Deer Hunting: 157 (Mill Creek Watershed) and 522
Blacktail Deer: Any member of blacktail/mule deer (species
Odocoileus hemionus) found west of a line drawn from the Canadian
border south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along the Yakama
Indian Reservation boundary in Yakima County to Klickitat County
and in Klickitat County west of Highway 97.
Mule Deer: Any member of blacktail/mule deer (species Odocoileus
hemionus) found east of a line drawn from the Canadian border
south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along the Yakama Indian
Reservation boundary in Yakima County to Klickitat County and in
Klickitat County east of Highway 97.
Whitetail Deer: Means any whitetail deer (member of the species
Odocoileus virginianus) except the Columbian Whitetail Deer
(species Odocoileus virginianus leucurus).
((Harvest Report Card: Successful hunters must fill out and
return a Game Harvest Report Card within 10 days after taking a
Modern Firearm Deer Seasons
License Required: A valid big game hunting license which includes a deer species option.
Tag Required: Valid modern firearm deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: Modern firearm deer tag hunters may use rifle, handgun, shotgun, bow or muzzleloader, but only during modern firearm seasons.
Hunt Season | 2000 Dates | 2001 Dates | 2002 Dates | Game Management Units (GMUs) | Legal Deer |
Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Alpine Lakes, Glacier Peak, Pasayten and Olympic Peninsula Wilderness Areas and Lake Chelan Recreation Area and that part of the Henry Jackson Wilderness Area west of the Pacific Crest Trail | 3 pt. min. | |
Western Washington Blacktail Deer |
Oct. 14-31 | Oct. 13-31 | Oct. 12-31 | 407, 418, 426, 448 through 466, 490, 501 through 520, 524 through 556, 560, 568, 572, 601 through 633, 638 through 673, 684 | Any buck |
410, 564 | Any deer | ||||
437, 558, 574, 578, 588, 636, 654, 681 | 2 pt. min. | ||||
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Oct. 14-27 | Oct. 13-26 | Oct. 12-25 | 101 through 124, 203 through 382 except closed in GMUs 290, 329, 342, 371 and PLWMA 201 | Any whitetail buck |
Oct. 14-22 | Oct. 13-21 | Oct. 12-20 | 127 through 154, 162 through 186 | Whitetail, 3 pt. min. | |
Mule Deer | Oct. 14-22 | Oct. 13-21 | Oct. 12-20 | All 100, 200, and 300 series GMUs except closed in GMUs 157, 290, 329, 342, and that part of 371 east of Interstate Highway 82, and PLWMA 201 | 3 pt. min., except any deer in that part of GMU 381 west of Highway 395 and SR17 |
Western Washington Blacktail Deer |
Nov. 16-19 | Nov. 15-18 | Nov. 14-17 | All 400, 500, and 600 GMUs except closed in GMUs 418, 426, 437, 448, 450, 460, 485, 522, 574, 578, and 588 | Any buck except 2 pt. min. in GMUs 558, 636, 654, 681 and any deer in GMUs 410 and 564 |
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Nov. 6-19 | Nov. 5-19 | Nov. 4-19 | 105 through 124 | Any whitetail buck |
Nov. 11-19 | Nov. 10-18 | Nov. 9-17 | 127 through 142 | Whitetail-3 pt. min. | |
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Oct. 13-21 | Oct. 12-20 | 204, 209, 215 | Any whitetail | |
Eastern Washington Deer |
Oct. 13-21 | Oct. 12-20 | 209-248, 260, 269 | Any Deer | |
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Oct. 14-27 | Oct. 13-26 | Oct. 12-25 | 101 through 124 | Any whitetail deer |
Oct. 14-22 | Oct. 13-21 | Oct. 12-20 | 127 through 142 | Whitetail-3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer | Oct. 13-21 | Oct. 12-20 | 142 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. or anterless | |
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Oct. 14-22 | Oct. 13-21 | Oct. 12-20 | 145 through 154, 162 through 186 |
Whitetail-3 pt. min. or antlerless |
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Dec. 9-15 | Dec. 9-15 | Dec. 9-15 | GMUs 130-142 | Whitetail-Antlerless only |
License Required: A valid big game hunting license which includes a deer species option.
Tag Required: Valid archery deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.
Special Notes: Archery tag holders can only hunt during archery seasons with archery equipment.
Hunt Area | 2000 Dates | 2001 Dates | 2002 Dates | Game Management Units (GMUs) | Legal Deer |
Early Archery Deer Seasons | |||||
Western Washington Blacktail Deer |
Sept. 1-30 | Sept. 1-30 | Sept. 1-30 | 407 through 426, 448 through 466,
490 through 520, 524 through 556,
560 through 572, 601 through 633,
638 through 673, 684 and Long Island.
(( |
Any Deer, except buck only in GMUs 506, 530, 550, 568, 672, 673 |
437, 558, 574, 578, 588, 636, 654, 681 | 2 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
Alpine Lakes, Glacier Peak, and Olympic Peninsula Wilderness Areas | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
Eastern Washington Mule Deer |
Sept. 1-30 | Sept. 1-30 | Sept. 1-30 | 101 through 127, 204 (( |
3 pt. min. |
Sept. 1-15 | Sept. 1-15 | Sept. 1-15 | 130 through 154, 162 through 178, 181, 186, 209 through 242, 248, 254, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, 381, 382 | 3 pt. min., except any deer in GMU 381 | |
Sept. 16-30 | Sept. 16-30 | Sept. 16-30 | 130 through 154, 162 through 178, 209 through 242, 248, 254, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, 381, 382 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless, except any deer in GMU 381 | |
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Sept. 1-30 | Sept. 1-30 | Sept. 1-30 | 101 through 124, 204 through 284 | Any whitetail deer |
Sept. 1-30 | Sept. 1-30 | Sept. 1-30 | 127 through 154, 162 through 186 | Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Late Archery Deer Seasons | |||||
Western Washington Blacktail Deer |
Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | 588 | 2 pt. min. or antlerless |
Nov. 22-Dec. 15 | Nov. 21-Dec. 15 | Nov. 20-Dec. 15 | 558, 636, 681 | 2 pt. min. or antlerless | |
460, 466, 506 through 520, 524, 530, 556, 560, 572, 601, 607 through 618, 638, 648, 673, and Long Island | Any deer, except buck only in GMUs 506, 530, and 673 | ||||
Nov. 22-Dec. 31 | Nov. 21-Dec. 31 | Nov. 20-Dec. 31 | 407, 410, 454, 505, 603, 624, 627, 642, 652, 660 through 672 | Any deer, except buck only in GMU 672 | |
437 | 2 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
Eastern Washington Mule Deer |
Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | 145, 178 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless |
Nov. 22-Dec. 15 | Nov. 21-Dec. 15 | Nov. 20-Dec. 15 | 127 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | 209, 215, 233, 243, 250, 346, 352,
(( |
3 pt. min. | ||
272 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Nov. 10-Dec. 15 | Nov. 10-Dec. 15 | Nov. 10-Dec. 15 | 101 | Any Whitetail |
Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | 209, 215, 233, 272 | Any Whitetail | |
145, 178 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Nov. 22-Dec.15 | Nov. 21-Dec. 15 | Nov. 20-Dec. 15 | 105, 117, 121, 124 | Any Whitetail |
127 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless |
License Required: A valid big game hunting license which includes a deer species option.
Tag Required: Valid muzzleloader deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: Muzzleloader only.
Special Notes: Muzzleloader tag holders can only hunt during muzzleloader seasons and must hunt with muzzleloader equipment.
Hunt Area | 2000 Dates | 2001 Dates | 2002 Dates | Game Management Units | Legal Deer |
High Buck Hunts | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Alpine Lakes, Glacier Peak, Pasayten and Olympic Peninsula Wilderness Areas, Lake Chelan Recreation Area and that part of the Henry Jackson Wilderness Area west of the Pacific Crest Trail. | 3 pt. min. |
Early Muzzleloader Deer Seasons | |||||
Western Washington Blacktail Deer |
Oct. 7-11 | Oct. 6-10 | Oct. 5-9 | 407, 418, 426, 448, 501, 504, 505, 513, 520, 530, 554, 568, 603, 612, 624, 627, 638, 642, 660, 663, 672, 673, 684 | Any buck |
410, 454, 564, 652, 666 | Any deer | ||||
437, 578 | 2 pt. min. | ||||
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Oct. 7-11 | Oct. 6-10 | Oct. 5-9 | 209, 239, 243, 244, 245, 246, 250, 251, 284, 381 | Whitetail, any buck |
133, 142, 145, 149 | Whitetail, 3 pt. min. | ||||
109, 117, 124 | Whitetail, any deer | ||||
Eastern Washington Mule Deer |
Oct. 7-11 | Oct. 6-10 | Oct. 5-9 | 109, 117, 133, 142, 145, 149, 209, 239, 243, 244, 245, 246, 250, 251, 284, 336, 352, 360,, 381 382 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. |
Late Muzzleloader Deer Seasons | |||||
Western Washington Blacktail Deer |
Nov. 22-Dec. 15 | Nov. 21-Dec. 15 | Nov. 20-Dec. 15 | 410, 501, 504, 564, 666, 684, and Muzzleloader Area 926 | Any deer |
654 | 2 pt. min. | ||||
550, 602, 633, 651 | Any buck | ||||
Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | 578 | 2 pt. min. | |
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer |
Nov. 22-Dec. 15 | (( |
(( |
113 | Whitetail, any
(( |
Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | 130, 139, 172, 181, 284 | Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer |
Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | 130, 284, 381 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. or antlerless |
Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | 382 | 3 pt. min. |
License Required: Hunting license.
Tag Required: Valid modern firearm, archery or muzzleloader deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: Must use weapon in compliance with tag. Firearm restrictions apply in some GMUs. In firearm restriction areas, modern firearm hunters may hunt with a muzzleloader equipped with a scope.
Firearm Restricted Hunts Open To All Deer Hunters | |||||
Hunting license and deer tag required. Must use hunting method in compliance with tag. Check firearm restrictions. Archery, shotgun, muzzleloader or revolver type handgun only. Hunter orange required. | |||||
Hunt Area | 2000 Dates | 2001 Dates | 2002 Dates | Game Management Units (GMUs) | Legal Deer |
Western Washington Blacktail Deer |
Oct. 14-31 | Oct. 13-31 | Oct. 12-31 | 410, Vashon and Maury Islands | Any deer |
Nov. 22-Dec. 31 | Nov. 21-Dec. 31 | Nov. 20-Dec. 31 | 564 | Any deer | |
Sept. 1-Dec. 31 | Sept. 1- Dec. 31 | Sept. 1-Dec. 31 | Indian Island. Restricted Access.* | Any deer | |
*Archery only except for one day persons of disability hunt. Archers must qualify during the June to August period to hunt. For information call Bill Kalina at (360) 396-5353. |
(Open to Permit Holders Only)
Hunters must purchase a deer hunting license prior to purchase of a permit application.
Hunt Name | (( Permit Season |
Special Restrictions |
Boundary Description |
(( 2001 Permits |
Modern Firearm Deer Permit Hunts (Only modern firearm and muzzleloader deer tag holders may apply) | |||||
Hunters may hunt only with weapon in compliance with tag. | |||||
Sherman | Oct. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 101 | (( |
Kelly Hill | Oct. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 105 | (( |
Threeforks | Oct. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 109 | (( |
Selkirk | Oct. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 113 | (( |
49 Degrees North | Oct. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 117 | (( |
Huckleberry | Oct. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 121 | (( |
Mt. Spokane | Oct. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 124 | (( |
Mica Peak | Oct. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 127 | 160 | |
Cheney | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 130 | 150 | |
Roosevelt | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 133 | 450 | |
Harrington | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 136 | 125 | |
Steptoe | Nov. (( |
(( |
GMU 139 | (( |
Almota | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 142 | (( |
Mayview | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 145 | (( |
Prescott A | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 149 | 400 | |
Prescott B | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | That portion of GMU 149 north and east of Hwy 261 | (( |
Blue Creek | Nov. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 154 | 200 | |
Dayton | Nov. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 162 | 250 | |
Marengo A | Nov. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | GMU 163 | (( |
Marengo B | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 163 | (( |
Peola | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 178 | (( |
Blue Mtns. Foothills A | Nov. (( |
(( |
GMUs 149, 154, 162-166 | 100 | |
Blue Mtns. Foothills B | Nov. (( |
(( |
GMUs 145, 172-181 | 50 | |
East Okanogan | Nov. 1-15 | Any Whitetail | GMU 204 | 100 | |
West Okanogan | Nov. 1-15 | Any Whitetail | GMUs 209, 218-242 | 100 | |
Sinlahekin | Nov. 1-15 | Any Whitetail | GMU 215 | 50 | |
Chewuch | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 218 | (( |
Pearrygin | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 224 | (( |
Gardner | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 231 | (( |
Pogue | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 233 | 15 | |
Chiliwist | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 239 | (( |
Alta | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 242 | (( |
Manson | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 243 | (( |
Chiwawa | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 245 | (( |
Slide Ridge | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 246 | 15 | |
Entiat | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 247 | (( |
Big Bend A | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 248 | 50 | |
Big Bend C | Nov. 1-15 | Antlerless | GMU 248 | 50 | |
Swakane | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 250 | (( |
Mission | Nov. 1-15 | Any Buck | GMU 251 | (( |
St. Andrews | Oct. 13-21 | Antlerless | GMU 254 | 50 | |
Withrow | Oct. 13-21 | Antlerless | GMU 262 | 50 | |
Foster Creek | Oct. 13-21 | Antlerless | GMU 260 | 100 | |
Badger | Nov. 1-15 | Antlerless | GMU 266 | 75 | |
Beezeley East | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | That part of GMU 272 in Grant County | 300 | |
Kahlotus | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 284 | 100 | |
Desert A | Nov. 1-15 | Any Deer | GMU 290 | 15 | |
Desert B | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 290 | 50 | |
Quilomene A | Nov. (( |
Any Buck | GMU 329 | (( |
Umtanum A | Nov. (( |
Any Buck | GMU 342 | (( |
Alkali A | Nov. (( |
Any Buck | GMU 371 | (( |
Alkali B | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 371 | (( |
East Klickitat | Oct. (( |
(( Any Deer |
GMU 382 | 50 | |
Snoqualmie | Nov. 1-11 | Any Buck | GMU 460 | 500 | |
Green River (( |
Oct. (( |
Any Buck | GMU 485 | (( |
Lincoln | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 501 | (( |
Stella | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 504(( |
(( |
Mossyrock | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 505 | (( |
Stormking | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 510 | (( |
South Rainier | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 513 | (( |
Packwood | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 516 | (( |
Winston | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 520 | (( |
Yale | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 554(( |
(( |
Marble | Oct. (( |
2 Pt. Min. or Antlerless | GMU 558 | (( |
Lewis River | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 560 | (( |
Siouxon | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 572 | (( |
Wind River A | Oct. (( |
2 Pt. Min. or Antlerless | GMU 574 | 40 | |
Wind River B | Nov. (( |
2 Pt. Min. | GMU 574 | 25 | |
West Klickitat A | Oct. (( |
2 Pt. Min. or Antlerless | GMU 578 | 50 | |
West Klickitat B | Nov. (( |
2 Pt. Min | GMU 578 | 35 | |
Grayback A | Oct. (( |
2 Pt. Min. or Antlerless | GMU 588 | (( |
Grayback B | Nov. (( |
2 Pt. Min | GMU 588 | 50 | |
Pysht(( |
Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 603 | (( |
Olympic | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 621 | (( |
Coyle | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 624 | 30 | |
Kitsap | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 627 | 20 | |
Mason Lake | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 633 | (( |
Skokomish | Oct. (( |
2 Pt. Min. or Antlerless | GMU 636 | 80 | |
Wynoochee A | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 648 | (( |
Wynoochee B | Nov. 1-11 | Any Buck | GMU 648 | 10 | |
Satsop A | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 651 | 150 | |
Satsop B | Nov. 1-11 | Any Buck | GMU 651 | 10 | |
North River | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 658 | (( |
Minot Peak | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 660 | 100 | |
Capitol Peak A | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 663 | (( |
Capitol Peak B | Nov. 1-11 | Any Buck | GMU 663 | 10 | |
Deschutes | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 666 | 80 | |
Skookumchuck A | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 667 | 200 | |
Skookumchuck B | Nov. 1-11 | Any Buck | GMU 667 | 10 | |
aGreen River deer and elk permit holders may hunt bear and cougar in GMU 485 with bear and cougar tags during permit season. | |||||
(( |
(( |
Muzzleloader Only Deer Permit Hunts (Only muzzleloader tag holders may apply.) | |||||
Green Bluff | Dec. (( |
Whitetail, Antlerless | That portion of GMU 124 east of Hwy 2 | (( |
Blue Mtns. Foothills C | (( |
(( |
GMUs (( |
60 | |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Moses Coulee | Dec. 1-31 | Antlerless | GMU 269 | 50 | |
Desert C | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 290 | (( |
Quilomene B | Oct. 1-10 | Any Buck | GMU 329 | (( |
Umtanum B | Oct. 1-10 | Any Buck | GMU 342 | (( |
Alkali C | Sept. 30-Oct. 6 | Any Buck | GMU 371 | (( |
Alkali D | Sept. 30-Oct. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 371 | (( |
Mason Lake B | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 633 | 30 | |
Satsop C | Oct. (( |
Any Deer | GMU 651 | 50 | |
Archery Only Deer Permit Hunts (Only archery deer tag holders may apply.) | |||||
Desert D | (( |
Any Deer | GMU 290 | (( |
Quilomene C | (( |
Any (( |
GMU 329 | (( |
Umtanum C | (( |
Any (( |
GMU 342 | (( |
Alkali E | (( |
Any Deer | GMU 371 | (( |
Special Deer Permit Hunts for Hunters 65 or older. | |||||
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Blue Mtn. Foothills D | Oct. 13-21 | 3 Pt. Min. or Antlerless | GMUs 145, 149, 181 | 150 | |
Special Youth Deer Permit Hunts (Must be eligible for the youth hunting license and accompanied by an adult during the hunt.) | |||||
Blue Mtns. Foothills E | (( |
(( |
GMUs 149, 154, 162-166 | (( |
Blue Mtns. Foothills F | (( |
(( |
GMUs 145, 172-181 | 75 | |
Mission | Oct. 13-21 | Any Deer | GMU 251 | 50 | |
Quilomene D | Oct. 13-21 | Antlerless | GMU 328 | 75 | |
Umtanum D | Oct. 13-21 | Antlerless | GMU 342 | 75 | |
Toutle | (( |
Any Deer | GMU 556 | 100 | |
Wind River C | (( |
2-Pt. Min. or Antlerless | GMU 574 | 75 | |
Satsop C | Oct. 10-31 | Any Deer | GMU 651 | 10 | |
Skookumchuck (( |
(( |
Any Deer | GMU 667 | 60 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), 232-28-278, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
Reviser's note: The typographical errors in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-50, filed 5/23/00,
effective 6/23/00)
WAC 232-28-279
2000-2002 Elk general seasons and
((2000-2001)) 2001-2002 special permits.
Bag Limit: One (1) elk per hunter during the ((2000)) 2001
hunting season.
Hunting Method: Elk hunters must select only one of the hunting
methods (modern firearm, archery, or muzzleloader).
Elk Tag Areas: Elk hunters must choose either Eastern or Western
Washington to hunt in and buy the appropriate tag for that area.
((The Northwest, Blue Mountains, Colockum, and Yakima elk tags
are all valid for the Eastern Washington Tag Area.))
Any Bull Elk Seasons: Open only to the taking of male elk with
visible antlers (bull calves are illegal).
Spike Bull Restrictions: Bull elk taken in these GMUs must have
at least one antler that is a spike above the ears (does not
branch above ears). An animal with branched antlers on both
sides is illegal but an animal with a spike on one side is legal
in spike only units.
Spike Only GMUs: 145-154, 162-186, 249-251, 328, 329, and
335-((371)) 368.
3 Point Restriction: Legal bull elk taken must have at least 3
antler points on one side only. Antler points may include eye
guards, but antler points on the lower half of the main beam must
be at least four (4) inches long measured from antler tip to
nearest edge of beam; all other antler points must be at least
one (1) inch long. Antler restrictions apply to all hunters
during any open season.
3 Point GMUs: All of Western Washington except for GMUs 454,
564, 568, 574, 578, and 588 and Muzzleloader Area 941.
GMUs Closed to Elk Hunting: 418 (Nooksack), and 437 (Sauk)
except for ML Elk Area 941, 485 (Green River), 490 (Cedar River),
522 (Loo-wit) and 636 (Skokomish).
Special Permits: Only hunters with elk tag prefix identified in
the Special Elk Permits tables may apply for special bull or
antlerless permits. Please see permit table for tag eligibility.
Hunters drawn for a special permit may hunt only with a weapon in
compliance with their tag and during the dates listed for the
((Harvest Report Card: Successful hunters must fill out and
return a Game Harvest Report Card within 10 days after taking an
Elk Tag Areas
Eastern Washington: All 100, 200, and 300 GMUs except permit
only in GMUs 127 and 130 for modern firearm hunters and permit
only for all hunters in ((GMU)) GMUs 157 and 371. Modern firearm
restrictions in GMU 334.
EA - Eastern Washington Archery Tag
EF - Eastern Washington Modern Firearm General Elk Tag
EM - Eastern Washington Muzzleloader Tag
Western Washington: All 400, 500, and 600 GMUs except closed in GMUs 418, 437 (except for Muzzleloader Area 941), 485, 490, 522, 636 and modern firearm restrictions in portions of GMU 660. GMU 554 is open only for early archery and muzzleloader seasons. Elk Area 064 in GMU 638 (Quinault) is open to AHE hunters only. Elk hunting by permit only in GMUs 524, 556, 621, and PLWMA 600 (Pysht).
WA - Western Washington Archery Tag
WF - Western Washington Modern Firearm General Elk Tag
WM - Western Washington Muzzleloader Tag
Modern Firearm Elk Seasons
License Required: A valid big game hunting license with an elk
tag option.
Tag Required: Valid modern firearm elk tag as listed below on his/her person for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: May use rifle, bow and arrow, or muzzleloader, but only during modern firearm seasons.
Hunt Area | Elk Area | Game Management Units (GMUs) | 2000 Dates | 2001 Dates | 2002 Dates | Legal Elk |
Eastern Washington |
EF | 109 through 117, 124 east of Hwy 395 | Oct. 28-Nov. 5 | Oct. 27-Nov. 4 | Oct. 26-Nov. 3 | Any bull |
157 | Permit only | |||||
145 through 154, 162 through 186, 249, that part of GMU 250 south of Hwy 2, 251, 328, 329, 335 through 368 | Oct. 28-Nov. 5 | Oct. 27-Nov. 4 | Oct. 26-Nov. 3 | Spike bull | ||
372, 382 | Sept. 1-Oct. 13 | (( |
(( |
Antlerless | ||
Oct. 28-Nov. 5 | (( |
(( |
(( |
Oct. 6-15 | Oct. 6-15 | Any elk | ||||
Dec. 9-13 | (( |
(( |
(( |
101, 105, 121, 124 west of Hwy 395, 127-142 | Oct. 28-Nov. 5 | Oct. 27-Nov. 4 | (( |
Any elk | ||
Western Washington |
WF | 407, 448, 460, 466, 504 through 520, 530, 550, 558, 560, 572, 601 through 618, 624 through 633, 638 through 684. Except AHE hunters only in Elk Area 064 in GMU 638, and Elk Area 066 in GMU 660. | Nov. 4-12 | Nov. 3-11 | Nov. 2-10 | 3 pt. min. |
501 | Nov. 4-12 | Nov. 3-11 | Nov. 2-10 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||
564, 568, 574 through 588 | Nov. 4-12 | Nov. 3-11 | Nov. 2-10 | Any elk | ||
454 | Nov. 4-12 | Nov. 3-11 | Nov. 2-10 | Any bull | ||
524, 556, 621, PLWMA 600 | Nov. 4-12 | Nov. 3-11 | Nov. 2-10 | Permit only |
Archery Elk Seasons
License Required: A valid big game hunting license with an elk
tag option.
Tag Required: Valid archery elk tag as listed below on his/her person for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: Bow and arrow only as defined by WAC 232-12-054.
Special Notes: Archery tag holders can hunt only during archery seasons. Archery elk hunters may apply for special bull permits. Please see permit table for tag eligibility for all elk permits.
Hunt Area | Elk Tag | Game Management Units (GMUs) | 2000 Dates | 2001 Dates | 2002 Dates | Legal Elk |
Early Archery Elk Seasons | ||||||
Eastern Washington |
EA | 101 through (( |
Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Any elk |
145 through 154, 162 through 186 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Spike bull | ||
328, 329, 330, 335, 336, 340, 352, 356, 364 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Spike bull or antlerless | ||
113-117 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Any (( |
Western Washington |
WA | 454, 564, 568, 574, 578, 588 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Any elk |
407, 448, 501 through
(( |
Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||
460, 466, 506, 510, 513, 516, 520, 530, 601, 602, 603, 612 through 618, 624 through 633, 638 through 651, 652, 653, 658, 666, 681. AHE hunters only in Elk Area 064 in GMU 638, and Elk Area 066 in GMU 660. Permit only in PLWMA 600 in GMU 603. | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | Sept. 1-14 | 3 pt. min. | ||
Late Archery Elk Seasons | ||||||
Eastern Washington |
EA | 101, 105, (( |
Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | Any elk |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
372 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | Any elk | |||
178 | Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | Antlerless only | ||
328, 335, 336, 346, 352,
364, 368 (( |
Nov. 22-Dec. 8 | Nov. 21-Dec. 8 | Nov. 20-Dec. 8 | Spike bull or antlerless | ||
That part of GMUs 352 and 360 south of Upper Nile Loop Road Bridge and north of Lower Nile Loop Road Bridge (near Woodshed Restaurant) and north and east of Nile elk fence. | Nov. 22-Jan. 31, 2002 | Antlerless only | ||||
Western Washington |
WA | 407, 505, (( |
Nov. 22-Dec. 15 | Nov. 21-Dec. 15 | Nov. 20-Dec. 15 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless |
454, 564, 588 | Nov. 22-Dec. 15 | Nov. 21-Dec. 15 | Nov. 20-Dec. 15 | Any elk | ||
(( |
Nov. 22-Dec. 15 | Nov. 21-Dec. 15 | Nov. 20-Dec. 15 | 3 pt. min. | ||
506, 520, 530 | Nov. 21-Dec. 2 | Nov. 20-Dec. 1 | 3 pt. min. or anterless | |||
506, 520, 530 | Dec. 3-15 | Dec. 2-15 | 3 pt. min. |
License Required: A valid big game hunting license with an elk
tag option.
Tag Required: Valid muzzleloader elk tag as listed below on his/her person for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: Muzzleloader only as defined by WAC 232-12-051.
Special Notes: Muzzleloader tag holders can only hunt during the muzzleloader seasons and must hunt with muzzleloader equipment. Only hunters with tags identified in the Special Elk Permits tables may apply for special elk permits.
Hunt Area | Elk Tag | Game Management Units (GMUs) | 2000 Dates | 2001 Dates | 2002 Dates | Legal Elk |
Early Muzzleloader Elk Seasons | ||||||
Eastern Washington |
EM | 109, 247 | Oct. 7-13 | Oct. 6-12 | Oct. 5-11 | Any bull |
127 through 142 | Oct. 7-13 | Oct. 6-12 | Oct. 5-11 | Any elk | ||
172, 245, 250, 251, 342, 356, 368 | Oct. 7-13 | Oct. 6-12 | Oct. 5-11 | Spike bull | ||
ML 911 | Aug. 19-Sept. 10 | (( |
(( |
Spike bull or antlerless | ||
That part of GMU 368 east of the following boundary: Jump Off Road and the power lines to South Fork Cowiche Creek, west along South Fork Cowiche Creek to Road A 5500, east on A 5500 Road and south on A 5000 Road to North Fork Ahtanum Creek Road, south and west on North Fork Ahtanum Creek Road to A 2000, A 2000 to A 2400 Road, A 2400 Road to A 1000 Road and South Fork of Ahtanum Creek. | Oct. 7-13 | Oct. 6-12 | Oct. 5-11 | Spike bull or Antlerless | ||
Western Washington |
WM | 454, 564, 568, 684 | Oct. 7-13 | Oct. 6-12 | Oct. 5-11 | Any elk |
460, (( |
Oct. 7-13 | Oct. 6-12 | Oct. 5-11 | 3 pt. min. | ||
501 | Oct. 7-13 | Oct. 6-12 | Oct. 5-11 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||
Late Muzzleloader Elk Seasons | ||||||
Eastern Washington |
EM | 101, 105, 121, that part of 124 west of Hwy 395 | Oct. 27-Nov. 4 | Oct. 26-Nov. 3 | Any Elk | |
130 through 142 | Nov. 22- Dec. 8 | Nov. 21- Dec. 8 | Nov. 20- Dec. 8 | Any elk | ||
346 | Nov. 11-15 | Nov. 10-14 | Nov. 9-13 | Spike bull or antlerless | ||
ML Area 944 | Nov. 22- Dec. 8 | (( |
(( |
Spike bull or antlerless | ||
ML Area 911 | Dec. 1-31 | Dec. 1-31 | Spike bull or antlerless | |||
That part of GMU 368 east of the following boundary: Jump Off Road and the power lines to South Fork Cowiche Creek, west along South Fork Cowiche Creek to Road A 5500, east on A 5500 Road and south on A 5000 Road to North Fork Ahtanum Creek Road, south and west on North Fork Ahtanum Creek Road to A 2000, A 2000 to A 2400 Road, A 2400 Road to A 1000 Road and South Fork of Ahtanum Creek. | Nov. 11-15 | Nov. 10-14 | Nov. 9-13 | Spike bull or antlerless | ||
Western Washington |
WM | 501, 505 | Nov. 22- Dec. 8 | Nov. 21- Dec. 8 | Nov. 20- Dec. 8 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless |
454, 564, 568, 684 | Nov. 22- Dec. 15 | Nov. 21- Dec. 15 | Nov. 20- Dec. 15 | Any elk | ||
574, 578 | Nov. 22- Dec. 8 | Nov. 21- Dec. 8 | Nov. 20- Dec. 8 | Any elk | ||
504, 550, 601, 652 | Nov. 22- Dec. 15 | Nov. 21- Dec. 15 | Nov. 20- Dec. 15 | 3 pt. min. |
License Required: A valid big game hunting license with an elk
tag option.
Tag Required: Proper elk tags are listed with each GMU below.
Hunting Method: Hunters must use method listed on their tag, except in Firearm Restriction Areas, where some types of weapons are banned from use. See elk tag required, dates, and legal elk in table below. In firearm restriction areas modern firearm hunters may hunt with a muzzleloader equipped with a scope.
Hunt Area | Elk Tag | Game Management Units | 2000 Dates | 2001 Dates | 2002 Dates | Legal Elk |
Eastern Washington |
EA, EM, EF | 127 through 142, Advanced Hunter Education Graduates only. | Dec. 9-31 | Dec. 9-31 | Dec. 9-31 | Any elk |
Grant, Adams, Douglas, Franklin, Okanogan, and Benton (south of the Yakima River), and Chelan County (north of Hwy 2, except closed within 1/2 mile of the Columbia River in Douglas and Grant counties) | Oct. 28-Nov. 15 | Oct. 27-Nov. 15 | Oct. 26-Nov. 15 | Any elk | ||
EM | ML Area 911, Advanced Hunter Education Graduates only. | Nov. 24-Dec. 3 | (( |
(( |
Spike bull or antlerless | |
Western Washington | WF | 568, 574, 578, 588 | Nov. 4-12 | Nov. 3-11 | Nov. 2-10 | Any elk |
WF, WA, WM | 564 (archery and muzzleloader methods only, modern firearm elk tag holders may hunt, but must use archery, muzzleloader or revolver type handgun equipment) | Nov. 4-12 | Nov. 3-11 | Nov. 2-10 | Any elk | |
WM | Muzzleloader Area 941 (muzzleloader only) |
11/1/2000 - 1/31/2001 | 11/1/2001 - 1/31/2002 | 11/1/2002 - 1/31/2003 | Any elk | |
WA | Muzzleloader Area 941 (archery only) |
Oct. 1-31 | Oct. 1-31 | Oct. 1-31 | Any elk |
Special Elk Permit Hunting Seasons
(Open to Permit Holders Only)
Permit hunters may hunt only with a weapon in compliance with their tag. Applicants must have purchased the proper tag for these hunts (see elk tag prefix required to apply for each hunt).
Hunt Name | (( Permit Season |
Special Restrictions |
Elk Tag Prefix |
Boundary Description |
(( Permits |
Modern Firearm Bull Permit Hunts | ||||||
Blue Creek A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMU 154 | (( |
Watershed(( |
(( Oct. 27-Nov.4 |
3 Pt. Min. or Antlerless | EA, EF, EM | GMU 157 | 40 | |
Dayton A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMU 162 | (( |
Tucannon A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | Part of GMU
166(( |
2 | |
Wenaha A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMU 169 | 5 | |
Mountain View A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMU 172 | (( |
Couse A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMU 181 | 1 | |
Grande Ronde A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMU 186 | 1 | |
Peaches Ridge A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMUs 336, 346 | (( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Goose Prairie A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMUs 352, 356 | (( |
Bethel A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMU 360 | (( |
Rimrock A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMU 364 | (( |
Cowiche A | (( |
Any Bull | EF | GMU 368 | (( |
Margaret A | Nov. (( |
3 Pt. Min. | WF | GMU 524 | (( |
Toutle A | Nov. (( |
3 Pt. Min. | WF | GMU 556 | (( |
Olympic A | Nov. (( |
3 Pt. Min. | WF | GMU 621h | (( |
((**)) f((The)) That part of GMU 166 west of the Tucannon River.
hThat part of GMU 621 south of the BPA power lines.
Modern Firearm Elk Permit Hunts (Only modern firearm and muzzleloader elk tag holders may apply.) | ||||||
Three Forks | (( |
Any Elk | EF or EM | GMU 109 | (( |
49 Degrees North | Oct. 27-Nov. 4 | Any Elk | EF or EM | GMU 117 | 15 | |
Mount Spokane | (( |
Any Elk | EF or EM | 124 (E. of SR 395) | 50 | |
Blue Creek E | Oct. 22-Nov. 4 | Antlerless | EF or EM | GMUs 149, 154 | 50 | |
Dayton D | Oct. 22-Nov. 4 | Antlerless | EF or EM | GMUs 162, 163i | 100 | |
Shushuskini | Dec. 1-31 | Antlerless | EF or EM | Elk Area 031 | (( |
Malaga A(( |
Sept. 1-Oct. 1 | Antlerless | EF or EM | Elk Area 032 | (( |
Malaga Bi | (( |
Antlerless | EF or EM | Elk Area 032 | (( |
Peshastin A j | Dec. 1-31 | Any Elk | EF or EM | Elk Area 033 | 5 | |
West Bar A | Oct. 22-31 | Anterless | EF or EM | GMU 330 | 10 | |
West Bar B | Nov. 1-4 | Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 330 | 10 | |
Taneum | (( |
Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 336 | (( |
Manastash | (( |
Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 340 | (( |
Observatory A | Oct. 22-Nov. 4 | Any Elk | EF | GMUs 340, 342, 371 | 48 | |
Umtanum A | (( |
Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 342 | (( |
Cleman j | Dec. 9-31 | Anterless | EF or EM | ML Area 944 | 75 | |
Little Naches A | (( |
Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 346 | (( |
Little Naches B | Oct. 1-10 | Any Bull | EF or EM | GMU 346 | (( |
Nile | (( Oct. 31-Nov. 4 |
Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 352 | (( |
Bumping | (( |
Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 356 | (( |
Bethel B | (( |
Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 360 | (( |
Rimrock B | (( |
Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 364 | (( |
Cowiche B | (( |
Antlerless | EF or EM | GMU 368 | (( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Willapa Hills | (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 506 | 50 | |
Raymond C | Dec. 1-31 | Antlerless | WF or WM | Part of GMUs 506 and 673k | 15 | |
Raymond D | Jan. 1-31, 2002 | Antlerless | WF or WM | Part of GMUs 506 and 673k | 15 | |
Raymond E | Feb. 1-28, 2002 | Antlerless | WF or WM | Part of GMUs 506 and 673k | 15 | |
Winston | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 520 | 15 | |
Margaret B | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 524 | 10 | |
Ryderwood | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 530 | 40 | |
Coweeman | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 550 | 20 | |
Toutle B | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 556 | 30 | |
Marble | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 558 | 60 | |
Carlton | Oct. 1-10 | 3-Pt. Min. | WF or WM | Elk Area 057 | 5 | |
West Goat Rocks | Oct. 1-10 | 3-Pt. Min. | WF or WM | Elk Area 058 | 5 | |
Mt. Adams | Oct. 1-10 | 3-Pt. Min. | WF or WM | Elk Area 059 | 5 | |
Lewis River | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 560 | 75 | |
Siouxon | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 572 | 50 | |
Dungeness A | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | Part of GMU
621(( |
(( |
Dungeness B | Nov. (( |
(( |
WF or WM | Part of GMU
621(( |
(( |
Dungeness C | Dec. 12-16 | Anterless | WF or WM | Part of GMU 621l | 6 | |
Satsop | Dec. 1-15 | Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 651 | 15 | |
Puyallup A | Jan. 15-23, 2002 | Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 652 | 25 | |
Mashel A | Dec. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | Part of GMU
654(( |
(( |
North Minot A | Oct. 20-31 | Antlerless | WF or WM | Elk Area 067 | 30 | |
Deschutes A | Jan. 15-23, 2002 | Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 666 | 10 | |
Williams Creek | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | WF or WM | GMU 673 | 40 |
((**)) jDamage hunt.
k That part of GMUs 506 and 673 within 1 mile of SR 6 between the east end of elk Prairie Rd and the Mallis Landing Rd.
((*)) lThat part of GMU 621 north and west of Jimmy Come Lately Creek and the Gray Wolf River.
((***)) mThat part of GMU 654 south of the Puyallup River.
Muzzleloader Bull Permit Hunts (Only muzzleloader elk tag holders may apply.) Note-Fire Closures may limit access during early October seasons |
Blue Creek B | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 154 | 1 | |
Dayton B | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 162 | (( |
Tucannon B | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 166 | 1 | |
Wenaha C | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 169 | 1 | |
Mountain View B | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 172 | (( |
Couse B | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 181 | 1 | |
Grande Ronde B | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 186 | 1 | |
Peaches Ridge B | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMUs 336, 346 | (( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Goose Prairie B | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMUs 352, 356 | (( |
Bethel C | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 360 | (( |
Rimrock C | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 364 | (( |
Cowiche C | (( |
Any Bull | EM | GMU 368 | (( |
Margaret C | (( |
3 Pt. Min. | WM | GMU 524 | (( |
Toutle C | (( |
3 Pt. Min. | WM | GMU 556 | (( |
Olympic B | (( |
3 Pt. Min. | WM | GMU 621 | (( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Muzzleloader Permit Hunts (Only muzzleloader elk tag holders may apply.) | ||||||
Blue Creek C(( |
(( |
Antlerless | EM | GMU 154 | (( |
Columbia Ai | Dec. 1-31 | Antlerless | EM | Part of GMU
162(( |
(( |
Columbia Bi | Jan. 1-31, (( |
Antlerless | EM | Part of GMU
162(( |
(( |
Couse C(( |
Dec. 1-31 | Antlerless | EM | GMU 181 | 25 | |
Couse D(( |
Jan. 1-31, (( |
Antlerless | EM | GMU 181 | 25 | |
West Bar C | Oct. 1-12 | Antlerless | EM | GMU 330 | 10 | |
Observatory B | Oct. 1-12 | Any Elk | EM | GMUs 340, 342, 371 | 9 | |
Umtanum B | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | EM | GMU 342 | (( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Stella A(( |
Nov. 26-Dec. 15 | Antlerless | WM | GMU 504 | 100 | |
Stella B(( |
Jan. 1-16, (( |
Antlerless | WM | GMU 504 | 25 | |
Toledo A(( |
Jan. 1-16, (( |
Antlerless | WM | Elk Area 029 | (( |
Malaga (( |
Oct. (( |
Antlerless | EM | Elk Area 032 | 75 | |
Peshastin Bj | Aug. 18-Sept. 23 | Anterless | EM | Elk Area 033 | 20 | |
Mossyrock A(( |
Jan. 1-16, (( |
Antlerless | WM | Elk Area 052 | 10 | |
Randle A(( |
Jan. 1-16, (( |
Antlerless | WM | Elk Area 053 | 15 | |
Boistfort(( |
Jan. 1-16, (( |
Antlerless | WM | Elk Area 054 | 20 | |
Yale(( |
Nov. 26-Dec. 15 | 3 Pt. Min. or Antlerless | WM | GMU 554 | 75 | |
Satsop | Oct. 6-14 | Antlerless | WM | GMU 651 | 10 | |
North River*i | Nov. 26-Dec. 15 | Antlerless | WM | GMU 658 | 20 | |
North Minot
(( |
Oct. (( |
Antlerless | WM | (( |
30 | |
Raymond Aj | Oct. 1-31 | Antlerless | WM | Part of GMUs 506 and 673k | 15 |
kThat part of GMUS 506 and 673 within 1 mile of SR6 between the east end of Elk Prairie Rd. and the Mallis Landing Rd.
((**)) n That part of GMU 162 east of North Touchet Rd, ((outside)) excluding National Forest. Mostly private land, winter road closures in GMU
((***That part of GMU 660 north of the River-Brooklyn Road.))
Archery (( Note-Fire closures may limit access during September seasons. |
Blue Creek D | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 154 | 2 | |
Dayton C | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 162 | (( |
Tucannon C | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 166 | (( |
Wenaha D | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 169 | (( |
Mountain View C | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 172 | (( |
Couse F | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 181 | 1 | |
Grande Ronde C | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 186 | 1 | |
Peaches Ridge C | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMUs 336, 346 | (( |
Observatory C | Sept. 1-14 | Any (( |
EA | GMUs 340, 342, 371 | (( |
Goose Prairie C | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMUs 352, 356 | (( |
Bethel D | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 360 | (( |
Rimrock D | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 364 | (( |
Cowiche D | Sept. 1-14 | Any Bull | EA | GMU 368 | (( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Margaret D | Sept. 1-14 | 3 Pt. Min. | WA | GMU 524 | (( |
Toutle D | Sept. 1-14 | 3 Pt. Min. | WA | GMU 556 | ((64)) 55 | |
Olympic C | Sept. 1-14 | 3 Pt. Min. | WA | GMU 621h | ((4)) 6 | |
Quinault | Nov. 21-Dec. 15 | Antlerless | WA | That part of GMU 638 in the Quinault drainage | 20 | |
Mashel Bi | Jan. (( |
Antlerless | WA | Part of GMU
654(( |
((25)) 40 | |
Raymond Bi | (( |
Antlerless | WA | Part of GMUs 506
and 673(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Satsop | Sept. 1-14 | 3 Pt. Min. or Antlerless | WA | GMU 651 | 15 | |
Tanwax | Jan. 12-21, 2002 | Antlerless | WA | GMU 652, excluding areas bounded by Highways 167, 410, and 164. | 35 |
jDamage hunt.
((***)) k That part of GMUs 506 and 673 within 1 mile of SR 6 between the east end of Elk Prairie Rd and the Mallis Landing Rd.
((*)) l That part of GMU 621 north and west of Jimmy Come Lately Creek and the Gray Wolf River.
((**)) m That part of GMU 654 south of the Puyallup River.
Advanced Hunter Education (AHE) Graduate Special Elk Permit Hunts (only AHE graduates may apply). | ||||||
Toledo B | Jan. 17-31,
(( |
Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Elk Area 029 | (( |
Mossyrock B | Jan. 17-31,
(( |
Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Elk Area 052 | 10 | |
Randle B | Jan. 17-31,
(( |
Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Elk Area 053 | 15 | |
Quinault Ridge | Oct. 1-10 | 3-Pt. Min or Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | GMU 638 | 5 | |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
Chehalis Valley A | Sept. 15-30 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Elk Area 066 | 10 | |
Chehalis Valley B | Oct. 1-31 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Elk Area 066 | 10 | |
Chehalis Valley C | Nov. 15-30 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Elk Area 066 | 10 | |
Chehalis Valley E | Jan. 1-31, 2002 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Elk Area 066 | 10 | |
Chehalis Valley F | Feb. 1-28, 2002 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Elk Area 066 | 10 |
Persons of Disability Only - Special Elk Permit Hunts | ||||||
Observatory D | Oct. 24-Nov. 7 | Any Elk | EF or EM | GMUs 340, 342 | (( |
Little Naches C | Oct. 1-10 | Any Elk | EF, EM, EA | GMU 346 | (( |
Little Naches D | Oct. 30-Nov. 7 | Antlerless | EF, EM, EA | GMU 346 | (( |
Centralia Mine A | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Portion of GMU
667(( |
(( |
Centralia Mine B | Nov. (( |
Antlerless Only | Any Elk Tag | Portion of GMU
667(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
(( |
North Shore A | Oct. 1-31 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Part of GMU
658(( |
5 | |
North Shore B | Dec. 1-31 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Part of GMU
658(( |
5 | |
North Shore C | Jan. 1-31,
(( |
Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Part of GMU
658(( |
5 | |
Skookumchuck A | Nov. 17-25 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | GMU 667 | 4 | |
Skookumchuck B | Dec. 6-16 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | GMU 667 | 4 | |
Chehalis Valley D | Dec. 1-31 | Antlerless | Any Elk Tag | Elk Area 066 | 15 |
((**)) p That part of GMU 658 south and west of SR 105 between Raymond and North River Bridge.
((***Firearm Restriction Area - Hunters may use only muzzleloader equipment.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), 232-28-279, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
Reviser's note: The typographical errors in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.